Chapter 3

As the day of Suzan's duel comes, her first opponent is Prince Wales of Morning.A. When Suzan is in her tent for preparing the thing that she should use in the duel. "Suzan why didn't you tell us about yourself as a vampire?" said Edward and Simon while just entering Suzan's tent. Suzan turn back to look at them and say: "I just scared that you'll leave me alone and doesn't want to talk to me." "#sigh# We'll always love you no matter what you are because you're our little sister, our princess and our heart." The tears of Suzan just came down her face and she start to hug Edward and Simon and say: "You're the best brother..." Edward then pick up Suzan's sword meanwhile Simon pick up Suzan's bow and arrow and give them to her and cheer her up: "Go take them down and remember we'll always support you!" Suzan's smiling face now has appear, Edward and Simon's heart is melted away again.

Soon, "Edward! Simon! I won!" shouted Suzan happily while running to her brother's seat. Then Suzan jumped towards them and they catch her just right in time. "Congratulations, little sis!" wished Edward and Simon to Suzan. "Suzan, get some rest before the second match." Say the king to Suzan. Then Suzan hug his father, the king, and show him her cute puppy eyes and ask: "Don't you happy to see me that I've won the duel?" Her father just pat her head and say: "Congratulations. Now go and get some rest." Suzan smile happily to her father and say: "Yes, sir!" and go to her tent with Lily.

While Suzan was inside her tent with Lily, Edward and Simon hear some of the men were talking about Suzan:
"Did you saw what happened just now?" "Yeah, the princess won the duel with just one-strike." "No one in the world can do that beside..." " 'Beside' what?" "I think she's a vampire." "What?! That doesn't make any sense, even if we told it in front of the public." Edward and Simon were startled after heard those men word. They quickly get out from that place and go to their secret place somewhere and discuss about Suzan's secret.
Meanwhile, Suzan and Lily were discussing...
"Your highness please you have to do it now or you'll be a crazy killing machine tonight." Said Lily to Suzan. "I don't want to do it! Beside why do you so care about me?" ask Suzan. Lily just look at the ground and dumb herself. "Lily?" "You don't remember who did this to you right?" "What do you mean, Lily?" Lily quickly hug Suzan with tears run down her face and say: "Please! I don't want your highness turned into a monster like my brother did!" "You have a brother?" "Yes..." "What do you mean by saying your brother a monster?" "I can't tell anything about him to you, your highness." Suzan squeeze Lily's arm while look into her face and ask: "Why do you protest to answer my question? Tell me!" Lily's hair turned white, Suzan was terrified by Lily's changes and ask: "Are you a..." "Yes. But about my brother, I don't even knew him well yet I never knew we were siblings." Suzan tongue-tied after hearing those word from Lily.

Chapter 3~Complete
