The Day of the Date

You woke up at 10:00am the next morning, which was way past the time you usually wake up. You got up and headed down to the living room to get some breakfast or lunch... brunch?
You got down to the living room to find everyone, but Loki there, they all turned to you giving you a smile. You smiled back and made your way to the kitchen.
"Are you exited for tonight?" Natasha asked you teasingly as you got your brunch ready. You thought for a minute, your morning brain completely useless to come up for what you were doing tonight, heck you didn't even know what day of the week it was, man you were drained from your past few days.
"You don't even know what I'm asking about do you?" Natasha laughed.
"Is that really a surprise." You shrugged, "I forget everything. But tell me what day it is then maybe I will remember"
"It's Saturday." Natasha laughed at you.
Your face paled at that. "It's Saturday!?" You asked frantically. "Already?!"
      "Yep." Natasha confirmed, "are you ready for tonight?"
      "No! I have a date!" You stressed. "With Loki!"
"Yep." Natasha confirmed again, she was being awfully unhelpful.
"I don't know what we are doing, where we are going, or even what to wear!"
"I'm sure Loki can answer all those questions." Natasha added helpfully.
You nodded thinking that was a good idea, you could ask Loki what you were going to do tonight and what to wear. Then you turned to Natasha again. "How do I act on a date?" You asked her, you were sure she knew how to act on a date, she was a spy after all, they knew everything.
"Um... like yourself?"
"Yeah right." You said rolling your eyes in disbelief, "no really, how do I act on a date?"
      "Like yourself." Natasha told you again. "Listen (y/n) Loki likes you for you. Just be yourself and everything will turn out fine."
"This is true." Thor said coming up behind you joining into your conversation patting you on the shoulder. "My brother has taken a liking to you. You have nothing to be concerned with."
"Oh but I do." You countered with certainty, "I'm 18 I've been on, a few dates, each one of them bad."
"They couldn't have been that bad." Natasha reassured you.
"Oh no." You laughed, "they were bad. My first date we went to a party at a park with my dates friends. My date went off without me to go play basketball with his friends while he told me to watch. I tried to talk to some other people that were there, but they were all interested in was talking to their date. So I ended up sitting underneath the shade of a tree for five hours, by myself! Then when it was time to go home my date forgot about me and left me at the park. I didn't have a car with me because my date drove me so I had to call my parents to come pick me up! Or my second date we went with some friends to go see some Christmas lights. It was fun at first but as the night went on more and more people kept coming, I got distracted by some cool Christmas lights and went one way while my group went the other way. I was then lost by myself for three hours trying to find my group again. Or my third date when we went to a dance and my date just stood by the wall and watched me dance by myself, yet again. I tried to include him but he kept insisting that he had two left feet. No matter what I did he wouldn't participate in anything."
"Wait. Was that all with the same guy?" Natasha asked trying hard not to laugh.
"No, each one was with a different date." You told them. That's when the whole room burst into laughter.
"You got left behind." Natasha laughed.
"You got lost." Tony wheezed.
"Now you see. I need pointers. I don't know how a good date is supposed to go. And I really like Loki." You added the last part quietly with a blush.
Thor saw the worry in your eyes and patted you on the shoulder. "Don't fret lady (y/n), my brother thinks highly of you. He wants you to have a good time. I can assure you he will not leave you deserted at the end of the outing."
"Leave you deserted where?" Came Loki's honey smooth accent as he stepped out of the elevator. He saw Thor with his hand placed gently on your shoulder and shot him a glare. He liked you and no way was he going to let his brother try to take you from him for himself. Thor raised his hands up in surrender making a show of not touching you.
"Lady (y/n) is simply voicing her concerns for tonight's... date." Thor said the word date like it was foreign, which it probably was.
Loki's eyes shot over at you with a hint on panic in them. "Are you having second thoughts." Loki asked trying to keep the panic out of his voice. He failed miserably, even he could hear the panic in his voice.
"No." You quickly reassured Loki almost to quickly. "I was just telling the team that I'm nervous about our date because I've never had a good one. All of my dates have been terrible. Some more terrible then others but all of them terrible."
"She got forgotten by her date at the park." Tony laughed practically rolling on the floor. "And she had to call her parents to come pick her up."
Loki looked at you inquisitively and you could practically see the gears turning in his head trying to tell if anyone was lying to him, which non of you were. "Yep." You confirmed a little sadly. "That happened." It wasn't the fact that you like the guy who had forgotten you at the park, he was your neighbor and you thought he was a good kid you just didn't like him that way. But when he left you and completely forgot about you it made you think you did something wrong. You probably did, I mean seriously, how many people completely forget the brought a date with them to a party?
"I promise love, I won't forget you." Loki said with true kindness in his voice. It caught everyone in the room, other then you, off guard to hear Loki being so kind. He was carful around the tower to not let anyone see his caring side other then you.
        "I know Loki," you said giving him a small smile. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you. I didn't  ever want you to think I was having second thoughts about going on a date with you. I just have bad luck with dates in general."
"Don't apologize love, I understand." You gave Loki a true smile then went back to making brunch.
"So," You asked Loki after you ate your brunch, going over to him. He was sitting on his couch reading a book. "What are we doing?"
"I am currently reading while you are interrupting me." Loki reapplied teasingly.
"No Loki." You sighed in exasperation rolling your eyes. "What are we doing for the date tonight?"
"That, my dear, is a surprise." He said teasingly not once taking his eyes off of his book.
"Then how am I supposed to know what I should wear?" You asked him matter of factly cocking one of your eyebrows.
"I will pick out your clothing for this evenings outing." He said simply. Most girls would never let their friend who is a boy, who is taking them out on a date, pick their outfits out, for said date. But you weren't like most girls, as long as you didn't look like trash and if it was comfortable you couldn't care less about what you were wearing, and you knew Loki would never let you look like trash. If you looked like trash then that was your own fault.
"Ok." You agreed, you then took a seat on the couch picking up the T.V remote. "Just tell me when to go get ready I have no idea when we are leaving." Loki nodded his head once and you turned on the TV to relax a little bit before your date with Loki.
"I would suggest going to get ready." Loki said calmly after a while. You were still sitting on the couch watching TV with Loki reading his book. You nodded and jumped to your feet enthusiastically almost tripping, then went up to your room to get ready.
       You went into your room to find Loki's outfit for you already laying out on your bed. A plain white t-shirt, black ripped jeans, and a cute blue jean button up jacket, there was also some white converse shoes to go along with the outfit. You threw on the outfit and went to the bathroom to do your hair and makeup.
        You decided to curl your hair then braid half of it in a half up half down look. Your makeup wasn't anything fancy, just some foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and a little bit of lip gloss. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled.
      "Yep." You talked to your mirror self looking back at you. "I look cute tonight." You admired the outfit Loki picked out for you, you were right to trust him with fashion. It was cute and comfortable, you liked it. You turned and walked out of your bathroom heading to your bedroom door. You opened the door to find Loki standing there looking like he was about to knock.
        Loki was wearing black jeans, black shoes, and a button up hunter green dress shirt. His hair was brushed and slicked back out but fell loosely around his shoulders in loose curls. Like smiled down at you  looking as sexy as ever, with excitement and a hint of nervousness in his eyes.
      "You looked lovely love." Loki complimented you, looking you over seeing his outfit choice on you. You couldn't blame him, after all you were doing the same thing to him just a second ago. You blushed your face heating up at the compliment but then quickly got over it.
       "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." You told him, though that was a understatement because Loki was looking as good looking as ever.
       "High praises coming from you." Loki replied with a smirk playing on his face, he looked good and he knew it. You rolled your eyes at the silly trickster. "Shall we head off then?" Loki asked holding out his arm like the gentleman he was to escort you down.
      "We shall." You agreed with him placing your hand in the crook of his elbow allowing him to lead you. He smiled down at you with true joy in his eyes then started walking with you on his arm.
When you and Loki got into the elevator he looked down at you on his arm and smiled. Yes he could get used to this. "I'm sorry love, but we will have to stop by the living room. The team wishes to see us off."
"That's ok Loki." You told him cheerfully smiling up at him, "I also need to grab a pair of keys for one of Tony's cars before we go anyway." Loki smiled and nodded.
The two of you stepped out of the elevator to find the whole team sitting on the couch just staring at you. "Were you guys just sitting here waiting for us to come down?" You asked them in mocked anger.
"Maybe..." Tony replied with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes in exasperation and that's when you realized the team was going to be just as bad as your parents, seeing you off on your dates. "You'er all pathetic." You informed them with a slight giggle.
"Oh, we know." Tony informed you which just caused you to roll your eyes again.
"We are only here to bid our goodbyes for the evening." Loki informed the group cutting off yours and Tony's little squabble.
"And to get keys." You added.
"And to get keys." Loki agreed with you.
"Which reminds me, Tony what car can we use?" You asked Tony politely.
       "Any of them." Tony replied casually, "just don't crash or scratch any of them." You brought your hand up to your forehead and gave him a salute before letting go of Loki's arm and going of to find some keys.
       Loki watched you go before looking back at the group of super heroes. Most of them were watching yours and Loki's interaction warily not trusting Loki actually liked you. Most of them thought it was just a show though they would never tell Loki to his face. Thor on the other hand was giving his brother a goofy smile that was even goofier then usual smile, if that was even possible. Loki rolled his eyes and huffed not liking all the attention that was now fully on him without you there.
        You came back and you could see the relief in Loki's eyes that you were back. You gave him a confused look, you had only been gone for a few moments surly the team couldn't have been that bad. You gave Loki a smile walking up to him and placing your hand in the crook of his arm once again. Loki lead you out and you waved goodbye to the team. When you got down to Tony's garage you turned to Loki giving him a bright smile asking him the question that had been burning in your mind all day.
       "So, where are we going?"
