Seems You've Made a Friend

"This is your room." Natasha told you as she opened the door. She walked in and you fallowed behind her. The room was ginormous and wonderfully decorated. There were chairs and couches with pillows and blankets that had horses on them. A desk to do your homework at, and the cutest bed with so many colors. The theme of the room was overwhelmingly cowgirl.

"Thank you so much!" You thanked Natasha who was watching explore your new room. "But you guys really didn't need to do all this." You gestured around the room.

"Decorate it?" Natasha asked, you nodded. "I helped a little but it wasn't my idea."

"Then who..." you got cut off by a little girl bursting into your room, running in to hug you.

"(Y/N)!" Morgan yelled as she ran in.

"Morgan!" You said happily, you knelt down to be on her level and she wrapped her arms around your neck giving you a big hug. You hugged her back happy to see her.

"Do you like your room?" Morgan asked after the hug.

"I love it." Morgan smiled, happy you liked the room. You knew it was her who had the idea and probably picked most the stuff out but you had to have your fun. "Whoever designed it has remarkable taste. I wish I knew who it was." You smirked.

"It was me!" Morgan said pointing to her self smiling brightly at you.

"It was you?" You asked in fake surprise.

"It was!" Morgan giggled.

"You have an eye for design, it's beautiful." You told her with a smile. Morgan was so happy you approved of her work. She giggled and took your hand. She dragged you around the room showing you everything she did. You let her give you her tour and complemented her on her amazing room designing skills. She blushed and giggled happy she now had a new friend in the tower. Natasha watched the two of yours interaction and smiled. She knew Morgan was going to be your new little friend and was hardly ever going leave you alone.

"I want to show you my room." Morgan exclaimed after she was done showing you every nook and cranny in your room.

"Ok, but we should probably ask Natasha if you can." You didn't want to overstep your welcome and do anything you weren't supposed to do.

"I was going to give you a tour of the tower." Natasha shrugged. "But Morgan could probably do it better then I could, and in more detail." Morgan beamed at the praise and Natasha smirked at you. You smirked right back. You were the oldest in your family you had three younger brothers and sisters and you had younger cousins, you knew how kids worked. You knew Morgan was never going to leave you alone now that she basically adopted you as her older sister. You didn't mind though, and thought it was cute.

"Come on." Morgan said taking your hand and leading you out of the room. "I'm going to show you around." You smiled down at her and let her lead you around giving you her very detailed tour of the tower. You heard Natasha laughing at your new predicament.


It was getting late when Tony found you and Morgan in her room. She was showing you all of her toys and pretty dresses. You played along complementing her on everything she brought out.

"Hey you two kids," Tony greeted you as he walked in smiling at Morgan's new friend. "Dinners ready. Time to eat."

"But dad we are playing!" Morgan whined.

"I can see that." Tony said smirking at you. "But I'm sure (y/n) is hungry." You nodded your head in agreement. "See! I'm sure (y/n) will play with you latter."

"But dad..." Morgan whined tying to get her dad to see reason.

"I promise I will play with you latter." You cut Morgan off smiling at her. "But I'm hungry and I'm sure your hungry too." Morgan looked like she was about to argue when you said, "if you come down and eat with us you can sit by me." Morgan lit up at the idea of sitting by you.

"With the other Avengers to?" She asked. You didn't know this but the Starks usually ate on their own floor for dinner. Sometimes they would eat with everyone but sense Loki showed up Tony had been extra careful not letting Moran go near him.

"Yes." Tony agreed, knowing that was the only way to get Morgan to happily eat.

"Yes!" Morgan celebrated taking your hand and dragging you off to diner with Tony fallowing close behind the two of you. Morgan dragged you to dinner and the both of you ate with everyone.

           Steve told you that you were excused from all of your classes for a week and your friends said they would exercise and take care of Blaze for you. He wanted you to start on your training tomorrow and get you used to the exercises they were going to teach. You were a little bummed out that you couldn't go riding for a week but excepted it. After dinner Tony took a sleepy Morgan to bed and said goodnight to everyone.

         You were helping clean up when a thought came to you. "Has Loki eaten yet?" You asked looking at everyone. "He wasn't at dinner."

         "No he hasn't." Thor said a little sadly. "Morgan came down to eat with us, and Tony doesn't trust Loki around her."

         "None of us trust Loki around anyone who can't defend themselves." Clint said with disgust.

           "So he's just not going to eat?" You asked frowning. That did not seem right to you. You knew why Loki was here, it was all over the news. Loki was here to make up for his crimes, Thor vouched for him. He said it was mind control. You looked around and saw everyone's disgust for the trickster, and to be honest it broke your heart.

           "Thor will take him his dinner." Natasha told you still looking unhappy that Loki was even in the tower to begin with.

         "I can take him his dinner." You volunteered. Everyone looked at you like you where crazy.

          "That is a kind offer Lady (y/n) but Loki is...unpredictable." Thor told you looking wary at the idea.

         "His room is literately right next to mine." You countered. "Plus I'm living in this tower to get to know the team. Last I checked Loki is part of the team."

          "He's dangerous." Natasha said trying to convince you that this was a bad idea.

          "So is Blaze." No one looked convinced, you sighed. "Look, I ride on a half ton wild animal for fun. I do dangerous things all the time. Loki hasn't given me any reason not to trust him while I've been here. Yes I have only been here a day but until he gives me reason to not trust him I will treat him just like another member of the team." You sounded a lot more confident then you felt. You weren't scared of Loki but you were scared of overstepping your boundaries.

        Thor looked at you approvingly and so did Steve. "Well if that's how you really feel Lady (y/n) then you may take dinner to my brother." Thor said warmly, pleased that you would, at least, give Loki a chance.

           You looked at Steve and you could tell from the glint in his eyes that he approved of your out burst. Steve may not like Loki but he liked you. Him and Tony were the ones that convinced everyone else to give you a chance at becoming a hero. Steve saw something in you that no one else did and was happy you could prove him right. You were different, in a good way.

       So you got Loki his dinner and went up to the floor you were both on. When you got to Loki's door you knocked on it and took a step back. You could hear Loki moving around and footsteps coming to open the door. When he opened it he had on a ice cold expression expecting to see Thor there. Then a flash of surprise crossed his eye to see you there, a little human girl who was smiling up at him with such warmth it made him relax, just a little.

           "What are you doing here?" Loki asked you with no emotion in his voice.

          "I'm here to bring you your dinner." You told him happily handing him his plate full of food. "I'm sorry that you couldn't eat with us." Your voice had true sorrow in it and that confused Loki.

         "Why would you be apologizing to me?" Loki's voice was careful not to show any emotion at all.

         "Because it was partially my fault. Morgan was showing me around the tower all day. She kinda adopted me as her older sister. When dinner time rolled around she didn't want to eat, so I offered for her to sit by me. She came down to dinner with everyone else because I invited her to. I didn't know you would be the one that would be kicked out, and I am truly sorry." Loki heard the truth in your words and the tone in your voice, you were truly sorry you unknowingly kicked him out of dinner.

Loki was shocked. No one had been nice to him after the battle in New York other then his mother. He looked down at you in shock then quickly turned his expression cold again.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Loki asked thinking you wanted something from him. You looked up at him and shrugged.

"You haven't given me a reason to treat you any differently."

"Don't you remember New York?" Loki said in disgust.

"I do." You agreed. "But your brother made it pretty clear it was mind control. Plus your here now trying to make amends. I respect you for that. It can't easy coming to a whole planet full of people you've wronged." You paused for a moment looking at Loki to gage his attitude towards you but you were met with his ice cold gaze. "I just want you to know that I don't blame you for what happened." Then you smiled up at him brightly trying to lighten up the mood. "Enjoy your dinner, have a good night." And with that that you turned on your heal and headed straight for your room, which was only a few doors down.

        Loki watched you go. He was even more interested, or confused about you now. He decided he would humor you and try to find out what exactly made you tick,though he had no interest in becoming friends with a silly little mortal.
