Chapter 3: Loss

Sheeba and the others look for Mother Raccoon after not finding her in the burrow. They look through the grass, in the trees, the whole forest, but no sign of her. Sheeba was about to give up hope, until she heard a loud noise in the distance. It sounded like rusty metal or something closing, and immediately the four ran towards the sound.

When they got there, Sheeba's eyes water when she saw something she NEVER wanted to see. Mother Raccoon lies on the ground, a bear trap had closed around her head and she breathes weakly. She runs over to her, tears falling down her face, "Mother...." Mother Raccoon weakly lifts her head, looking at the small human girl and uses her tail to wipe her tears.

A faint thunder was heard and Sheeba falls to her knees and then she struggles to get the bear trap off her mother. The other three children help until the trap snaps open and Sheeba moves her mother away from it and puts her head in her lap, crying, "Mother please....we can find help..." Her mother softly smiles, "Sweetheart...there's barely any help left...the other humans aren't what they used to be anymore...they're not what they seem."

Sheeba sniffles and wipes her tears, shaking, "But I can't leave you..." Mother Raccoon smiles and gently licks the young child's cheek, "You have to...I promise, no matter where you are, I'll always be by your side." She lays her head on the ground and closes her eyes, and Sheeba holds her mother close, sobbing. Suddenly, a loud thunder strikes and rain starts pouring from the sky. Six quietly walks over to Sheeba and hugs her gently, Mono and Seven joining in.

Sheeba felt their embrace, and she sniffles, looking at her raccoon mother laying motionless on the wet grass as rain pours. The three help her stand up and give her another embrace. She takes a deep breath and clears her throat, "Where are we supposed to go?...There's really no where we can go." Mono pats her head, "We'll find somewhere. Somewhere safe, warm.." He looks up at the sky as rain pours, "And dry too." 

That made Sheeba chuckle a bit, and she turned her head to see Seven holding a couple flowers and laying then by Mother Raccoon, "I thought she might want something..." Sheeba smiles, "Thank you..." She picks up her mask and puts it on and over her head, "Let's find some shelter before the rain gets worse." They all agree and with one last small hug, Sheeba left her mother and went with the three children to find shelter from the storm.





