Chapter 10: Sacrifice

The four children slowly approach what was left of the Signal Tower, and it was in shambles and ruins. They go inside the ruins carefully and examine what was left as they look at the fleshy substance with eyes that covered the building and there little left of what was once there. They stay close together because the place may be in pieces, but it's still a maze.

Sheeba stays behind the group, looking around and all the flesh and the eyes watching them walk by. She started having a bad feeling as she walked, like they weren't alone, like something other than they eyes were with them. She felt her heart racing as they continued and she squeals when she stepped onto revealing flesh that was on the floor and she bumps into Six. She pants and holds her hands up, "Sorry..." "It's fine," Six replied and they continued. 

As they continue forward, trying to navigate through the ruins, there was a soothing sound of music playing and it echoed throughout the building. The children go from room to room, up stairs and finally they come across an old room, filled with floating toys and Mono and Six started having flashbacks.

Mono, Six and Seven look around and Sheeba pants, walking slowly and she picks up a small monkey with cymbals and holds it close. She looks through her mask at all the floating toys and she sees the three children going through the door where they came in from and she quickly follows to catch up. They continue on until they get to a bigger room which was completely destroyed. 

Sheeba looks around, seeing broken furniture, walls, the floor, everything was a huge mess. They arrive into a room filled with flesh and broken walks and Sheeba pants, starting to freak out. Suddenly, she heard the voices again and looks around, trying to figure out what was going on and who was talking to her. She looks around and she freezes when she sees the familiar shadow entity in the distance. 

It stared at her and she moves her eyes to see Mono and the others walking and she looks back at the entity before making a run for it, making the entity charge for her. Sheeba pants and she tries to get them to hurry, "Run! It's back!" "What's back?" Mono turned around to see the entity coming towards them. The children run as fast as they can until they get to an abyss with a long jump that neither of them can make. 

Mono uses his powers to bring the exit close to them, but only got it halfway when they shadow made noises, "We have to jump across and catch each other." He runs as fast as he could and jumps and pulls himself up. Six jumps after him and he catches her and pulls her up, then they do the same for Seven. The only one left was Sheeba and she freezes, feeling too scared to jump, but she had to because the shadow started getting closer to her.

She jumps and Seven and Six just barely caught her, but the shadow entity caught her as well and was trying to pull her down and it became a tug of war. Mono tried his best to help but the shadow was too strong, and Sheeba looks up at them, "It wants me....I can't put you guys in danger...." Six growls, struggling, "N-No....we can get you up here...." She felt Sheeba's hands slipping from her grip and the three children had tears falling down their faces as Sheeba said, "Thank you guys for being my friends...." She lets her hands slip, letting the shadow take her. "NOO!!" The three children yelled and without thinking, they jumped after her into the dark abyss of flesh.






