Chapter 12-Stress & Silver Boxes & Stress & Chats & Stress Part 1


I yawned and wearily rolled over, shifting to sit upright in the bed.

The clock read 6:58 am.

I groaned and kicked off the covers.

The night I actually get a full night's sleep will be the same night bloody hell freezes over.

I rolled out of bed and ruffled my hair, stretching my arms above my head.

I glanced around the room looking for the sweats I'd been wearing the night before, picking them up and slipping them over my boxers.

I ruffled my hair again and quietly opened the door, slipping into the hall, careful not to wake anyone else in the house up, as always.

I drifted down the hall to my familiar room, reaching into my pocket for the key. I slipped it into the lock, twisting and squeaked the door open, peeking into the room before entering and swiftly shutting it back silently.

I stood there, looking at Natalie, sleeping peacefully in my bed, her leg hanging off the side uncovered.

I sighed and walked over to her, lifting her leg back onto the mattress and tucking it softly under the blankets.

She was like a little girl.

And while she annoyed the hell out of me and I couldn't wait to get her home, a part of me didn't want to have to drag her through all this shit in the first place.

It was like I wanted to protect her and keep her innocent or some dumb shit like that.

Oh bloody hell, I don't even know.

But the punishments were unavoidable because while I had sympathy for her, she still had to know who was in charge.

I just wanted her home and out of here.

Back to where we both belonged.

She wasn't supposed to cross paths with someone like me and I was done babysitting her.

It was fun to mess with her because she was so clueless and it amused me.

But at the end of the day, she was just another thing on my plate.

Another fucking thing to worry about.

"Do you ever sleep?" She said groggily into the pillow.

"Sorry I woke you." I said, walking over to the walk-in closet and pulling a shirt off the hanger, slipping it over my head.

She didn't say anything as she rose up in the bed to look at me over her shoulder.

"What?" I asked, leaning in the door frame of my closet, looking at her expectantly.

"I don't know." She said as she shrugged. "I just wanted to see if you looked as tired as I expected you to."

"Do I?" I said as I rolled my eyes, walking across the room to my dresser.

"Not really." She said.

I looked at her through my mirror, my back to her while she played with a strand of her brown hair, staring at the ceiling.

"Wonderful. I'm going to take a shower." I said dully, grabbing the clothes I'd dug out of my dresser and shuffling toward the bathroom. "The door is unlocked, but I don't want you to go downstairs without me, clear?" I asked, looking at her tiredly.

"Okay." She said as she nodded. "I won't."

As the steamy water rained down my body, I couldn't help but think of all the ways this whole Marc thing could go wrong.

Could she really handle something like this?

The answer was no.

But she was going to have to.

We just needed her to keep her shit together for ten minutes. To act like she wasn't foreign to literally everything except church for ten minutes.

And if she couldn't, then what?

I ran a hand down my face.

I don't even know why I was so worried about this. Maybe because it was Marc and we really did hate him so much and want to get him back for what he did to us so bad.

But still.

If she fucks up, she fucks up.

It's only my problem if he finds out she's with us.

I shut off the water and slowly got dressed after brushing my teeth.

When I opened the door, Natalie was sitting in the bed, her legs crisscrossed, looking at me.

"You take really long showers." She noted.

"Sometimes." I said, leaning on the dresser and examining her on the bed. "How are you going to do your hair and makeup Friday?" I asked, more to myself than her.

"How would you like me to do it?" She asked, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Hmm." I said as I walked over to her and ran a hand through her hair, positioning it up to into a makeshift ponytail, leaving her hair in the back down before letting it go. "Maybe half up, half down."

I turned away from her and walked over to my closet, where I'd hung up her dress.

"What do you think would match this?" I said, holding it up.

"Maybe dark eyes and a light lipgloss." She said, shrugging. "And yeah, I think hair half up, too." She said, nodding.

"Do you need anything for Friday? Makeup? Shoes?--Oh. I forgot to get shoes." I said, realizing that I hadn't even considered them or accessories to match the dress.

"I have plenty of shoes and makeup at my house." She said, getting up from the bed and walking over to me, running a hand down the dress. "I definitely have something to match this."

"Are you sure? Because I could easily just--"

"No, it's not necessary, Trevor. Thank you." She interrupted.

"Do you want me to get you some things from your house to help you get ready for tomorrow night?" I offered.

She nodded.

"I can tell you where everything is, if you'd like to write it down or something."

I nodded and pulled out my phone, opening up notes, before looking at her expectantly.

"Do you remember the way my room is set up?" She asked, referring to the time I'd already been to her room and filled her duffle with her grandma and nun looking ass clothes that she loved so much.

"Vaguely. I do, however, remember your horrible taste in clothing." I stated.

She rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Anyways," She continued, "Go over to my vanity and open the third drawer down and take the pink makeup case, then walk into the bathroom linked to my room and grab the curling iron from under the cabinet. Are you getting all of this?" She paused to let me finish typing.


"Okay, then go to my closet and on the very top shelf, you'll see a few shoe boxes. Grab the silver one and check to make sure the black heels are still in it and if not, then they'll probably be lying on the closet floor with my other heels or something." She finished.

"Is that all?" I asked, not wanting to forget anything.

"Yeah, I think so. Read it back to me." She signaled.

"Vanity; third drawer down; pink makeup bag, bathroom cabinet; curling iron, closet; top shelf; silver box; black heels."

I looked up from my phone after I was done reading to see if she was satisfied.

She appeared to be thinking.

"One more thing. Back to the vanity, there will be multiple bottles of perfume sitting atop it. Take your pick of one and that should be all." She said, shrugging.

"Any of them?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like them all. It doesn't matter. Thank you." She said.

"No problem." I said, turning and opening the door just in time to see Stefan climbing down the stairs.

"Aye, c'mere." I called to him.

He turned around and leaned on the banister.

"Whaddup?" He said, sounding like he just woke up.

"Watch Natalie for me, will you? I have to go get some things for tomorrow night." I said.

He nodded.

"No problem, mate. Where is she?" He asked.

I jabbed a thumb behind me, signaling to my room.

"In here. She's going to shower and if she's not down within a half hour, come get her. Make sure she eats breakfast and then just let her watch TV or something until I get back." I said, loud enough for Natalie to hear me as well.

Stefan pretended to salute me and I chuckled.

"Thanks, mate."

"Mhm." Was all he said as he leisurely finished climbing down the stairs.

I turned back around to face Natalie.

"Be downstairs in thirty minutes." I repeated to her and she nodded. "Be a good girl while I'm gone, okay?" I said, grabbing my keys from the dresser. "No acting up." I warned.

"Okay, I promise." She said.

"I mean it. I don't want to have to punish you today and quite frankly, I don't have time." I added firmly. "Not that you want me to, right?" I said, glancing at her.

"No!" She said quickly.

I smiled.

"Good. I'll be back in a while." I said, swinging the door shut, leaving it unlocked as I headed downstairs.

To my surprise, all the guys were up.

"Stefan's on babysitting duty, I see." Darry said, smirking, a glass of orange juice in front of him as he sat shirtless at the kitchen table.

I rolled my eyes, jokingly.

"Somebody's gotta do it. Might as well be the greatest!" Stefan called from the living room.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes again.

"Just watch her, would you?" I said, laughing, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"So, you really think the child of God upstairs can slut it up enough for Marc?" Ian asked, entering the kitchen with an empty cereal bowl.

"We'll find out tomorrow night I guess." I said, shrugging.

He nodded, dropping his bowl in the sink and walking toward the living room before he stopped, noticing my car keys in my hand and signaled to them.

"Where are you going?"

"To get Natalie some things for tomorrow." I said, throwing the keys up in the air and catching them.

He nodded, not really caring and walked on into the living room, plopping down beside Stefan on the couch.

"Don't be gone too long. She'll start to miss you." Stefan said, smirking at me, turning his head and looking over the back of the couch.

"Very funny." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I wonder if she still thinks we're going to cook her and eat her." Ian piped up. "If Darry or any of us even look at her, she runs to you."

I laughed and shrugged.

"Women don't often run away from me. Prisoner or not." I said, smirking cockily.

They laughed and I typed in a quick code, opening the front door.

"I'll be back soon." I said promisingly.

"Bye!" Ian yelled from the living room.

I just laughed again and closed the door.

I unlocked my sleek, black Range Rover and hopped in, roaring the engine to life and slowly backing out of the driveway, away from the large house and out of the woods, finally turning onto the main road.

At first, I was afraid that I'd forgotten the way to her house. After all, I'd only been there one time. But once I remembered the neighborhood, it was easy to pick out her house.

I parked a few blocks down as to not look suspicious and walked around to the back door.

I examined the door, knowing it'd be locked.

The last time I was here, I just simply picked it. But I really didn't feel like fooling around out here forever.

I looked around and thought about where they'd hide the spare key.

I glanced at a pot sitting near the door.

I rolled my eyes.

How very typical.

I lifted it up and, sure enough, the key was under it.

I swiped it up and swiftly unlocked the door, letting myself into the dark house.

I didn't waste my time in looking around the place and instead led myself upstairs into Natalie's familiar room, flipping on the light and looking around.

My eyes landed on her white vanity and I pulled out the list on my phone as I walked over to it, immediately jerking open the third drawer and rummaging through it for the pink bag, pulling it out and shutting the drawer with my foot. I unzipped it to make sure it was the right bag and confirmed that it was, considering it was filled with makeup.

I then proceeded to grab a bottle of perfume from the top and read the name.

"Warm and Cozy." I mumbled.

I shook my head no, not even bothering to smell it before I picked up another one.

This one was called 'Be Kissable', which I thought to be ironically perfect for the situation.

I smelled it.

A deep scent with a hint of vanilla.

I decided on it and grabbed the glass bottle along with the bag.

I guess I should've brought something to put this stuff in.

I tossed it all on the bed, heading toward the closet.

I yanked open the doors and strolled my eyes up to the very top shelf.

"Bingo." I mumbled to myself, spotting a silver box toward the back.

I pulled it down and stepped on one of her sneakers, nearly falling.


I caught myself, regaining my balance and looking down at the box in my hands.

I opened it, checking for the heels, only to be met with quite the surprise.

I smirked, sitting on her bed.

"No bloody fucking way."


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