Chapter Twenty-Eight

Sunlight trickles into the room and I press the pillow over my face. I knew those shots were a terrible idea, but truthfully, I don't feel as bad as I thought I would be. Then again, it's my wedding day and even a hangover couldn't ruin it.

I kick the blanket away and leap out of bed. My heart races with excitement as I bound into the main living section. Charlotte has her head on the table and is moaning about how everything hurts. Nora sits across and laughs.

"Good morning." I grin.

Angela places the plates on the table and swings around to smile.

"Good morning, hun." Mum smiles. "How are you feeling?"

"As per usual, hungry." I laugh.

"It's a good thing I've been cooking up all your favourite breakfast foods." She chuckles.

"Thank you so much! Ugh, it smells delicious!"

Charlotte's head snaps up and she frowns. Her brown her hair is matted and there's dark circles under her eyes.

"How are you not hungover?"

"Could be from the pure alcohol I threw up last night."

"That guy deserved it." She wrinkles her nose.

"Um, no, you were the one that threw up on him." Nora giggles. "Nobody deserves to be thrown up on, especially when they're helping you."

"Thank goodness." I sigh with relief. "Because I don't remember doing that."

"Let's eat and drink plenty of water! We've got so much to do," says Mum.

Mum grabs a jug of water and bowl of fruit from the fridge and wanders to the table. We take our seats and I grab a bowl and pile the fruit and yoghurt into it. Mum pours me a glass of water and pats my shoulder.

"Thank you for organising breakfast." I smile.

"I hope Thomas organised something for the boys." Angela bites her lip.

"You could always take them leftovers, I doubt we're going to eat fifteen pancakes." I chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I just, hm, I wanted to make sure there was plenty of food."

"Don't worry, Blake will love the leftovers." I smile.

Once breakfast is over, we clear the table and Charlotte showers. Hopefully, she'll wash away the hangover while she's in there.

Angela and I pack the leftover food into containers while Mum rushes around the house ensuring the bridesmaid dresses are ready to go for the girls.

"I wish I could stay but I should check on the boys! You know how they are, lose a shoe that's right in front of them." She giggles.

"Thank you! It makes me feel better that you're there." I giggle.

Angela tugs me into a hug and kisses my forehead.

"I'll see you soon! You're going to look gorgeous in your wedding gown."

"Thanks! And cya soon." I wave.

Angela leaves and the makeup stylist arrives. I shuffle her into the dining room and plonk a half-dead Charlotte in front of her.

"I know it's a hard task, but I appreciate any improvements." I chuckle.

"Oi, don't be mean to me!" Charlotte pouts.

"Some concealer and highlighter should fix the issue."

"Ah, I love it! Sparkles fixes everything." I smile.

I pat Char's shoulder and turn to Nora.

"You're next for the shower and then makeup."

"Don't you need to shower and do your makeup first?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I'm going last so that there's less of a chance of me ruining it."

"Smart thinking!" She nods.

Whilst she showers, I escape to the bedroom and flop against the bed.

I nuzzle my face into the pillow and sigh with content. The bubble of happiness breaks when I realise I haven't written those stupid vows yet! Ugh, I wish we could skip past the ceremony and to the moment he gets to hold me forever.

My stomach clenches and a nauseous feeling settles. What the hell am I going to do? I can't ask for an extension.

I spring upright and my head spins. I lean against the bed frame and take a deep breath. As I close my eyes, I focus on my erratic heartbeat. Damn, I feel like I'm about to die.

"Everything is okay! Blake wouldn't leave you over crappy vows."

I take another breath but nothing soothes my heart.

I slide off the bed and collect the dressing gown from the bottom of the bed. I swing it one and tie the rope around my waist. On the way out, I grab my phone from the drawer and move to the door.

"I'm going for a walk, be back soon."

"What? You can't leave," Mum shouts.

"Just give me five minutes!"

I close the door and hurry down the pathway. Cool air whips around my body and I can finally breathe. I wander down the pathway and the older woman from across the road frowns. I tug the robe tighter around my body and speed up my pace.

Drinking before my wedding was a terrible idea, even if it was really fun.

My phone rings and I groan.

"I'll be right back-"

"Where'd you go?"

"Blake?" I gasp.

"Yeah." He chuckles. "I would have called earlier, but it's hard to find a payphone, and nobody would give me their phone. I know we're not supposed to talk, but I needed to hear your voice."

"I don't care about traditions, they suck." I laugh.

"So, what's wrong? Where'd you go?"

"Don't be mad but I had too much to drink last night. I thought I needed to walk but maybe I just needed to hear your voice. And don't worry, I'm not running late because Nora is in the shower and Charlotte is having her makeup done."

"I could never be mad at you, Ava." He sighs. "Do you promise everything is alright?"

"Other than the hangover, yes, it's perfect! Angela is even bringing you leftovers of the delicious breakfast we had."

"So, you're not planning to leave me at the altar then?"

"Nope, I'll be the one in the white wedding dress."

"Good because I'm excited and I can't wait to marry you."

"I love you, Blake, I love you so much!"

"Ava, I-" The phone call ends and I groan.

I swing around and hurry back to the house. As I walk through the door, my phone rings.

"Don't worry, I'm back."

Mum races down the hallway with her hand on her chest.

"Where did you go? I thought you were running away."

"Just for a walk, I was feeling sick."

"Are you okay now?"

"I need some more water but other than that, yes! I'll shower so that I can get ready."

"Okay." She nods.

I wander into the bedroomand jump into the shower. Music filters into the room and I start dancing. Ican't believe I'm getting married today!
