Chapter Nine

Blake places an iced tea on the table before taking a seat beside me. He sips from his bottle of beer as he immerses into a conversation with Ben. He talks about the struggles of University while Blake nods his head with pretend interest.

After Blake's shocking scores at school, there was no way he'd get into University. Of course, he had other options, but he shrugged his shoulders and decided construction was a better fit for him. I think Thomas always wanted him to follow in that pursuit.

Me on the other hand, unsure of life, teen pregnancy, grief, the black sheep of the family, to engaged and loving mother of a cheeky toddler made things interesting.  

Then again, there would be no Blake, so there goes my mother's best friend. And we wouldn't have London to fawn over, so there goes some of thenew found happiness in her life. Of course, Thomas and Dad are best buddies, beer, and sport on the weekend, pub lunches during the week. So hey, maybe I did do something right?

I could be anyone, anything, anywhere, but I'm just me, Ava Greyson, or soon to be Ava Rivers. I don't know how I'll adjust to the name change after so many years of being a Greyson. It'll be nice though; new name, new life.

"You both look bored," Axel comments. "Should I save you or Blake?"

"Oh shoot, do I?" I grab the iced tea and sip on the cool liquid. "Save me. Blake can handle his best friend for the night, I can't."

Axel vigorously nods his head. "You look seconds away from falling asleep, although, I don't blame you. Ben is always talking about University, he doesn't know when to shut up. I fell asleep the other night listening to all the work he has."

"Let me guess, he flipped it when he noticed you snoring?"  

"I even have the bruise." Axel lifts his t-shirt sleeve to reveal the remains of the dulling brown bruise.

"How about we play a game of pool?" 

"Sure, I'll even let you win this time." He chuckles.

"Please don't, we can't afford to be here all night." I shake my head.

We take our drinks and nab a pool table. Axel grabs the wooden sticks and passes one to me. I lean it against the edging of the pool table and help Axel round up the balls.

"Do you remember how to play? You were intoxicated that first time. You almost knocked out a passer-by with the cue stick."

"Uh, I don't remember doing that." I frown. "What I remember, is that you shouldn't sink the white one and the object of the game is to knock the opponents balls into the pockets."

"Yes, that's right." He nods. "If you sink, I drink, vice versa and if the white one is sunk, then you drink double. Ready to play?"

I glance towards Blake and then nod. Ben utilises hand gestures to get his point across, there's no going back. We will be here for another three hours.

"I'll break unless you want to?"  

"No, thank you." I shake my head.

Axel splits the cue balls and we begin our game. From his first shot, he knocks out two balls with a thunder crack. I down half the drink and then return for my shot. I line the white ball up and take a shot. The cue stick slides across my finger and smacks the ball.

The purple and white ball spins into the side of the edging, then rolls towards the middle of the table. I look up to see a smile on Axel's face.

"Good luck next time."

"Thanks!" I sigh. "But we both know I suck at this game."

Axel takes his turn and lands another ball. I sip on the drink, then walk towards the table with the determination to sink at least one ball. I line everything up, close my eyes, and then strike the ball. It's only when Axel cheers, that I notice the ball has disappeared from the table.

"Congratulations!" He smiles.

"I got it? Yay!" I cheer.

Warm arms wrap around my waist, then I briefly see Blake's head resting on my shoulder. He kisses my cheek, then looks at Axel.

"Is she beating you yet?" he teases.

"Nope, but she might overtake me."

"You can do it, baby, I believe in you!"

Blake unwraps himself from my body and takes a seat at the nearest table. I scan the room and find Ben at the bar ordering a drink. Axel plays for his turn while I go to Blake.

"Are you okay?" 

"Yes." He nods. "Just tired from work. Do you want to leave after the game?"

"We can go now."

"I'd rather see you beat Axel." He grins.

"I'll try, but I don't make any promises."

Axel takes his turn, misses the ball which makes Blake cheer. Ben eventually returns with a new drink. Instead of engaging in another conversation, he slings his arm around Axel. Just looking at Ben, you can see how incoherent he is.

The pair chatter while I focus on taking another shot. I line everything up, close my eyes and strike. I hope for the best, but the ball hits the side of the opening and ricochets back.

"Damn it."

"It's my turn," he comments to Ben.

"Can't we go home?" Ben stumbles forward, tugging Axel with him.

Axel wraps an arm around Ben, then helps him to a cushioned chair off to the side. I see them talking, then Ben kicks up a stink. He angrily crosses his arms and glares at Axel.

"We can call it a night if you need, Blake's pretty tired."

"If Ben wants to go home, he can go home," Axel grumbles.

Blake shuffles off the stool.

"I'll Uber home with Ben, get him into bed and then meet you there."

"Are you sure? Ben might be a two-person project."

"I'll be fine, have fun and I'll see you in a little." Blake pecks my lips and then waves to Axel. He grabs Ben from the couch and leaves.

I look at Axel and frown. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just." He huffs. "I need a drink."

Axel abandons his cue stick and walks to the bustling bar. I chase after him with my ice tea in hand. He leans over the bar and orders another jacks and coke, then looks at me.

"Do you want anything?"

"No, I've got my tea." I smile.

"You're drinking tea?" He gasps.

"Well, someone had to drive." I shrug.

"You're excused, for now," he jokes.

Axel pays for the drink, then wanders to the side of the pub that joins the outdoor garden area. We occupy an empty table and silently look at each other. I wait for him to say something, but when he doesn't, I take a deep breath.

"Are you going to spill the beans or do I have to pry it out of you?"

"For once, I'm clueless. I don't know how to let Ben down. He'll be a mess, emotional and clingy. I'm not used to this. I don't do relationships, I don't do anything past a one-night stand."

"Well," I awkwardly say. "There isn't an easy way to let someone down. You should tell him as soon as possible, though."

"I should," he agrees. "He's been talking about getting a place together and I just. I freaked out. He's really angry with me and I don't know if I can salvage the situation."

"Are you worried about the commitment or do you want to split with Ben?" 

"My parents wouldn't approve of the relationship." Axel looks at the table.

"Parents have a way of coming around. I know that from a lot of experience."

"Not mine." He shakes his head. "They don't approve of my one-night stands, they won't accept a relationship with another man."

I take another deep breath so I can gather my thoughts. For someone so wise, so confident about life and how to handle it, Axel looks lost.

"So you're throwing away a relationship because your parents might not approve? What if he's your Romeo, and he slips away?" 

Axel drags his gaze away from the table to look at me. I notice the deep swirl of conflicting emotion in his eyes, the appearance of uncertainty from his parted lips.

"He's better off without me."

"But are you better off without him?"

"I committed to something longer than a one-night stand."

"Then you owe it to Ben to see what he thinks, then it'll be his call. If you don't see a future with Ben, then it'll be your call. But I remember the person who told me to fight for the future I want." I smile.

"Sometimes you need someone to tell you what you're thinking."

"Yes, but you never told me anything, so you're lucky I'm handing off this great advice," I tease.

"Thank you for the great advice." He smiles.

Axel polishes off his drink, then places the empty glass on the table. One of the staff passing by grabs our empty glasses and shoots off.

"Now, I will head home, do you want a lift?"

"No, but thank you. I might stay out for a few more drinks."

"Call me if you need me, yeah?"  

"Sure, thank you, Ava."

I slipping off my stool and tackle Axel into a tight hug. His arms securely squish my body against his before he steps back.

"I'll walk you to the car. Can't have you wandering around by yourself." He chuckles.

"I'm no good at punching people, so thanks!" I smile.

Axel and I pass through the nearest exit and walk through the car park. It's empty-ish. I unlock the car and open the door.

"Drive safely and all that jazz."

"Don't drink too much and all that jazz." I laugh.

"Get in the car," orders Axel.

"I'm going, I'm going! Have a good night and I'll hopefully see you soon." I smile.

I climb into the car and close the door. As I start the engine up, he waves goodbye and wanders to the pub. I wait until he's safely inside before driving off.

When I arrive home, the front door swings open and Blake is standing in his underwear.

"Well, that wasn't the greeting I was expecting." I chuckle.

"Ben vomited on my clothing." He sighs.

"I spoke with Axel and well . . . Just be ready to catch Ben if he falls."

"That bad?" Blake frowns.

"I think so, but who knows." I shrug.

I toss my things into the bedroom and wander into the kitchen for a snack. I almost jump through the ceiling when I notice Ben sitting at the table. He has bacon and scrambled eggs piled on his plate, but he has no motor skills to use the fork, so he's endlessly stabbing the plate.

"I think you need to feed him."

He takes the fork from him. I grab another bowl and scoop the leftover egg into it. I grab the salt, sauce, then take a seat at the bench.

Blake feeds Ben, even adding 'here comes the coo-coo train.'

"Tori should be here soon with London."

"Really?" I frown. "I thought she was dropping her off in the morning?"

"Change of plan, she has an early class or something."

"Oh, okay."

Once we finish eating, Blake piles the dishes into the sink. He then helps Ben to the bed while I wander to our bedroom. On the way there, I hear the knock. I open the door and find Tori holding a sleeping London.

I step to the side and let them walk into the house. She walks down the hallway and to her bedroom. I follow suit and watch as she places London into her bed. I shuffle down the hallway and watch Ben grumbling about something.

"I need to get my life together . . . leave Axel before he leaves me."

"Hey mate, I think you need to sleep off the alcohol before you do anything drastic."

"I need to at least move-out. I can't live in your house forever." He sighs.

"I have a spare room," Tori chips.

"There you go, options. Just sleep and deal with this tomorrow when you're sober," Blake encourages.

"Okay." He nods.

"I'll grab Ben the bucket and some water."

I walk into the kitchen and grab the supplies. Blake and Tori walk to the front door while I slip past to give Ben the stuff. I place the bucket by his bed and the water on the nightstand. Then I close the door and check London; she's snuggled up with her toy.

I turn her nightlight on. As I walk down the hall, I hear Tori's hostile voice.

"You're forgetting something very important, Blake. You don't hold the cards anymore." She slams the door. 

I peek around the corner to see Blake take a swing at the air.

"What's wrong?"

"She's crazy, fucking crazy."

"Shh, tell me what's wrong."

"She's threatening to take London away."

"Well." I laugh. "I'd like to see how far she'd make it, which isn't going to be far."

"The courts are going to side with her."

"Don't be so sure – you're the best parents here. They aren't going to take your child and stick her in the custody of someone who can't provide everything we give her."

"You're right." He nods. "I just hate the thought of losing her."

"I know." I nod. "But I promise that I'll do everything to make sure it doesn't happen."

I embrace Blake in a tight hug. He squeezes me back, so hard, the air leaves my lungs. He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and doesn't let go.

We were broken in the same ways. However, these broken pieces make a whole, and we can damn well accomplish a lot when we're standing together. 
