Chapter Nineteen

Wet hair clings to my back as I wrangle a hairbrush through my brown hair. The bristles get caught in the knots, causing me to sigh with dismay. I toss the brush into the sink and glare at my hair.

"Come on, what's wrong with you today?" I glance into the mirror and tilt my head to the side – does this apply to my hair or myself?

Shaking my head, I take the brush out of the sink and continue yanking it through my hair. Once enough of my hair has been ripped from my skull and the tangles are gone, I wrap my hair into a bun and tie it into place.

I wander out of the bathroom and frown at Blake.

"You can't take the furniture outside. If they wanted us to eat outside, there would be a deck with suitable furniture."

"It's not bolted to the ground, so I can take this outside if I want to. We are paying customers after all."

"Whatever, you're going to do what you want." I shake my head.

"You'll thank me once you get to eat in front of the view."

"Yeah, you're probably right." I nod.

Blake opens the front door and maneuvers the small square table outside. He disappears to the right but shortly re-appears for the chairs.

"Why aren't you dressed? The food is going to be here soon." He frowns. "I like the towel look but I don't think it's a practical look."

"I'm still deciding on what I should wear since you're not giving any hints. Maybe you should pick my outfit for me?"

Blake races over to my suitcase and plucks a couple of items from it. They're tossed onto the bed before he races to the door.

"Hurry up, I think I saw someone bringing the food."

As Blake slides out the door, I wander over to the bed and frown. My bathers, a pair of jean shorts and a dark grey shirt are scattered across the end of the bed.

Swimming sounds nice – one can't go too wrong there.

I slip my clothing on and head outside. The air is slightly nippy but the sight of the view in addition to the food waiting for me brings a delightful warmth to me.

"I think we're missing something," Blake comments from his seat.

"And what would that be?" I walk around the table and take a seat opposite from him.

"The part where you say, 'you were right and you're the best' or something along those lines." He proudly smirks.

"Because I love you, you're amazing and I guess you were right. No, I'm not taking the 'guess' out because your ego is already too inflamed. Now, what's for breakfast?"

Blake pouts but I ignore his facial expression – I don't feel guilty about what I've said.

"This is the morning special, apparently amazing. I'm not sure, I thought expensive was better and perhaps a little different to everything else. I'm sort of regretting it now."

"Vanilla ice-cream, waffles and bacon is an interesting mix."

"I hope this is good otherwise." Blake shakes his head.

I take a piece of bacon covered in melted ice-cream and place it into my mouth. Blake carefully watches as I chew on it.

"It's not the worst thing I've eaten."

Blake eats a piece of his bacon and shrugs his shoulders.

"This view is beautiful! I'm going to miss it when we go home."

"We could paint something like this on our garden fence. I think we'd have a few years' worth of viewing before the shrubs take over."

"I like that idea; our own mini paradise just steps from the house."

Once breakfast is finished, I help Blake carry the table and chairs inside. I put my sneakers on and follow Blake out of the cabin and down the hill.

"Is this where I start guessing or should I wait until more clues are given?"

"You can start guessing." Blake grabs my hand and our fingers intertwine.

When we get to the bottom of the hill, we wander towards the car. I veer off to the passenger seat but Blake tugs me back.

"We're not driving anywhere."

"Oh damn." I groan.

We pass the reception, a few more buildings before stopping in front of a place which looks like the cabin's sprinkled along the hill. The only difference is the 'open' since attached to the side.

"Are we hiking through the wilderness? Should I ask for some flair guns in case we get lost?"

"Shh . . . We're going to have fun."

Blake opens the door and ushers me inside. There's a range of things to hire – nothing that points me in a solid direction. Although, Blake seems like the person to cram heaps of activities in one day.

"Canoe booking for Blake Rivers," he says.

"Yes, Rivers, right over here."

The man grabs a bright orange canoe hanging from the wall and passes it over. Blake easily takes it from the man and smiles.

"And here are the paddles." He passes them to me and softly grins – I bet he's laughing at us – my stunned expression clearly shows that I've never used a paddle or sat in a canoe before.

I hold the door open for Blake to get through. Once we're free, I follow Blake down the declining hill and to the bank of the river.

He places the canoe on the ground and then looks at me.

"I booked this when I checked in. I also have no idea how to do this. Jude used to do the water sport, I was more of a land person," he admits.

"Right, thank you, Blake." I sigh.

I unlace my shoes and flick them off to the side – one lands in a bush and another smacks a rock. I'm not worried about losing the shoes considering they're pretty old.

Blake takes one side of the canoe while I handle the other. I walk backward, the cold water laps at my feet.

"Couldn't we go swimming in a spa or a heated pool somewhere? We could take this canoe to a heated pool and paddle around there." I grin.

"We could but there's a beautiful stretch of land just waiting to be explored!"

"And freezing cold water so that we end up sick or on our death beds."

"Let's start having fun."

Once the boat is in the water, I take a step back and watch as Blake tries to get in. He places one foot inside before trying to jump in. The boat flips, causing a splash of water to attack me.

Blake leaps out of the water and shakes his head, his wet hair sends water droplets sprinkling through the air. He flips the canoe over and scoops out some of the water linger in it.

"Can we quit or do you still want to do this?"

"Just get into the canoe."

Blake steadies it while I carefully climb in. I cringe when my butt hits the seat – cold water seeps through my pants.

"If you flip this canoe . . ." I shake my head.

Once Blake is in the canoe, we begin paddling down the river. The scenery is beautiful for the first five minutes and then it all looks the same.

"How far do we paddle for? Is there a destination?"

"There's no destination in mind."

"So we're just going with the flow?"

"Does that mean you're beginning to enjoy this?"

"I'll never tell you that."

Water splashes across my back and I jerk forwards. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Blake grinning from ear to ear.

"What the? Blake!" My voice echoes through the wilderness.

I lean over the canoe and flick water at him. Blake soups more water and splashes it across my face.

"I can't believe you right now." I gasp.

As I lean over the canoe, I instantly regret that action. I tense as the canoe tips to the side. A scream escapes my lip as we plummet into the freezing cold water. My limbs kick through the ice water as I struggle to get to the surface.

"I hate you, Blake Rivers!" I squeal.

More icy water pelts against my face. I spit it out and cross my arms over my chest.

"I love you, Greyson." He smiles.

Blake paddles over to me, a cheeky grin lingering on his face.

"What are you doing? No, don't you dare do anything."

I leap back and grab one of the paddles floating in the water.

"Are you seriously going to hit me with that?"

"Yeah." I nod. "Unless you promise to not to whatever you're planning on."

"Who says I'm planning on doing something?"

"That cheeky look in your eyes says everything."

Blake shakes his head and smiles.

"I promise I won't do anything. Now give me the paddle before you hurt yourself."

Glaring, I toss the paddle onto the water in front of me. He takes it and places it inside the canoe along with the other.

He closes the space between us and presses his lips against mine. Blake's arm circles around my waist and squeezes my butt.

Blake grabs my thighs and I wrap my legs around his waist. I hook one arm around his neck and the other presses against his chest. I pull him closer into our kiss, then everything goes cold. I shove Blake away as I spring to the surface.

"I hate you." I glare.

"Does the canoe trip feel better now?"

"Yes, but can we go now?"

"Soon, we have time to waste until we can begin the second half of the day."

"Please tell me it isn't physical activity." I pout.

"I promise, it's not that. You've going to love what I've planned, we just have to get through this first."

"Okay." I nod. "Then I'll try a little harder to have fun."

Blake and I climb back into the canoe and continue paddling down the river. The trip is silent until we find a spot to the right which is a magnificent view. We paddle to the side and drag the canoe onto the bank of the river.

He takes my hand as we walk up the small slot and sit on the ground. The land dips down and there's a small lake surrounded by tall, thin, bushy trees.

I sit between Blake's legs and he wraps his arms around my waist. He places his chin on my shoulder and we take in our surroundings.

"It's so beautiful here," I murmur. "Perhaps the canoeing adventure really was a good idea."

"I'm thankful we found this place. It actually reminds me of Ivan."

"I miss him so much!"

"I was thinking about getting Ivan, London and Ava tattooed on me somewhere."

"That's a cute idea, but you know its bad luck to tattoo your partner's name on your body."

Blake kisses my shoulder and chuckles.

"You know that I don't believe in bad luck. The way I see it – a tattoo of a name is a serious commitment. It shows that you can never be scrubbed from my physical form. That no matter what, you are a permanent staple of who I am."

My heart flutters, just as my stomach clenches.

"I like the idea and it's your body, you can do whatever you want."

"Well, I won't get it done unless you like it."

"No." I shake my head. "Do what you want, I won't be mad. In fact, I'll be mad if you decide to stop doing things in life because you think it'll make me angry because look – we're here – in front of this beautiful place."

"Thank you." His hand tightens around my waist. "I'll think about the tattoo idea a little more."

* * * * *

"Keep walking, we're almost there." His breath fans against my neck.

"Please tell me we're not hiking . . . I can hear nature and it's making me queasy."

"Keep your eyes closed, I'm just going to open the door."

Blake removes his hands from my eyes. I hear the crunching of dried leaves, then a squeak of a door opening. As the wind swirls around me, I get a whiff of lavender.

My eyes spring open and I madly grin with happiness.

"I told you to keep your eyes closed." Blake frowns.

"I'm sorry, reflexes."

"What do you think?"

"I'm so excited! I can't believe we're at a spa." I gasp.

"I thought I'd surprise you with this after our canoeing adventure," he comments.

"It's a wonderful surprise! Is this what I should be expecting for our honeymoon?"

"Yes." He nods.

"Then I'll probably never want to come home." I chuckle.

We walk into the cabin and Blake veers towards the receptionist. The pair talk, then Blake waves his hand and I step over.

"The first part of today is a couple's massage. If you follow me through, we can begin." The woman walks around the desk and leads us through a doorway.

It's a small room with two massage tables set in the centre.

"When you're ready, remove your clothes and lay on the table. The massage will start in approximately five minutes."

When the woman leaves, Blake removes his shirt and then looks at me.

"Is everything okay?"

"Just perfect."

We remove our clothes and then get on the table. Blake helps me adjust the towel over my lower half before getting onto his own bed.

I smile as I relax my muscles. After today's adventure, I really need this, especially after climbing up and down all the hills around here. Although, even if we ended up hiking or soggy wet on the side of a river bank, I will always, most definitely, love him.
