Chapter 61

"And then I told them to get me something that might make me feel good, but no, they never listen," Jennie was endlessly speaking about her fear, recounting the time she tumbled off the Pilates machine and bruised her pretty face.

Taehyung and Jennie, despite their demanding schedules, decided to steal a moment for themselves and plan a date. In Korea, they only had the privacy of their own homes to cherish each other's company, the dates never quite reaching the romantic potential they desired.

Considering they were always under the pressure of maintaining their hidden identities from curious strangers, it was imperative to keep their relationship a secret. The public eye wasn't a place where they wanted their love story to unfold.

It was Jennie who had proposed the silence about their dating life, fearing the misconception of her being with him for the spotlight and nothing more.

That's why, on this day, they found themselves strolling along the serene river adjacent to the Eiffel Tower, basking in the sheer joy of each other's company. If someone had told him ten years ago that he would be walking hand in hand with the love of his life in Paris, he would have laughed. More so, he would have doubted the one claiming he would date Jennie, the secret weapon of YG.

But now he had her, he had everything. He wouldn't let anyone take her away from him, he was resolute about it. He tightened his hold on Jennie's hand, glancing at her face, partially hidden beneath her stylish hat.

"Taehyung-ssi, someone is following us," his manager alerted him.

Taehyung stiffened, and at that moment, Jennie leaned into him while her manager sneakily snapped a picture of them in front of the Eiffel Tower.

"Jagi, we should get going, there are paparazzi here," he informed her, gesturing towards a few individuals who had caught his attention.

"What? But we just met," Jennie pouted, her face creased in dismay as she stomped her foot slightly in disappointment.

He offered her a small comforting smile, taking her hand to guide her towards their car.

"You're going to sit in here, and we'll meet at your hotel," Taehyung, ever the gentleman, opened the car door for her.

Jennie made a disgruntled face and reluctantly climbed into the car, "I wanted to walk outside with you, not confine myself between four walls," she protested, crossing her arms and pouting her lips.

Taehyung leaned down to kiss her and offered a soothing smile, caressing the light scar beneath her eyes, "I will meet you, just wait," he reassured her.

"What will happen now?" she asked him in the shadowy quiet of the night, the only light seeping in from the window, casting an eerie glow in their room. Shadows danced over the two of them as they lay on the couch.

Jennie had spilled wine on her bed and given the late hour, she didn't want to trouble room service. Therefore, they had decided to share a cozy cuddle on the couch.

The issue was that she had seen the video that had gone viral on social media, the one where they were seen walking side by side. Her Instagram was flooded with hateful comments, everyone pointing fingers at her.

Taehyung was facing similar backlash, but he maintained a cool demeanor, not letting petty comments from petty individuals bother him. However, Jennie was caught in a whirlwind of thoughts, fear gripping her. What if they would force her to break up with him?

Unknowingly, her hold tightened on Taehyung and he opened his sleepy eyes. He looked down to see Jennie's worried face, lost in thought.

"What's wrong?" His voice was heavy with sleep.

"I'm having really bad anxiety right now thinking about what will happen now," she admitted, her eyes welling up with tears, lips quivering and hands shaking.

Taehyung sighed deeply and pulled her closer to his chest. Suddenly, all hell broke loose as Jennie started to sob uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry, it's all because of me," she managed to say, her words interrupted by sobs.

"It's all because of me, I'm really sorry," she cleared her throat.

"Cheer up, Jennie," Taehyung gently told her, helping her sit up. He reached for a tissue from the table and handed her a glass of water to drink.

Softly caressing her hair, he wiped her face clean and then chuckled lightly at her pouty expression. Jennie lightly slapped him and angrily tossed the tissue aside.

"Hey! Don't get mad, I'm just trying to lighten up the mood," he laughed and hugged her tighter. Kissing her neck, he began to tickle her.

"Stop it, I'm not in the mood," she tried to pry him off, but it was in vain as she also found herself enjoying his playful side.

"Everything will be alright, just trust me," he exclaimed and leaned in to kiss her.

"And now that you have woken up, why don't we make it last," he shared a suggestive look with Jennie, her heart started to beat louder, and then they lost themselves in each other, not caring about what others thought of them.






And Believe
