The clicking of the camera was making him annoyed. First, he was tired because of his schedules, then all these magazines shoot.

He tiredly yawned and slouched on the chair.

"Yo Taehyung, stay like that," Jimin shouted and pointed his camera.

But Taehyung angrily gets up throwing chair that he was previously sitting on.

"I AM GOING!" He shouted and went to his dressing room.

Making Jimin embarrassed of his behaviour, just what the hell happened to him!

He showed all the spot workers a hesitant smiled and went away. Slightly cursing Taehyung and his sudden outburst.


"Another pride of Korea, Hwang Sunwoo has surpassed the legendary Park Taewan and become Korea's most successful swimmer,"

"Not only that he said in his recent interview that Jennie Kim of Blackpink, the another one of our pride along BTS was his favourite singer and he likes he--,"

The television got shut off as Taehyung throws remote on the side in anger.

Everyone was at the hospital because of Yoongi surgery, Yoongi insists on watching TV.

And now the situation turned kike that.

Taehyung frustratedly grabs his hair, trying to calm himself when Jennie walked into the room.

He was not aware of her presence but his nose catches the scent of hers so he turned around.

Jennie was trying to hold the large basket of chocolates, as her small figure was trying to get in.

Taehyung moved to help her, but Hoseok beat him and run towards her.

He saw how Hoseok smiled at her while slightly winking at him, also mentioning the way he kept on holding her hand.

Jimin snickered behind him which made him boiled with rage.

He went into the corner and start to look outside from the window.

"Hi, Oppa!" Jennie said in a cute voice.

Just look! How she is doing all those gestures for him.

And when I asked she is like I am too boring.

His inner voice taunts him. He clenched and unclenched his fist.

A few moments later

"ENOUGH!" He shouted making everyone halt what they were doing.

Jimin who has his mouth waiting for Jennie to put chocolate in his mouth get wider in shock.

Jennie was surprisingly looking at him, he had never shouted like that and today he makes her scared.

"Let's go!" He exclaimed and push Jennie beanie on her face hiding it and wearing his mask.

All along everyone was in shock state, that was until the door to the room was harshly get closed.


Jennie takes huge gasp pf air as she removed the beanie from her face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She seethed as Taehyung start his car.

Jennie ignores the flexing of his muscles as now is not the time to admire his new biceps.

"Shutup!" He angrily said while opening his vape to take a drag from it.

"Why would I shut up? What the actual hell is happening?" She said and tried to take his vaping pen," And you are still smoking that freaking thing Taehyung!"

Her voice got high as she glared at him. Taehyung had a hard time driving while being so tense.

"Give me back my pen!" He said in a low terrifying voice while gripping the steering wheel.

Jennie, for a minute, got afraid of his voice but she knows how to stay stubborn.

She throws it behind her and fold her arms in front of her and start looking outside.


"Where are we?" She asked while looking around.

They were currently in some posh building. The parking looks so luxurious, just imagine what the interior will look.

"Its the place where my penthouse is located." He answered while closing his car door.

He interlaces there finger when Jennie was about to ask him something making Jennie blush.

He wasn't looking at her but forward, his hands they were so warm. He was taking long strides and Jennie had a hard time keeping up with him.

"You are a freaking bitch!" She angrily said as they leave the elevator, "Just look at what you did to my wrist." She whimpered while rubbing her wrist which was bruised because of his tight grip.

Taehyung was concerned when he saw her wrist but he cleared his throat, turning his lips into a smirk which was looking fake," Good, now let me take the picture and let me show that f****** admire of yours that you are mine."

Taking his mobile he was about to take a picture when Jennie harshly snatched it and throws it to the wall.

"I had never expected you to be like that," Jennie matched her glare with his shocked gaze.

"You broke my phone!" He angrily said.

"I did it! And believe it is not near to how much you have broken my heart in the past few minutes." Her voice quivered as she walked into the room.

Taheyung was standing in his place after hearing her words, guilt was slowly seeping through him as he reflects on his words.

He angrily grabbed his hair, kicking the couch harshly he doesn't know what to do.

Why he did that? Why his anger his getting the best of him?


Hope my fellow and followers are fine.

Take care, drink lots of water and don't forget to jeep yourself warm.
