"I don't know but the jacket looks familiar, " Taehyung said while examining the photo with Jin.

"Yah! Stop being a creep, it looks like you are some stalker." He said and get up from the place.

Taehyung frowned, "But Hyung, look at her jacket, " He again pointed towards Jennie jacket.

"Taehyungah, stop doing it, I have never seen a jacket like that before, "
Jin said and take a sip from the bottle.

Taehyung was actually looking at Jennie photos more precisely her stories.

During that, his eyes caught sight of the jacket, which looks oddly familiar but he can't seem to remember where he has seen it.

"Wait!!!" Jin said, "Let me see the picture, " He continued.

"I knew it!" He said making Taehyung confused.

"What Hyung?" Tahehyung asked.

"Remember when you were in London, and you went to visit the city, it was the same jacket you were wearing, " Jim said and some smugly.

Taehyung raised a brow, " So?" He questioned.

But answer himself, "So it means that she stole my jacket and went to wear it in London, " He said and surprising tone.

Jin laughed and pat his head, " Your girlfriend is ending your million won worth of closet, get ready to be left on rags, "

Jin laughed and went out of the office leaving behind Taehyung.


"No!" Jennie exclaimed.

Taehyung smirked, " Are you sure?"

Jennie gulped, "Yeah! Why would I take your clothes? It's not like I am a thief, "

Taehyung chuckled at her remark, he gets up from his place.

They are having a dinner date at some restaurant, Taehyung had booked a whole rooftop from them.

It's been so long since he last spends time with her.

Jennie smiled when Taehyung takes her hand in his.

He grabs both of her hands and they came to stand in the centre of the roof.

The rainy breezy, lighten up Jennie's mood, "You know, I can't grab your shoulders, " She said smiling.

"And?" Taehyung said.

"And you want me to dance with you?" Jennie said gazing into his eyes.

Tashyung wants to lose in her beauty, her warm hands, " Well, did I ask for you to dance with me?"

Jennie makes a funny face, " No, "

Taehyung chuckled and spin her around but they again end up in the same position.

Her hand tightly in his hold. Jennie felt so safe, even though they were not in any kind of intimate position.

But maybe, his presence, his presence was making her safe.

"So my jacket?" He again asked.

Jennie smiled and look up, " Okay, I have taken it from your closet, happy!" She smiled.

Taehyung laughed  whole heartly, his hand squeezing her small one's.

"Tell me, Jennie Kim? Why are you so eager for the world to know that we are real? Aren't you afraid?" Taehyung said and lightly swayed Jennie with him.

Jennie nods her head," I am afraid, you don't know, how much afraid I am!"

Jennie smile," The other day, someone asked me on comments that if we are real or not, during live. And you know I didn't make a sign to prove them but I make that sign to prove my own self that we are real, our love, you, me, everything that's happening," Jennie's eyes glistened with tears.

Taehyung sadly smiled, and Jennie continued," You don't know how much it makes me crazy to know that I can't be with you freely. But all these things are worth for something that is unknown and is waiting for us," Without knowingly a tear slipped from her eye and onto her cheek.

Taheyung let go of her hand and was about to wipe it when he stopped and thought for a minute.

Jennie confusedly looks at him and saw how he take out his handkerchief from the pocket.

He delicately wipe her tears and look at her," I don't want to ruin such a fragile thing like your face with my hands," His word makes Jennie heartbeat thousand times faster.

Jennie sure knows that she was a blushing mess.

"And one more thing, your nose, " He made a disgusting face.

Jennie immediately put a hand on her nose and wipe it, her panic behaviour makes Taheying laughed loudly.

"What?" Jennie embarrassingly asked him.

"Nothing, I was just joking, " He said making her shocked for a minute.

"You know what, go to hell, " Jennie said and stomp her feet before grumpily sitting on the table.

Taehyung again loudly laughed.

Here is the mini chap for my Taenniegers.

My heart is literally dying for there new theories.

Just pray we get spoil by them again.

And Vote.......
