Chapter 27

"My head hurts," I complain.

"You have a concussion, Lia" Alexia responds.

"I know! But I don't remember past concussions hurting this bad!"

"That my friend," She stands up and pats my shoulder. "Is because you were concussed."

"Aurelia, right?" I look up and see Emily Sonnett and Lindsey Horan.

"Yes, hi."

"Hi! You're the one that is friends with Cait right?" Emily asks.

"Um, sure," I respond.

"Why are you guys fighting? She came home from Spain a bit upset," Lindsey says.

"Did you ask Caitlin?"

"Well, no. She wouldn't have answered."

"Then I cannot help. Sorry girls." I walk back over to where Ona is and hug her.

"Everything okay?"

"I can't stand people," I complain.

"Don't let her complain about that, she's done it before, she will do it again," Leila warns her.

"Really, Aurelia?"

"I just got questioned by a couple of Americans on my friendship with their teammate! It's not any of their business!"

"You should show me Portland one day," I tell Hayley.

"I can show you Portland whenever, I can only show you around Portland when you come visit."

"You know that is what I meant," I say. She smiles and nods. "I still have not spoken to Caitlin."

"I know, I would have heard about it immediately if you had," she smiles. I smile as well and shake my head.

"I want to, but there is so much I never said that it is too late to say now."

"It's never too late Aurelia. What did she even do?"

"It's dumb!" I sigh.

"Just tell me, I won't judge."

"When I played with Sydney, she put a picture of me and some other girl together on her Instagram. My parents saw it and they got mad and threatened to make it so I would not see Toni," I explain.

"Or Mariana, so you cut her off instead. Were they homophobic?"

"Yes. I am surprised they even noticed, they did not care much when I was at home," I say. I leave out the part that was actually 'enforced' still needing to think over it.

"Did Cait know?"

"Of course not, you know more than she does. I was very closed off then."

"You still are closed off," Hayley points out.

"Yes. Not to you though."

"Not to me."

"I will look for the time to come. I am not sure when though."

"That's fine, as long as I get to see you."

"I will see you soon mi amante."

"Bye Ellie."

"Bye Hales."

"We have a break in a week," Alexia tells me.

"Okay, why are you telling only me?" I question her. She sighs and looks around before turning back to me.

"Portland, Aurelia. You could go see her," She explains.

"I'm booking everything now."

I get everything taken care of and decide to message Caitlin on Instagram.

To: Caitlinfoord

Hey Caitlin, can we talk?

From: Caitlinfoord

Yes, call me.

She sends me her phone number and I sit on my bed debating on whether or not to call her. I eventually press the call button and she picks up on the first ring.


"Hi Caitlin," I say.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

"I just wanted to talk about Sydney."

"What about Sydney?"

"Why I left, why I stopped talking to you."

"Okay, so why did you stop talking to me?"

"It was back in my first year there. We were out somewhere and you sent a picture to Instagram with me in the background. I was with another girl," I explain to her. "My parents saw it, they got mad and tell me I could not see Toni if it happens again."

"Lia, you should have told me! I would have taken it down!"

"That's not all," I whisper. I cannot tell her about Mariana, but I need her to know at the same time.

"What else is there?"

"I have a sister, twin I think it is called."

"You have a twin!" She shouts.


"Why did you never tell me! I knew you for ages!"

"She is not awake!" I shout back. I brush away my tears and lean back in my bed. "She is not awake."

"What do you mean she is not awake? Is she dead?"

"No. Not dead, I don't know the English word for it! In Spanish it is coma?"

"It's the same word!"

"Do not yell at me for not knowing!"

"I am not yelling at you for that!"

"They told me that if it happens again, she would die. They called me the next day saying she was worse."

"So you thought that she was going to die because of what I posted," Caitlin finishes.


"Lia, I wish I knew what that would have done. I am so sorry."

"That is why I am telling you."

"Yeah, I'm sure there are no other reasons." I can hear her voice dripping with sarcasm and I roll my eyes.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Right. Why did you leave Sydney though?"

"My parents died."

"What the hell Lia? Are you being serious?" She asks.

"Of course I am. Why lie about that?" I question her.


"When do you think?"

"When you left Sydney. That's why you left in such a rush and did not tell anyone. Lia I am so sorry, we had no idea."

"I know. I have never been one to share my life, Cait. I did not want to deal with it."


"I know! But I am telling you now right?"

"Why tell me now?"

"I am going to visit," I tell her.

"Right, you're dating my teammate."

"Yep. Señorita Raso."

"I can't believe that you guys got together over me and Sam stalking you," Caitlin laughs.

"Maybe I should be thanking you then," I joke.

"Maybe you should, but a visit to Portland will do the trick. As long as you actually take the time to visit with me."

"I will. Do not worry about that. Can I stay with you?"

"Yes, of course! Are you surprising Hayley?"

"Sort of?"

"So yes. I've got you covered Ari. Don't worry about it."

"Thanks, Cait. I'll text you more information."

"When is your flight?" Alexia asks me.

"Tomorrow evening. I'm going to play the match before I leave," I say.

"Are you sure? Are you going to land at a reasonable time? You're going to get sleep at some point right?"

"Yes, Alexia, don't worry about it."

"I will always worry about you, you're the only other person here, besides Caro, that is reasonable enough for me to deal with!"

"I will be fine Alexia. I have to go now."

"Bye, be careful!"

"I will!"

Sorry for the very long pause, these books just slipped my mind because of school. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
