Chapter 18


@barcafemplayers: who remembers when Aurelia and Matilde were still dating back in 2016? Looks like the may be back together! Matilde was at Aurelia's game today and post match they shared a hug and had a conversation that looked like it ended well!

"I hate people," I groan. Leila spares me a quick glance before returning her attention to her food. "They are just so annoying," I continue.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks.

"Someone's speculating about Matilde and I, it's so stupid!"

"You must have assumed people would do that," she adds.

"Really? You're going to do that?"

"What? It's a public setting!"

"I didn't ask for you to tell me it would've happened!"

"Sorry, sorry, go on then."

"I just hate people."

"Good to know Lia."

"And that picture is so old! It's like three or four years at this point."


"So? So how is it relevant?"

"Lia, just ignore it, you guys know the truth so that's fine."

"Fine. But so we're clear I'm not dating anyone."

"Okay, okay.  Do you want some food?"


Later that afternoon Ona facetimed me so I ended up talking to her for a while. Ona was like my little sister for the national team, we roomed together often and she came to me for advice.

"You should come visit when you come home!" I tell her.

"I'm going to try, have you guys gotten a dog yet?" She asks.

"Nope, I'm living with Leila for now, have I told you? I don't think I did, our house burned down. Also, Toni lives in Madrid now."

"Lia! You should have called me! How are you doing with Toni moving away? And living with Leila?"

"I can hear you Batlle!" Leila shouts.

"Good!" Ona replies before looking back at me. "Seriously though."

"I'm doing good Ona, don't worry. Mapi has given me some more tattoos! I'll show you them later, they are still bandaged for now. If you end up stopping by I'll make some food for us! We could have a Spanish party!"

"With the Madrid girls too," Leila says. She clearly misses Jenni as well, her move impacted all of us, Alexia and Leila the most. Leila pretends she doesn't mind as much for Ale's benefit but every once in a while she will say something alluding to their old jokes and activities or hanging out after training.

"Of course! You have a plus one coming Ona?" I tease her.

"No, do you? I've heard you were getting close with a certain Australian," she fires back.

"She is staying in Australia, you know, with her broken back."

"Oh, right. I want to meet her though! I wasn't told any of this when we played them!" She complains.

"You can! Next time we face them, or if you go play in America. That is not encouragement to leave me for the States."

"I should be the one telling you that! You have the most connections there!"

"How about you both stay on this continent? Good?" Leila asks.

"Don't worry Lei, you're not getting rid of me anytime soon."

"Wasn't planning on it."

We cruised through the final weeks before break with three wins, Leila getting a goal in each game. I had been making sure to check in on Hayley at least once a day, either through text or call just to make sure she knew she had my support. Now, we were planning the party for all of the girls from the National team that could come. So far, it was Jenni, Virginia, Ona, all the Barca girls, and Lola. Toni was back in Barcelona with me and Leila but had made plans with his friends for tonight, either on purpose or coincident I don't know.

"How did we end up hosting?" Leila asks, she's busy cleaning the living room before everyone comes.

"I mentioned in passing I would cook for Ona, and that we could have a gathering."

"Right. You're too nice Lia."

"That's not the worst thing you've ever said to me, Lei." Ona was the first to arrive and she jumped on me when I opened the door.

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Ona!" I set her down and she hugs Leila with the same enthusiasm next.

"I missed you too, Leila!" Leila laughs and spins her around before letting her walk inside. "Wow, it's actually clean here. I thought with Lia living here the place would be a mess."

"Thanks Ona. Means a lot," I joke back.

"Where's your cat Leila?"

"I put her in my room, I don't want her running out with the door opening so much."

"Smart, do you need help with anything?" She asks.

"Would you mind getting some plates out?" I ask her before returning to the oven to switch out the trays of cookies.

The rest of the girls show up and Leila is off hanging out with Jenni and Lola.

"When are you coming back to Barca?" Patri asks Ona. The rest of us sitting around turn to listen for her answer.

"Not sure, I have a couple years with United, maybe sometime after that."

"We'll be waiting for you," I tell her.

"You better be here when I come back," she says.

"You never know, maybe I'll be with Real."

"You would never!" Patri says.

"Relax, it's a joke!"

"Ale! Lia is leaving us for Real!" Patri and Aitana yell at her while she walks out to the patio to us.

"What is happening?" She asks once she gets closer.

"Lia is leaving us for Real," Aitana says.

"No, I'm not. It was a joke," I clarify.

"It better be, I can't be the only sensible one here," she glared at me before smiling.

"You have Caro!"

"And what if she leaves?"

"No one is leaving!"

"Jenni did," Mapi says. I have no idea when she joined the discussion but it was unhelpful nonetheless.

"She is from Madrid, it makes sense for her to want to go back!"

"You are from Cantabria, do you know what that's close to? Madrid," she finishes.

"Guys, what part of 'it was a joke' did you miss?"

"What's a joke?" Leila asks.

"I was saying that I may be coming back and she said that she may not be here, saying she would go to Real," Ona explains.

"You can't go to Real!" Jenni protests.

"You are one to talk! Leaving us for Atlético!" Mapi responds.

"That's not El Classico!" She points out.

"You still left," Ale shrugs. I quickly glance between the two and catch Lola's glance as well. I just shrug and Vir nudges me.

"Still mad?" She whispers.

"Looks like it."

"They are too stubborn!"

"Tell me about it."

fun fact: i almost accidentally deleted this whole chapter :)
sorry for the long update, i've been really busy with tests and everything!
