
A/N: words: 1716. guys i feel a caffeine addiction brewing (get it, because like... yeah) ANYWHO, this story is coming to a close very soon and i must say that it has been an absolute delight to write. im very excited for the last book of this mini series (which is turning out not very mini) because GUYS. MY NEXT BOOK MIGHT BE HAPPY. ish. is anything really happy in the land of fanfictions? no. ANYWAy, enjoy!

In had been the last night of Bucky's stay when he woke up suddenly. He hadn't had a nightmare, but he woke up to a shout either way. The combination of him being a light sleeper and his enhanced hearing, almost everything woke him up. Bucky didn't think to wander up the stairs and check on Sam, because he knew it was Sam. He knew better than to do that. He knew better than to try and approach Sam when he was vulnerable. He always let Sam come to him, and if he wouldn't let himself do that, Bucky would step in. This didn't seem to be one of those times. Hopefully.

Soon enough, Sam padded down the stairs, sniffling softly. Bucky pretended to be asleep, to see where Sam went. To see if Sam came to him like he used to. He heard the fridge upon, a clanging of glass, water pouring steady. More clanging. A sniffle. Another. A sob.

A heartbreaking, broken sob. Bucky swung his legs over the side of the couch, balling up the blanket and storing it under his arm. Tentivally, he made his way into the kitchen. The sobs, as quiet as Sam tried to make them, were getting louder. "Sammy." Bucky's voice was loud enough for a Sam to look up from the ground, and met Bucky's eye.

"Hey." Sam said weakly, and Bucky could see the pain in Sam's face, like it was cracking and cracking until something could finally break free.

Without another word, Bucky walked up to Sam, wiping the tears from the shorter man's eyes. Still not speaking, wrapped his arms around Sam, enveloping him in a hug. Sam buried his head in the crook of Bucky's neck, tears falling and falling.

"It hurts. Everything hurts. Why can't it stop hurting?"

Every word pains Bucky's heart a bit more, and all he could do was hug Sam tighter, like he'd never let go. Probably because he wouldn't. Not again. "I know Sammy, I know, I got you." Bucky murmured over and over again.

I got you

I got you

I got you

Minutes later, maybe hours later, neither of them know, the tears subside, and Sam unravels himself from Bucky. Well, not exactly. Bucky's hands fall to Sam's hips, and Sam never backed away. Small tears still fell from Sam's eyes, and from it being so early, in such a devastatingly familiar situation, Bucky pressed two short kisses to Sam's cheek. He did it all the time, after Sam had a nightmare. This was different. This was so different. Suddenly they were both awake and alert, and Sam looked like he regretted coming to get a glass of water. Bucky had that same feeling too.

"I- I'm-" Bucky stuttered out, unsure of how to handle this.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have-" They both weren't really sure what to say, what to apologize for. They just knew that the air felt a bit colder when Bucky dropped his hands, and Sam stepped away from Bucky. They knew they felt colder.

"I should go back upstairs." Bucky's eyes widened, and he felt a flush of regret.

"No, Sam, no, why are you- what are you-" Given the fact that Bucky was unable to form a proper sentence, this night is about to become a lot longer. "Don't be sorry."

"I just, I shouldn't have-"

"I shouldn't have." Bucky interrupted.

"No, no, I should've stayed-"

"Sam, we both know that isn't good for you. I overstepped, I wasn't thinking."

"I- whatever, we can both blame ourselves if you want, just..." Sam sighed. "Get some sleep, Buck."

"Wait." Bucky didn't want Sam to leave. Didn't think it was smart for Sam to leave. "Just... stay, maybe?" Bucky suggested, nay, pleaded.

Sam wanted to stay. He wanted nothing more than to become wrapped up in Bucky's arms again. "Yeah, alright. I'll stay. But I ain't sleeping on the floor. And neither are you." Sam said, stubborn as ever. Bucky sighed, nodding his head.

They both trudge into the living room wordlessly, then two of them trying to figure out how to make this work in their heads. It didn't work. A lingering sense of what they used to be; used to have, washed through them both. It was like a dance, desperately trying not to expose any old wounds. But the wounds seemed to have closed. So maybe, the dance was just trying to cut deeper. Or maybe, they're just paranoid, because the way they'e looked at each other hasn't changed since day 1. No matter how much of the others blood is on their hands, the way they look at each other will never change. You can't wipe that away with a cloth.

"How do you wanna do this?" Sam questioned, and, yeah, Bucky had not thought this through.

"Uh, you take the couch."


"Oh my god, seriously? This again?" Bucky sighed dramatically, and a small smile crept onto Sam's lips.

"Do you wanna just watch a movie?" Sam suggested, and Bucky's lips quirked up.

"Sure. Don't have anything better to do."

"Other than, you know, sleep." Bucky scoffed at Sam.

"Sleep is for the weak, and I am immortal. We're watching a movie." Sam laughed softly, a wide grin spreading over his lips. It made Bucky smile, his real smile, the one that makes his eyes crinkle.

They both plop down on the couch, and Sam put on Harry Potter : The Philosopher Stone. He watched as Bucky's eyes went wide in awe, and as he turned to face Sam. "There are movies?" Bucky questioned slowly, and if anything, Sam's grin got wider. He nodded slowly, and in one very swift moment, Bucky grabbed a pillow from beside him and wacked Sam in the arm. "Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was comically soft, given the fact he had just hit Sam in the arm with a pillow.

"I thought you knew." Sam said with a shrug, but that wasn't enough for Bucky.

"Traitor." Bucky mumbled, and Sam rolled his eyes, pressing play.


Sam had fallen asleep on Bucky's shoulder, and Bucky had been fighting off sleep since the 45 minute mark. They were now 1 hour and 17 minutes in. Slowly, Bucky laid down, and Sam fell with him. Bucky had slung an arm over Sam and closed his eyes. He was too out of it to realize this is how he and Sam would wake up in the morning, so he just brought a blanket over the two of them, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

What a night.


Sam woke up slowly, feeling heavy with sleep. He didn't realize exactly where he was, his mind slow at the early hour. Once he registered arms loosely wrapped around his waist, he realized what had happened. He had fallen asleep on Bucky during the movie. Great. This was so great. This is exactly what they had needed. Carefully, he got up, making sure not to wake Bucky up. He didn't know how he would react if he woke up alone, unaware of where Sam had gone. So, he dug around a bit for a piece of paper, quiet as ever.

He found a pad of paper and scribbled: I'll be on the boat, Potterhead

To mess with him, because Sam was so nice, he grabbed a magnet and stuck the message on his metal arm. It probably didn't even stick, but it's the thought that counts.


Sam realized how much he missed waking up next to Bucky that morning, as he replayed the feeling in his mind. He was warm, he was comforted, he was safe. Sam must've forgotten what that felt like, but he never thought he would. Maybe that's why Sam didn't get good night sleep recently. Because for so long he had Bucky next to him, warm and safe, and instead he had the cold air.

His thoughts were interrupted as Bucky came down below deck where Sam was, and they got back into the swing of things; boat fixing wise anyway.


"Vibranium isn't magnetic, at least not to your sisters fridge magnets, dumbass." Bucky muttered as they worked on the boat, the early sunrise framing them like something you'd see in a movie. Sam threw his head back laughing, almost hitting his head.

"Still worth it." Sam retorted, and Bucky almost pushed him into the water. Even as Sam's laughter died down, a grin stayed on his lips almost permanently.


Sam watched as Bucky left, replaying what had just happened in his mind. Bucky finally understood, he came through. He should've done it a long time ago, definitely, but, they were better. They could feel the tension ease away from them, and it was a welcome feeling. Sam knew now that Bucky would stay by Sam's side, no doubt about it. Sam didn't miss the way Bucky smiled at him, they way he held their hands together a beat too long. They way he said partners. Sam knew Bucky was back. He was here to support him, to give him a shoulder, to watch his six. He missed him. Sam really missed him.

And now, maybe, finally, he had him back. The lies were something in the past. Empty promises were just roadblocks in the way of hearing the true whisper of forever that was being drowned out by cries of lies.

There were a million different things that Sam wanted to say, but didn't. I love you. I never stopped loving you. Please, never leave me. Never let go. Say forever and mean it. Hold me forever. Hold me as the sunrises, and as the sunsets. Dusk till dawn. Please. Say you'll be there, forever and ever. Look at me like you always have. Look at me like you did when it was simpler. Look at me like you are right now, and do it for the rest of our lives. Love me like you've done it all your life. Love me until the stars stop shining, until the sun stops rising, until your eyes stop shining. Maybe Bucky knew that, maybe he can still read him, after all this time. Like he always had.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't seem to stay apart. Maybe Bucky's arm was magnetic. 
