
A/N: words: 1629. im so proud of my updates god bless. anyway, im watching civil war and istg LOST AND FOUND IS CANON IDC. anyway, enjoy!

Falling. Falling. Falling. Sam didn't catch him. Falling. Falling. Falling. The air was cold, the snow was falling. His arm felt numb. He felt numb. Because he fell. And Sam didn't catch him. Sam wasn't there to swoop in. Sam was gone. What if Sam fell, too? What if, what if, what if?

Bucky snapped his eyes open, the darkness from the night sky pooling into the jet. He thought that maybe he was still in a nightmare when he heard thrashing and whimpering. But it didn't sound like him. Sam. It was Sam. He didn't know if he should go over and calm him down, or pretend to be asleep. But he couldn't ignore the pain on Sam's face.

He padded over to Sam, watching as Sam's eyes shut tighter and tighter, the tears rolling down his face. Hesitantly, Bucky slunk onto the ground beside Sam, loosely holding his hand. For a moment, the air was colder, it smelled of grime and a faint smell of the street through the window Bucky only picked up from his super senses. He pulled his knees up to his chin, one arm dragged across them loosely. And everything was quiet. It was so quiet, it was so comfortable, and it was perfect.

Bucky felt Sam's hand grip his tighter, and Bucky turned to look at Sam, still sleeping, tears continuing to fall. Bucky wanted nothing more than to wipe his tears away, and bring Sam into his arms. But he couldn't. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't. He leaned his head back, a tight grip still on Sam's hand.

A small gasp came from the other mans lips, and Bucky turned his head slowly. It looked like it took Sam a few moments to register what was going on, and he did, the grip on Bucky's hand became loose, and he sat up a bit. "I'm sorry I woke you up." Sam murmured, not breaking eye contact with Bucky. Bucky shook his head, letting the smallest of smiles slipping onto his lips.

"I was already up, don't worry." Bucky hesitated before adding, "I'm a light sleeper anyway, remember." Sam offered him a soft smile, and everything seemed okay. Somehow. Even if that was the furthest from the truth. They kept eye contact, a silent understanding. When Bucky made to move, Sam squeezed his hand. A wordless stay. The entire interaction felt surreal, like a dream. Sam smiled at him, lied back down, shutting his eyes.

Bucky smiled softly, and leaned his head back. Once he heard even breaths and Sam chest's rose and fell softly, Bucky brought their intertwined hands up to his lips. "G'night Sam."

What Bucky did not predict was Sam still being awake. Thankfully, Sam was too out of it and drained to even register what just happened in full.


He would, however, notice when he woke up. Because when he woke up, he found Bucky's head pressed against his leg, and Bucky's lips ghosting over his calloused knuckles. That's when Sam's breath quickens by more than a bit, and that's when he realized he was trapped and could not get up. What a morning, sweet Christ.


It had been about 12 hours since Sam woke up, and everything's already went to hell. More than it already has. They were on Zemo's private plane, which is something Sam never predicted. Ever. Bucky, the genius he is, has decided to join forces with this psychopath. Without telling Sam. Because of course. Why would he consult Sam on having a criminal join them on their little adventure. Which, by the way, isn't even Bucky's mission. Sam wasn't having any of it, and it was only getting worse.

Bucky and him stood in a cramped hallway, out of ear shot from Zemo. "You sure we can trust him?" Sam questioned, and he could see the conflict on Bucky's face. "He's the only chance we got, and I don't wanna risk it." Bucky retorted, and Sam shook his head. "Risking it? Bucky, he's the definition of risking it."

Bucky rolled his eyes, even though he knew Sam was right. "And you didn't answer my question. Can we trust him?" Sam added, his voice quiet, staring at Bucky, waiting for an answer. Bucky sighed, shaking his head. "Listen, I know what he's done, what he did, you gave me the recap back there," Sam rolled his eyes, "but, he's the only chance we got. He knows everything there is about the serum. I know you know that."

"I still don't trust him." Sam said, his tone sounding like he was ending the conversation. Bucky sighed, nodding his head, "Neither do I."


How Sam ended up in a turtleneck at Sharon's party, where she sells art pieces, Sam will never know. This day got worse and worse. Somehow, Sam and Bucky were able to get away from the crowd, sipping drinks around a table, tucked away. "There's something up." Bucky whispered grimly, eyes wandering over the room. Sam exhaled calmly, nodding his head. "I know. First Zemo, and now Sharon."

"Well there's always something up with Zemo. And Sharon technically kissed her uncle."

"Well, she didn't know that it was her 'uncle'."

"Oh, and that makes it better?"

"Did I say that?" Bucky rolled his eyes, and Sam just sighed, shaking his head. "But you're right- "

"Ooh, you're going to regret ever saying that." Bucky interrupted with an amused smile on his face now, but Sam's disgruntled expression was still on his face. "As I was saying, something is up."

"Could be the thrift store Cap." Bucky huffed, causing Sam to snort softly. An amused smile spread into a grin, and they shared a glance, feeling a familiar air, a playfulness, a comfortable feeling. "I'm bored, wanna go judge some art?" Sam asked, and Bucky nodded, a small smile on his face.

"Hell yeah."


"Look, it's you." Bucky pointed to a painting of a bird, and Sam almost pushed that stupid face, with that stupidly pretty smile through the painting. Instead, as a less violent option, he glared at Bucky, walking away. "No, wait! Goddammit Sam." Bucky shouted, a giant grin on his face. Sam turned around on his slowly, an expectant look on his face.

"I am very sorry you were not aware you were a bird." Bucky said with a condescending tone. Sam gave him another glare, causing Bucky to grin even wider. "You're so annoying." Sam muttered, watching as Bucky strolled over to him. Bucky's eyes passed over Sam, and the turtleneck, the one he now couldn't pointedly ignore. "You should keep the shirt. Looks good."

The smile on Bucky's face was wide and charming, smiling with his eyes. Sam pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head, pointedly not looking at Bucky in the eye, or else he might collapse from the look Bucky was giving him. "Oh my god." Sam sighed before quietly adding, "you might as well keep the blazer if we're stealing from Sharon's wardrobe."

They both stared at each other for a second, face flushed, before Bucky coughed awkwardly. With that, they made their way through the gallery, until Sharon said she found Nagel. Dear God, the 5 months split was not doing good things for them, or their flirting game. But that was to be expected.


Bucky knows what the look on Sam's face means. Neither of them want to find out what Zemo means by "coming face to face with Karli." but it didn't sound good. After Bucky's little outburst about the shield, Sam had stayed silent, only sharing the news about Madani. When Zemo left them both alone to go do god knows what, Sam still stayed silent. Bucky almost thought he fell asleep, until he saw how Sam became fidgety. He does it when he has something on his mind. Bucky knows not to put pressure on Sam to say it, because it may not end well.

"You don't change, eh?"

Bucky squinted at him, clearly not understanding what Sam was saying. The younger man got the hint. "I left you alone for months, and yet all I get is more talk about the shield, more talk about how I gave Walker the shield. I told you to get your priorities straight before you come and talk to me, but I guess that went over your head."

"I have my priorities straight. That shield is something that needs someone good behind it. So, if Walker isn't gonna give it up, and if you aren't gonna be brave enough to grab it for yourself, then I will go and get it. That's my priority."

Sam looked at him like he never had before. Not like when they fought, not like when they were happy. This was something new. This was different. "I guess I shouldn't get in your way, considering you stand for a name, a symbol, more than you'll stand for me. I thought you were braver than that."

Sam gets up with a shake of his head, leaving Bucky alone with his thoughts. "Dammit." Bucky cursed under his breath, chuckling only to himself. God, he's such an idiot.


Why Sam even let Bucky come along, he would never know. But he was here, and he was on Zemos private plane. Obviously. And god knows what Zemo has in store for them once the rhea Riga. And Isiah was treated like he wasn't someone with, like he wasn't someone who mattered, which makes Sam's skin prickle with anger. Oh, and Bucky's still Bucky, making everything about himself for no apparent reason. Sam wanted nothing more than to go home.


"I'm gonna go take a walk."

"You good?"

"Yep, I'll catch up with you guys." Yeah, Bucky wasn't good.
