Sleep isn't the Issue

The landing wasn't a problem. Hiding the WaveRider wasn't a problem either.

Now finding the hotel, well that was an issue. And it was all Mr. "I was a Time Master I don't need help with the directions's" fault.

We were all fed up and about to throw Rip in front of a speeding truck when Sara finally asked someone how to get to the hotel.

After receiving the directions she began leading the group to the hotel with Rip scurrying behind her still pretending to know the way. We have been walking for about twenty minutes with the pair guiding us down four sketchy dark alleys, past three drug dens and across ten busy streets.

"Ah here we are just as I thought!" Rip says motioning for us all to enter a dingy place that I'm willing to bet a health inspector hasn't stepped foot in for 70 years.

Everyone sends him irritated glances as we pass him by to enter the decrepit building.

Almost as soon as we enter Kendra ventures off towards the bathrooms and Rip checks in. As the hawk nosed clerk hands him his key a white faced Kendra reappears.

"There was a spider as big as my fist in the sink," she hisses in an undertone to all of us, "IN THE SINK!"

Ray puts an arm around her shoulders forcing a laugh.

"That'll be the worst thing we find here, Honey. I guarantee it," he grins walking up to the clerk, "One room please."

I decide not to mention the rat hiding under the vending machine.

"There you go," the nasally sounding clerk says running a hand through his greasy, receding black hair.

His eyes are glued to Kendra as he hands over the key.

"Have a good night."

Kendra mutters something under her breath that sounds vaguely along the lines of "yeah right" and Ray quickly steers her away towards the hallway.

"Eh hem," Stein coughs but the clerk continues staring wistfully at Kendra's retreating form.

Snart slams his hand into the wood causing the man to fall off of his chair onto the floor. The stooped man gets to his feet cursing. He glares at Snart who merely smirks and forks over a fifty.

"Room for two, make it snappy, Wormtongue," he says casually.

"Two?" The man snaps back glaring at him.

Snart slips a hand around my waist pulling me close.

"For me and my beautiful wife, Loretta," he smiles leaning over and and pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

I start in surprise but force a happy smile on my face as I look back at Wormtongue.

"It's our honeymoon," I say through gritted teeth placing my hand on Snart's chest and digging my fingernails into his side with my other hand.

He flinches and sends me a smile that doesn't reach his blue eyes seeming to say "I hate you".

I smile coldly back.

"My husband, Wentworth and I were married just last week," I continue in a happy tone.

Lenny tenses and glares at me but I just continue smiling and rest my head on his shoulder.

Wormtongue seems disgusted, which is a totally normal reaction, and practically throws us the room key.

"Good day!" He says quickly waving us off.

We both smile through gritted teeth and Lenny turns away pulling me with him.

"Did you call me Wentworth?" He hisses as we make our way out of earshot, "That is the fakest name I've ever heard."

I scoff darkly and pat his shoulder.

"Faker than Loretta?"

He rolls his eyes as we stop in front of room 262."

"Should I have gone with Agatha?"

I gag and snatch the room key from his hands swiftly sliding it through the pad. It clicks and I push the heavy door open.

The room is cramped that's for sure. An ancient television is sitting on a dusty table. Spider webs cling to the walls and I can just make out a window parallel to the door surrounded by ratty curtains. Snart takes a step inside and a cloud of dust puffs up around his feet from the carpet just visible from the hallway lights.

I flick on the switch and a murky yellow light fills the room. What I see makes me wish I had left the lights off.

The carpet is stained in several places. Sticky marks from gum and rotted food are cemented into the carpet.

And to top it off, the room reeks of cigarettes. The smell sits like a fog in the room along with the overwhelming aroma of lavender.

Glancing around I see a purple can of Febreeze which is obviously responsible for the stench in the room.

Peeking through a door to my left I see a miniature bathroom complete with a stained sink, decades old toilet, and Odin knows what in the tub. I swiftly shut the door after noticing a suspicious shape lurking under the sink.

A small chuckle comes from Lenny and I turn to see what he's looking at.

Across from the TV stand there is the last piece of furniture in this shack.

A bed.


Dear Odin.

I let out long sigh as Snart lets go of my waist and walks over towards it. He places a hand on it and surprisingly no dust rises off. With a sudden movement Snart wrenches the sheet free.

"What are you-oh."

I stop and watch bug eyed as he turns to face me with a grimace.

Half the sheet is stained with a crusty red substance. I nearly gag as he drops it over the other side of the bed. Gingerly Snart sits down on the mattress.

"Home sweet home," Snart drawls carefully leaning back against the pillows.

I fold my arms across my chest and step closer eyeing the mattress warily.

"The bed won't bite you, Princess," Snart pauses to think then adds, "Hopefully."

I snort and make my way over.

"Scoot over, Wentworth," I joke sliding into the bed.

He scoffs but moves over slightly giving me a tiny bit of room. Our sides are practically touching and I sigh.

"If you snore, drool or cuddle I'm going to lock you in the bathroom," I warn him as I glance towards the window on my right.

Snart chuckles.

"Oh I am terrified of blonde midgets."

I elbow him then pull back one of the lacy curtains to peer out the window.

My view consists of a brick wall.

"Wow we must've gotten the best room here," I say sarcastically pulling it back to show him.

Snart laughs and rolls over on his side to face the door.

"Did you bring pajamas or a toothbrush?" I question.


"No toothbrush? That's attractive
you pig. Scoot over I'm going to get ready for bed," I say pushing his shoulder.

"Why didn't you do that before you got in bed?" He grumbles.

"I thought to myself, what would annoy Lenny the most? And it came to me-hey!"

Lenny had slipped his arms around my waist, picked me up and shoved me off the bed.

"I hate you, Wentworth," I mutter stalking off towards the bathroom.

"Love you too, Loretta," he calls back.

I mutter under my breath as I pull my clothes out of my bag. I have a pair of red and black checkered sweatpants and a black tank top. Reaching for the bathroom door knob I stop. A scuttling noise echoes from the bathroom and I take a step backwards.

"Having trouble?" Snart asks sarcastically, "If your having trouble working the doorknob I can give you step by step instructions."

I run my tongue across my teeth, sorely tempted to throw the TV at Lenny's face. But with his thick skull I doubt it'll do anything.

"There's something in the bathroom, Lenny," I call back in a tight voice.

"Yes Princess, a sink, toilet and tub."

Gritting my teeth I wrench the door open and leap inside. The bathroom tiles are chilly beneath my warm feet and I shut the door quickly behind me. I flick on the lights but nothing happens.

"You've got to be kidding me," I mutter.

Stripping as fast as possible, I slide into my pjs and I leave my bra on as well. Just as I'm about to exit I hear
tiny nails click on the tiles to my left and I freeze. The sounds stop and all I can hear are my quick breaths. All is silent for a few moments and I let out a pent up breath.

Then something furry races across my foot causing me to shriek in fright.

The door slams open and a wide eyed Lenny stands there holding a flashlight. He shines it in my face blinding me then waves it around the bathroom searching for an intruder.

The beam of light lands on a rat in hiding under the corner of the sink and I let out a small noise of fear.

Lenny raises an eyebrow and gestures for me to leave. I immediately duck under his arm and exit.

As the door slides shut behind him I let out a long sigh.

"I. Hate. Rip. Hunter," I mutter to Lenny.

He rolls his eyes and moves past me towards the bed.

"It was tiny, Princess-"


"It was tiny-"


"Is that why you squealed?"


"No it was a squeal."


"More like a whimper now that I think about it," he says with a smile.

I growls and shove past him towards the bed.

It sinks down as he lays beside me chuckling.

"If it gets out of the bathroom it'll eat you first," I mutter.

He laughs.

"I think it liked you."

I shiver at the memory of the furry animal running over my foot.

The bed shifts as Lenny moves to lay on his back. I rest on my side facing away from him and slowly let my eyes slide shut.

"Sara says you don't want to be here."

I'm never going to get to sleep here.

"Oh she does does she?" I mutter back keeping my eyes closed.

"Kari," he says softly.

My eyes open and I roll over to face him.

"It. Doesn't. Matter," I snarl glaring at him. His blue eyes glint back at me from window, concern shining through his regular facade of sarcasm.

"It, it, d-doesn't m-mat-" I can't even finish as the water works start.

Snart shifts uncomfortably and I sit up in the bed sobbing.

Desperation crawls through my chest tearing at my heart.

I don't know what I'm doing here.
I don't belong here with these people.
I'm going to blow the mission.
I'm going to crack when I see my dad.
Everything is going to go horribly.

Because of me.

Tears cascade down my cheeks and I try to apologize to Lenny but it just come out as a garbled wail.

Lenny silently sits up and reaches over the side of the bed pulls up something. My tears cloud my vision as I desperately try to cease my cries.

Whenever I cry it's not pretty crying. It's ugly crying.

I'm ugly crying in front of Lenny.


A tearing noise interrupts my sobs and I blink away tears to see Lenny pulling the sheet apart. He hands me a semi clean part of the sheet before dropping the rest of it off the bed.

I gratefully take it and wipe my nose. My sobs eventually subside into hiccups and I turn what I'm sure is a blotchy face towards Lenny.

He's watching me warily as if expecting me to dissolve into tears if he says anything and I let out a wet chuckle.

"I-i-i'm not a b-b-bomb, Lenny."

He quirks an eyebrow.

"You're right. Bombs are easy to deal with," he says slowly.

I smile wipe my nose again.


We both go quiet for a bit as I settle back down occasionally wiping my nose and eyes. Finally Lenny breaks the silence.

"Are you going to explain or should I go to sleep?"

I glare at him for a bit before sighing and looking away.

"I'd better tell you," I mutter darkly, "Most of the team already knows."

Lenny moves so that he's leaning against the backboard and I, suddenly seized by reckless daring,    rest my head on his shoulder. He tenses behind me then relaxes. An arm slides around my shoulders and I sink into his embrace.

"My father, Quincy Jones, destroyed my life," I begin my voice wavering dangerously, "He pretended to be a loving leader and father but he wasn't. He pretended to love me and my mother but he didn't. He pretended to care about my future but all he wanted was to mold me into his minion. By the time I was fifteen he had murdered over fifty people including my mother."

My voice cracks and Snart's grip tightens on my shoulders.

"He tried to push me over the edge with my mother's death. He wanted me to be like him," my voice lowers dangerously, "Sadistic."

"He wanted me to join him in terrorizing the city," I say, my body beginning to tremble, "I knew he wouldn't let me go if I said no. So I-I-I-"

"You killed him," Snart finishes dully.

Tears prick my eyes again and I bury my face in his chest. Sobs shake my body and my tears soak Lenny's black shirt.

"I'd be lying if I told you the guilt goes away," Lenny sighs gently running a hand through my hair.

I shake in his hold and lift a wet face to look at him.

"I d-don't feel guilty," I whisper.

Lenny swallows his eyes growing dark.

"Neither did I after killing my dear old dad," Snart says slowly, "But that doesn't mean I don't regret killing other people."

It finally hits me who he's talking about.

"Is Mick really dead?" I whisper.

Snart doesn't answer and I pull away from him to look at his face. His deep blue eyes find mine and he sighs heavily.


I feel as if I were shocked by lightning. He meant it. He really did.

He killed his partner.

Snart's eyes are like shards of ice piercing my own.

"As odd as it is for me to be the one giving moral advice, Princess trust me when I say this, the ends don't always justify the means."

I drop my gaze to stare at the comforter.

"Who cares if we kill Savage if we end up just as twisted as he is," I mutter.

Snart loosens his hold on my shoulder and slides back down onto the mattress.

"Exactly," he breathes closing his eyes, "Now do me a favor and shut up so I can sleep."

Just like that his walls are back up. He's back to being a sarcastic grouch. It's strange seeing his soft side. I wish I could see it more often.

Smiling slightly to myself I roll over and close my eyes.


A grunt from aside of me is my answer.

"What's the best way to kidnap someone?"
