Kidnappings and Cappuccinos

"This is never going to work."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lenny."

"Always here when you need it, Princess."

"Aw this is so sweet I'm gonna get a cavity," Jax comments from beside me.

We are both situated in an alleyway across from the building that my father is due to leave any minute. The others are hiding in alleys farther away from ours to capture him in case we screw up. Which is a distinct possibility.

"Yeah can we save the flirting for later?" Ray calls over the mics, "Please?"

"That's not even close to flirting compared to your comments to Kendra, Boyscout."

"Eagle Scout. I told you, Snart. I was-"

"Gentlemen can we please just focus on the mission at hand?" Rip snaps.

I roll my eyes and play with the comm in my ear. Looking over my shoulder I glance out of the alley at the glass buildings across the street. Jax peers with me and whispers,

"What do we do when he comes out again?"

Four audible groans echo over the mic at that statement.

"It was just a question!" Jax defends but everyone is already talking at once.

"Are you kidding me, Jax?" Ray asks.

"WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS TWELVE SEPARATE TIMES!" Rip screams over the comms.

"Apparently his memory is worse than Stein's," Lenny comments.

"I'll have you know my cerebral cortex is in fully functioning order, Mr. Snart. I have no problems with my memory whatsoever," Stein says speaking up for the first time.

"You sure about that?" Sara says cutting in, "Five bucks says you can't even tell us what you had for breakfast this morning."

Just as Stein's about to answer I pluck the device from my ear and slip it into my pocket.

"Kari, what are you doing?" Jax whispers, "You can't just take out your-"

I clap my hand to his mouth glaring at him.

"Shut it," I mouth pointing at his comm.

He narrows his brown eyes and glances over my shoulder.

Suddenly his eyes widen and he gestures wildly over my arm.

I glance back around and feel my chest tighten.

A man in a black suit has exited the building we've been watching. Even at the distance I recognize the unruly black hair. His face is surprisingly clean shaven and his eyes are shielded from the sun by black shades.


He glances around before turning left down the sidewalk.

"Here goes distraction number one," I mutter lifting my hands in the air.

A trash can flies through the air and smashes into the pavement scaring my father. He leaps backwards in shock before staring around in bewilderment.

His head turns towards Jax and I's hideout and Jax ducks backwards.

I groan as my father immediately scampers away down the street.

"You idiot!" I snarl as I stick my earpiece back in.

"-ere he goes."

"Aaaand they failed," Sara says slowly.

"This is why we don't send amateurs to do at professional's job," Snart grumbles.

"Since when are you a professional at kidnapping?" I call over the mic keeping an eye on my father's retreating back.

"Cisco Ramone, his annoying older brother, Caitlyn Snow, you," Snart lists, "Shall I go on?"

"You just ran out of names," I scoff back.

"Wrong Princ-"

"He's by your alleyway, Sara," I interrupt, "Please hit him. It'll do him some good."

Jax snorts.

I send him a small smile and turn my gaze back towards Sara's alley just in time to see her reach out and drag my dad inside.

Four seconds later she calls,

"Got him. He's a feisty little punk. He called me sweet cheeks three times already. I see why you hate him, Kari."

I let out a small noise of derision and turn my attention back to my mic.

"So we'll meet you at the hotel-"

"Actually there's been a change of plans," Rip says quickly, "We have a slight issue with the hotel."

"The spiders and rats?" Kendra asks, "Because they weren't "slight issues" they were huge ones."

"Alas no that is not it," Rip says, "We are going to have to stay in the ship. Savage it appears has spies all across the city and has already been made aware of our arrival."

"Go figure," Snart mumbles.

"Therefore," Rip continues, "We shall keep Mr. Jones in The WaveRider's cell and for the duration of the mission a select few of us will remain on board."

"Can we do it soon?" Sara asks irritably, "Idiot over here is trying to flirt his way to freedom. Savage might not have to worry about killing him if this idiot makes one more remark about the size of my butt."

"Mr. Snart and I will assist you momentarily," Rip hurriedly replies, "In the meantime everyone else get back to the ship and await further instructions."

The comm link cuts off and I'm left hearing nothing but people jostling in the streets and blaring of car horns.

Jax rubs his arm nervously and glances sideways at me.

"Ready to go?" He questions.

I smile as my eye catches on a store down the street.

"Sure. But wanna get some coffee first?"

Jax opens his mouth in surprise and his brown eyes find the Starbucks two blocks away.

"Shouldn't we be-"

"Going back to the ship where there's nothing but stale crackers and freezes dried preservatives?" I interrupt with a small smirk, "Yep! But I want a french vanilla cappuccino first."

Jax slowly returns my grin as I exit the alley.

"I'm game for that."

*Ten Minutes Later*


I nod appreciatively at Jax who takes another gulp of his drink. His eyes are big and he eagerly licks his lips.

"This is good!"

I nod again taking a sip of my own. Vanilla wafts through my nose and electrifies my tastebuds. Miniature icicles crunch in my mouth as I savor the drink from holy grail otherwise known as a $3.75 dollar milkshake.

"I missed this place so much," I say wistfully staring around the mocha colored room. The cashiers are working double time trying to decrease the overwhelming amount of customers but the already crowded store just keeps filling with coffee and muffin junkies.

"I can see why!" Jax laughs scooting his stool around to stare alongside me at the flood of new people.

"You ever wonder-?" I pause and swirl my straw around in my drink, "Nah. Nevermind."

"What?" Jax encourages staring over his drink at me.

I bite my lip and poke my straw forcefully into my cup.

"What, what do you think would've happened if we didn't come on this," I pause searching for the word.

"Insane suicide mission?" Jax supplies.

I glance up from the Starbuck's logo on my cup that I had been staring at for the past half minute.


Jax sighs heavily and looks away. Not in a "this is a dumb question why are you wasting my time" sort of way but more of the "dang all I wanted was to enjoy my first trip to Starbuck's in peace" sort of way.

"Nevermind," I say as this thought crossed my mind, "just forget I said anyth-"

"I think most of the team would be dead," Jax interrupts bluntly.

His brown eyes meet mine full of conviction.

"If we hadn't come then this mission or whatever it is would've failed. And I'm not saying it's cause we're the MVP's or anything. No. It's just cause without each other I don't think we would've stayed together as a team. Like without you I don't think Snart would've stayed as long as he has. And Sara wouldn't have been anything but a scary lady that everyone avoided."

I snort into my drink at that.

"A scary lady?"

"She's terrifying!" Jax argues before shifting his eyes around the store, "And that's a besides then point. You've helped keep us all together, Kari. Without you I'm not sure how we would've done."

I roll my eyes and set my empty cup down on the table with a small plunk.

"But without you, Stein would've stayed an arrogant jerk refusing to talk in a language anyone could understand," I pause, "Except for Raymond maybe but that's not important. What is important is you, Jax. You've helped me get through some rough stuff and I trust you. I'm glad you came on this
"Suicide Mission" willingly or not."

Jax laughs showing his pearly whites and sets down his cup beside mine.

"Me too, Kari."

The smile stays in his eyes and he shakes his head sadly.

"Snart's gotta be a lucky guy to
get a girl like you," he laughs sitting back in his chair.

I smirk and open my mouth to reply when the flat screen across from me flashes a picture across the screen.

A young woman with beautiful black hair and stunning green eyes appears smiling away in the picture as the news anchorman drones on. The volume is silent but the words play at the bottom of the screen.

"The search for Kimberly Reitz continues. This popular dancer has been gone for the past three months and was reported missing by her long time boyfriend, Quincy Jones just last fall. There is no news on the girl's whereabouts and her family and friends are still desperately searching. If anyone has any information contact authorities.

Our next breaking story is on the kidnapping of Quincy Jones, undersecretary to Mayor Savage. Jones was seen leaving his workplace around 3pm when he was attacked and taken by two men and one female."

Blurry pictures of Sara, Snart and Rip appeared on the screen.

My blood freezes and I can feel my stomach turning to lead within me as the news anchor continues.

"Authorities advise people to avoid these three fugitives as they are extremely dangerous and will it hesitate to steal, kidnap and murder. There are also five other individuals just as dangerous. They are pictured here."

Five different pictures appear on the screen. They are hazy but I can still make out who's who and feel dread begin settling in my stomach.

Coming here was a big mistake.

"Kari?" Jax asks his head swiveling back and forth between me and the TV.

"We need to go now," I say in a clipped tone.

Before he can answer the men sitting behind him pull out a guns; shoving their seats away.

They land with a clatter to the ground but no one turns to look. The chatty, warm atmosphere stays the same for everyone but the four of us.

"Stay where you are," one commands.

"No promises," I say looking at Jax, "You trust me?"

He nods without hesitation.

"Miss Jones, don't try anything clever."

I snort turning to face the man with the gun trained on Jax.

"Like I said earlier," I say with a smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes. "No promises."

In honor of Captain America Civil War I give you this chapter earlier than I was planning. Enjoy my fellow Legends!
