Wake Up

Gogo POV

We I get to the hospital I quickly take our armour off and hide it before entering.  When I enter the hospital the doctors see his body in my arms and quickly rush him into an ER room to take the bullet out of him.  Not knowing what to do I just pace back and fourth in front of his room, waiting to see if he survives.  A few minutes later the others come with Aunt Cass, who all look terribly worried.  "Anything yet?" they all ask me and I just shake my head.  After that, we all do our own things while we wait.  Fred starts reading some comics, Wasabi tries to meditate and Honey Lemon keeps trying to comfort Aunt Cass, telling her that it will be alright.  I just continue pacing back and fourth the same thoughts going through my head, "Why did he decide to save me?  What if he dies and I can't tell him how sorry I am?  What if I was there for him all those months that we forgot about him?  What if I wasn't fast enough?"  

Just then a surgeon comes out from the room and says, "The operation was successful-" and we all breath a sigh of relief.  However, the surgeon continues and says, "But he has lost a lot of blood and probably won't survive, so I recommend that you say your goodbyes."  We're all shocked by what the surgeon says and become very upset.  Wasabi and Fred don't cry, but I can tell that they will really miss him.  Aunt Cass is crying on Honey Lemon's shoulder who also sheds a few tears herself.  I just sit against a wall crying into my hands thinking of how I failed Hiro.  After a minute we all go into the room, going to say goodbye to the little nerd for the last time.

Aunt Cass goes first, then Fred, then Wasabi, then Honey Lemon and finally me.  I sit down and look at his cute face.  He looks so peaceful, as if this is what he wanted.  "Hiro, when I first saw you I knew that there was something special about you, but I never imagined to do what we've done together.  You've pushed us far beyond out limits and made us who we are today." I say as I start to cry.  "Hiro, y-you mean so m-much to me.  I-I've already lost s-so much, and I-I can't afford to l-lose you t-too.  Please s-stay with me Hiro.  W-We all need y-you."  I say crying as the others come and give me a hug.  When I back away from the hug I wipe my tears and we all look at Hiro.  A few seconds later the machine goes blank, as Hiro's heart stops.  "HIRO!!!!!" we all scream as we begin to cry.  I cry a lot knowing that I've lost the one I love and there's nothing I can do to get him back.
