
Gogo POV

Hiro and I slowly pull away, already knowing and dreading what we're going to see.  When we finally turn to see where the flash came from, we see none other than Honey Lemon standing there with her phone. "Ummm, hi?" she says nervously.  "Honey Lemon, did you take a picture of us?" I ask her.  "Maybe?" she replies.  Hiro facepalms and I rub my head thinking, "How on earth has she been able to get so many pictures of us together?!"  I sigh before saying, "Just don't tell anyone about this, or show anyone that picture."  "There might be a slight problem with that." she tells us.  "Honey Lemon, what have you done?" I ask her a bit angrily.  "I might've, sort of, already sent the picture to Aunt Cass." Honey Lemon replies nervously. I pinch the bridge off my nose wondering, "How has she already sent her the picture?" "Okay. Let's just keep this between us four." I say. Honey Lemon nods before quickly leaving to join the others. 

I look over at Hiro, who's face frozen with shock.  His eyes are wide open and his mouth is hung open.  "Hiro you're going to be catching flies like that." I say to him jokingly, but he doesn't respond.  "Earth to Hiro." I say to him, but still no response.  I wave my hand in front of his face, screaming his name but still he does nothing.  So, I punch his arm and finally get a reaction.  "Ow!  What was that for?  Wait, where's Honey Lemon?" he says to me.  "Dude you spaced out when Honey Lemon said she sent a picture of us kissing to your aunt." I remind him.

Hiro POV

"Honey Lemon, what have you done?" Gogo asks her a bit angrily.  "I might've, sort of, already sent the picture to Aunt Cass." Honey Lemon replies nervously.  My jaw drops and my eyes go wide.  "She did what?!" I think to myself.  "Aunt Cass is going to bug me about this forever.  How am I supposed to explain this to her?  And the fact that she was right about us.  How am I supposed to focus on anything when Aunt Cass is going to continuously bring this up?  What's Honey Lemon done to my life?" I think to myself, before I'm brought out of my train of thought by Gogo punching my shoulder.

"Ow!  What was that for?  Wait, where's Honey Lemon?" I say to Gogo.  "Dude you spaced out when Honey Lemon said she sent a picture of us kissing to your aunt." she reminds me.  "Oh yeah, sorry about that.  I was just thinking about how I'm going to explain this to Aunt Cass, and how she's going to keep bothering me about this." I tell her.  Gogo bites her lip nervously before saying, "I mean you could make this official."  I sit there trying to comprehend what she said.  "Wait, are you,  Gogo Tomago asking me, Hiro Hamada out on a date." I say, as she nods her head in agreement.  "Today's Monday, so we could have a picnic on Sunday.  But, I want you to bring some of Aunt Cass's food." she tells me.  "Sure." I reply.  "Wait.  Are you sure I'm not dreaming?" I ask her.  "Yup.  You're not dreaming." she replies, kissing me and getting up. I get up and give her a kiss back. Then we hold each other's hands as we see what the others are up to.

Aunt Cass POV

I'm working at the café when I get at text from Honey Lemon. At first I'm puzzled because why would she be texting me when she's at school.  "What if something happened to Hiro?" I think to myself, but when I see the text is the complete opposite with what I was expecting.  It's an image of Hiro and Gogo kissing!  I'm so proud of Hiro, he's finally found the courage to tell her his feelings.  I always knew they would get together they were making it so obvious, but never the less I'm so happy for my little collage boy.  I also can't wait for him to tell me do I can ask him all about it.

Gujoja POV

It's been almost 5 years since I last saw Leiko and got locked up, but I've finally escaped. Now it's time for me to find her and bring her back to where she belongs.  I walk through the streets of Seoul Diego looking for anything that could help me find her. That's when I see a newspaper, is a few weeks old but it says someone named Hiro Hamada received the Medal of Freedom in San Fransokyo.  I don't care about him, but standing next to him is my familiar looking niece.  She's changed into a more confident and independent person, but I'll be able to get her back to that scared and obedient little girl again.  "If she's in San Fransokyo, then San Fransokyo is where I'm heading." I say with a smile, as I set course of San Fransokyo.
