
Hiro POV

I wake up the day after the concert feeling so happy.  That was the best night of my life!  I'm so glad that Tadashi didn't forget about my birthday.  Then my mind thinks of what happened 4 days ago with Karmi.  "Do I like her?" I keep asking myself.  She's nice, smart, beautiful, and strong but, then there's Gogo.  She's still same old Gogo, except she's forgotten about me and probably doesn't care about me.  I decide not to think about it anymore and get ready for school and the millions of questions my friends ask.  When I get ready and see that Tadashi is still asleep.  I decide not to wake him up as he always wakes up early, and probably needs the sleep.

At school

When I enter the lab I see all my friends working.  When they see me I can tell they still think I went bot fighting and aren't happy with me.  I don't bother saying hi and go straight to my lab to get some work done before they come.  I'm able to get 10 minutes worth of work done before they come in.  "Hiro, can you please tell us why you went bot fighting?" Honey Lemon asks.  "Yeah Hiro were your friends, you can tell us anything." Wasabi adds.  It takes everything I have to not snap a them for calling themselves my friends.  "I already told you guys, I didn't go.  Why don't you believe me." I say as Gogo mutters something to herself.  "Gogo what did you say?" I ask.  "Nothing." she replies.  "Don't give me that I know you said something." I say.  "I said why did Tadashi let you go to a concert when you aren't being accountable for your actions." she says causing me to snap a bit.  "Maybe because it was my birthday!" I say angrily.  All their expressions change from angry to sad and guilt.  "Hiro were sorry we forgot about your birthday we were just concerned with what just happened."  Gogo says trying to come close to me so she can comfort me.

I back away from her and fully snap at them.  "Get a calendar!  It was last week!  But you guys were too busy watching Tadashi play a video game."  Hiro say.  They all looked shocked that my birthday was a week ago and say anything, so I decide to continue.  "You guys call yourself my friends when you have bothered to spend time with me in the last 2 months!  You guys promised me that you weren't going to forget about me but you did!  You guys never cared about me, you just cared if you had someone to guide you cause you're too dumb to do it yourself." I say carrying my rant when I'm cut off by Gogo.  "That's enough!" Gogo says pushing me and catching me off guard, making me fall.  As soon as she did that she looked like she regretted it.  "Hiro I'm sorry." she starts but I cut her off.  "No I don't want to hear your excuses.  I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough to be remembered, but it's over.  I don't want to talk to you guys again." I say then leave.  "Hiro." they say calling for me but I don't listen.  I just leave and go home wanting to be by myself.

Gogo POV

As Hiro leaves one thing goes through my mind, "I broke him.  I pushed him over the limit."  I just stand there tears forming in my eyes.  "We need to make this up to Hiro." Honey Lemon says.  I can't let the others see me like this, so I leave and head to my lab.  When I get there I just cry.  I loved him, but now I've lost him forever.  That's when I remember the promise I made to myself when Tadashi died.  "I will make sure that Hiro's okay, never upset and never forgotten." I said to myself when I hugged Hiro, but now I've broken that promise.  So, I just sit there crying thinking about how I failed Hiro.


A/N:  Hope you guys are enjoying this story.  Thank you for all of the support it's gotten so far.  I just wanted to say that next chapter will be a villain reveal.  So, put your guesses in the comments!  Hope you guys have a nice day.
