love or friendship

"Don't go. Don't go on that blind date"

This has been replaying over and over again in Deok-sun's head. She called Mi-ok to tell her the news and she was absolutely blown away.

"What happened after?" Mi-ok almost screamed over the phone.

"I left," Deok-sun answered.

"What!?" Mi-ok gasped in disbelief.

"You're such a dummy! You should have waited for him to say something more."

"Are you crazy? He told me to leave because it was late so what was I supposed to do?" Deok-sun sighed.

She ended the call because it was becoming more and more agonizing.

"Deoksun-ah, it's the birthday of Jung Hwan's dad today. You go there first. Your dad and I will follow." Her mom's words didn't even help.

She faltered for a second but she thought of Jung Hwan's dad who was practically her best friend too. She couldn't miss his birthday. So with all her might, she wore a cheerful face and went to Jung Hwan's house.

"Aigoo Kim Sajang!" she uttered their usual banter as energetic as she can be.

"Aigoo Sung Sajang!" Jung Hwan's dad responded with an unusual amount of enthusiasm.

"Happy Birthday, Ajusshi." Deok-sun smiled widely, trying to keep up her face even though Sung Kyun ajusshi was obviously sad.

"Thank you, uri Deok sun-ah." Sung  Kyun ajusshi caressed her hair before he went to his room. At least he didn't ignore her, she thought.

"That was odd. What's wrong with your dad, Jung Bong oppa?" Deok-sun asked Jung Bong who was already enjoying the birthday cake in the dining table.

Jung Hwan was there too, sitting beside his brother, but Deok-sun felt strange talking to him. Thankfully, Jung Bong was there.

Jung Bong just shrugged his shoulders and focused on scooping the icings on the cake.

"Oppa, do you not like the icing? I'll eat it for you." Deok-sun exclaimed.

"Andwae! I like to eat it this way." Jung Bong shoved the cream altogether in his mouth.

And just like that, Deok-sun and Jung Bong played with their cakes. They seemed to be enjoying it until Jung Hwan interrupted their childish actions.

"Yah, stop it at once. What are you, elementary kids? Aiish! How could you play with your food like that?" Jung Hwan hissed.

Deok-sun carefully wiped the sides of her mouth that was totally covered with cream. She was fighting the feeling of being embarrassed towards Jung Hwan. She's not used to feeling that way. Why would a simple earful like that distract her? Then again, she admitted to herself that she was feeling something a little more than that.

The day went by and Deok-sun did not see Jung Hwan again after her visit to his house. It was only until her squad gathered at Jung Hwan's room when Dong-ryong ran away from their house even when they were only a roof away.

"My parents don't care about me. They did not even notice I was gone the entire night." Dong-ryong sighed as he told his friends about his situation.

On times like this, it's good to have friends with whom you can share your burdens with. Dong-ryong knew he was going to be alright with all his friends around.

They were enjoying the company of each other... exchanging banters, laughing at each other's problems, thinking about college... they were happy like that.

"I'm going to the rest room. Don't you dare finish the food without me!" Deok-sun announced as she went out of Jung Hwan's room.

"Wasn't she already full?" Sun-woo then asked when Deok-sun left.

"You know how she is." Taek answered.

"I wonder if there are guys who like our Deok-sun." Dong-ryong said his usual mockery of their only princess.

They always joke about how Deok-sun will never get married because she's too intense. Indeed, Deok-sun is nothing like the other girls. She's boisterous and silly most of the time.

"I like Deok-sun" It was all fun and games until Taek spoke.

Jung Hwan tried to hide the shock he felt when he heard what Taek said.

"Seriously? You like Deok-sun as a girl and not as a friend?" Dong-ryong questioned.

"Yes, I like her as a girl and not as a friend." Taek answered so firmly that made everyone drop their jaws.

Sun-woo and Dong-ryong laughed at Taek for liking a loud girl like Deok-sun but later agreed that both looked good together.

"Well, you need a girl like Deok-sun in your life anyway. You need a little trouble!" Dong-ryong roared into a laugh again.

While the guys are happily teasing Taek, Jung Hwan was having a silent breakdown. But he mustn't show it. He composed himself and half-heartedly join the cheerful atmosphere.

Just when he was about to go all out with his feelings for Deok-sun, his childhood best friend, Taek, turned out to feel the same way for her. Taek, who was everyone's baby, whom he cared for like a brother, and whom he would risk his life to protect, also liked the girl of his dreams.

Jung Hwan sighed and wished for a better morning.
