early morning air

The next days were even more painful for Deok-sun because Jung Hwan continued to ignore her. This time around, when Deok-sun waited for Jung Hwan at the gate so they can go to school together, Jung Hwan had already gone to school early. She's absolutely bewildered by this sudden treatment. However, she didn't want to give up just yet.

The next day, she woke up earlier than she normally does. She waited at the bus stop for Jung Hwan and hid when she saw him walking towards the bus stop. When Jung Hwan had entered the bus, that's when she came out from hiding to look like she had just arrived.

"What are you doing here so early?" Jung Hwan finally talked to her.

And even though this wasn't what she wanted to hear, she was fine with it, as long as he talked to her.

"How about you, why are you here so early?" She grinned at him.

"I'll be sleeping. Wake me up when we arrive." She sat next to Jung Hwan comfortably, smiling inside.

Jung Hwan was dying inside. He was completely torn and Deok-sun is making it even harder for him. If he was a bad friend and didn't think about Taek, he'd be grabbing the chance in this situation. But Jung Hwan knew better. He couldn't afford to lose a friendship he had been protecting his whole life.

"Jung Hwan-ah?" Deok-sun softly said, still resting on Jung Hwan's shoulder.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked and abruptly moved away from his shoulder to look at his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Jung Hwan avoided her gaze.

They were alone in that bus and she was so near to him that he might just close that distance again.

"I just feel like you've been avoiding me. Or maybe I'm just overthinking." Deok-sun kept her gaze.

Jung Hwan had gotten the courage to finally look at her eyes. Then he felt it... looking at her gleaming eyes and beautiful face, he just knew... he loved her. Fear crept into Jung Hwan as he imagined the things that will happen if he let his guard down.

"You're definitely overthinking, you crazy girl! I'm just busy." He lied.

The truth was, after he found out about Taek's feelings towards Deok-sun, he felt it was inconsiderate of him to continue showing his affection to Deok-sun. And even though he knew he liked Deok-sun first, he thought of it as an act of betrayal towards his friend. So he tried his best to avoid having moments with Deok-sun because he knew it would only make things harder for him.

"Go with me to Lee Moon Sae's concert then." Deok-sun pouted and gave him her cutest smile.

Damn. How could he resist?

"Fine." He answered and sneaked a subtle smile.

"Is that a smile I see?" Deok-sun held his chin to let him face her.

Jung Hwan quickly took Deok-sun's hand away from his face, however not letting it go. They stared at each other for God knows how long, their hands now intertwined as if they moved on their own.

Deok-sun's heart was racing as she stared at Jung Hwan. Her gaze moved down to his lips and she was surprised that Jung Hwan was doing the same. As if on cue, Jung Hwan cupped her face and leaned in closer to give her the kiss she was longing for. It's just like how she remembered it, only this time it was more passionate. Maybe it was the cold of the early morning air that's tingling in her ears or the rush of electricity that's running through her being.

Without breaking their kiss, Jung Hwan held her waist tighter to she could move closer to him. She liked the feeling of being touched by him. It was like she was at the safest place in the world and no one could harm her. She enveloped her hands unto his nape and caressed the back of his head.

"Jung Hwan-ah..." Deok-sun's voice was almost a gasp for air when they finally broke away from the kiss.

Jung Hwan was speechless. How could he have lost his control and did the very thing he shouldn't have? He softly let go of Deok-sun and looked away to the bus window. It was like he was under a spell and now he has woken up from it.

"Why are you looking away?" Deok-sun groggily said like she was about to cry.

Jung Hwan was alarmed to hear Deok-sun's voice like that and immediately looked back at her. He wasn't mistaken. Deok-sun was indeed shedding tears. He didn't know what to do.

"Why are you crying?" He worriedly asked.

"You just kissed me again. Then you act like nothing happened. What the hell is your problem? Are you just playing with my feelings?" Deok-sun cried out.

"Deok sun-ah, mianhe... I don't know what to do - " He held her hands but she tossed them away.

"I am starting to fall for you." She suddenly declared.

Jung Hwan just frozed there and was still not able to say something.

"But if you're just playing with my feelings, then stop it so I can stop falling too." She said.
