burger and cola

Jung Hwan tied his shoelace for the third time even though he had perfected it seconds ago. He was waiting for Deok-sun outside their gate and was getting impatient. Finally, Deok-sun came out and was equally surprised to see Jung Hwan in front of the gate.

"Why are you still here?" She asked.

"I overslept. Let's go." Jung Hwan answered but he was instantly distracted with Deok-sun's outfit. Why was she wearing a skirt in this cold weather? And her legs... damn. Won't they get cold?

"Yah! Why are you wearing a skirt when it's so cold?" He snapped and he didn't mind if Deok-sun saw how concerned he was.

"I'm going to Apgujeong later with my friends." She smiled widely. He can tell she was really excited.

"But, won't the radishes get cold?" He joked about her legs. Of course, they didn't look like radishes. They looked precious that he didn't want to share that lovely sight with anyone.

She just glared at him, annoyed that he teased her legs.

"Just stay at home or watch some videos with the guys." He tried to convince her.

"I can't do that. I promised my friends I'd hang out with them later." she declared enthusiastically.

He didn't have a choice but to let her be. After all, who was he to oppose?

Hours seemed to pass by so slow when Jung Hwan surprisingly got a call from Deok-sun. His mama cheetah was the first to pick up the telephone.

"Jung Hwan-ah, it's Deok-sun. If she's in trouble, go and pick her up." His mom said as she handed her the phone.

Jung Hwan almost leaped out of the sofa after hearing what his mom said.

"What?" With his usual cold voice, he asked.

"Can you come here to Apgujeong? I'm at McDonald's." He could tell she was being reluctant.

"Why do you want me there?"

"Just come here!"

Then she hung up the phone in an instant. Jung Hwan was absolutely pleased about this. He slipped on a gray shirt and a black jacket and off he went.

"What are you doing here?" Deok-sun's mouth was open, puzzled that Jung Hwan was there just minutes away after her call.

Her friends were there too, bewildered by the sight of Jung Hwan. It was them who asked Deok-sun to call him. It was depressing to sit around with a bunch of couples and they figured it would be fun to have a guy accompany them. And since Deok-sun was the only one who had guy friends, they asked her to call even just one. Taek was out of the option because he was at baduk practice. Deok-sun was still upset with Sun-woo. And they didn't even bother to think about Dong-ryong. Jung Hwan was a perfect choice. He was rich and he could buy them lots of food.

"Wasn't it you who asked me to come?" Jung Hwan answered in total disappointment. How could he have forgotten that Deok-sun was with her friends when she mentioned it this morning.

"Let's order!" Deok-sun broke the awkward silence after Jung Hwan had already settled beside her.

After her friends mentioned their orders, Jung Hwan turned to ask Deok-sun.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I want a double cheeseburger, fries, cola, and ice cream!" she enumerated eagerly like a child.

"Here you go again, glutton! You know you can't even finish everything. Just eat a little and order again if you're still hungry." He gave her a good scolding.

"Just have a burger and a cola. I'll order again if you finished everything." He declared, looking at her so intently.

"Arasso..." Deok-sun weakly agreed. He was right, after all. She could never control what she eats and she always ends up leaving more food on her plate.

"I'll just go to the comfort room." She stood up and walked away.

Jung Hwan hated how Deok-sun's friends stared at him like he was some celebrity or that like they've never seen a guy before. He looked down quietly until they spoke to him.

"You must be really close with Deok-sun. She gets you all the way here with just one call." They sounded like TV interviewers.

"I thought she was alone." was what he answered and regretted five seconds later because Deok-sun's friends looked stunned.

"I'll go and order. I'll be back." He finally left the two without waiting for Deok-sun.

Their dine seemed particularly normal because Deok-sun and her friends were always laughing and talking. He'd often respond but mostly, he was just quiet. He took several glances on Deok-sun and that was enough for him.

At the bus ride going home, Deok-sun was indulged in listening music from her walkman. Jung Hwan smiled at the sight of her completely enjoying the music from the cassette that they had won for her. Luckily, she was looking outside the window and she couldn't notice his glances. Jung Hwan looked at her hands drumming to the beat of the music she was listening to, and in one swift motion, Jung Hwan took the other earphone and put it on his right ear.

Deok-sun was flustered at Jung Hwan's sudden action. She looked at him and he was closing his eyes while her left earphone was stuck on his ear. She looked at him and he was soundly listening to the music.

She thought that if this was Dong-ryo, Sun-woo, and even Taek, would she feel this way? No... she probably won't. It doesn't matter whether they hug each other and hold each other's hands. They were childhood friends. They've practically lived together since they were kids. These proximities shouldn't matter. And then she thought of that kiss and how it distracted her whole being. Now it was only an earphone... just that, but she was distracted once again.
