Chapter Two

I walked around my appartement. The bedroom was smaller than mine at home, but still rather large, and everything was white. White walls, white floors, white pillows, white curtains, etc. It felt like one of the ancient science labs I learned about in Sarrione history class. Apparently this was the height of style, but the people who lived here in Fraussen didn't exactly have what I would call a good "sense of style".

The kitchen was nonexistent, I guess we just had other people bake and cook for us. That should be expected, because most of the Prestige didn't know how to cook, but I love cooking and baking.

In the living room I had a starship sized couch wrapping along the room, (also in white) and a large coffee table. Set on the wall of windows looking over the city was a giant television showing me the latest news. In another room, there were movie theatre seats set up in a semi-circle and on the walls was the wrap around screen. We just got it installed at home in our theatre.

I really don't know why they spend all this money giving us the fanciest technology. It could go to helping the Modests and Unlabeled. Our laws really need to change, but King Lamont will not listen to anything about how his poor country is suffering. Only about how the rich are getting richer by the day.

I will definitely enjoy the indoor pool. I like swimming, not competitively, but for fun on a hot day. Are all of our apartements the same? I could ask Beth, but she's busy with the history project on different forms of governments. We have to write an essay with the prompt: Why is the monarchy the best and most well functioning government? Beth and I are partners but we are struggling because we both don't agree with the monarchy.

However, the rest of our class does, acting very arrogant while they're at it. Acting like they own the country, which is partially true because the rich influence the King and Queen.


I peek over at Beth who is deeply focused on doodling in her notebook.

"Pst!" She looked up alarmed and then saw it was me. I have to hold in laughter because she, unlike me, is terrified of Ms. Sharpe.

"What?!?" She mouthed. I pointed to where Jeffrey was asleep on his desk, set up with a little silk pillow under his chin. She looked back at me opened mouthed and then grinned. She was off the hook for today, and could doodle all she wanted. If Jeff was asleep, than no one else would take punishment - Ms. Sharpe would be so absorbed with punishing him.

Beth is really good at drawing people. She draws them day in, day out, on her history notebook. History is the only class where we can get away with anything, but I pay attention.

Ms. Sharpe teaches us about past forms of government, and I want to make sure I have them memorized and understand the pros and cons of each one. Since the government isn't able to hide the unrest in the Modests and Unlabeled as well anymore, that can only mean it is growing. What if we didn't have the monarchy someday?

I looked over at Beth's drawing. Today, it was her as a princess. Yeah, she also had a dream of becoming royalty. Not for the money or fame, but because she wants to become an attorney. Whoever becomes princess will have a lot of say in what's right and what's wrong. It's funny that she wants to be princess so badly because there is no chance that she could marry the Prince. He chooses who he wants to marry from a list of other Royalty.

However, a half a century ago, when the second generation of Schreaves were in power, they had something called The Selection. All eligible girls from the provinces of Illea, the name for Sarrione at the time, would enter to be picked for The Selection. One girl from each of the 35 provinces would come to the Palace and compete for the Prince's heart. The year of a Prince named Maxon's selection, a girl from Carolina named America Singer won and became Queen. Everyone knows their story. They kept holding The Selection until King Everit put the labels in place and re-named Illea so that it was now Sarrione.

"Now, class, we will take notes on the government form of democracy. Take out your textbooks an- Jeffery Thompson wake up this instant!" I can see why Beth is intimidated by her. Jeffrey practically jumped up in his seat and fell over out of his chair. Okay, that was a little funny.

"S-s-sorry M-Ms. S-sharpe." Poor Jeffrey! This is the third time this month that he has been sent to the Head of School, Mrs. Crimson Tetlow. Beth and I think she is pure evil, conspiring with the government to train us into being their little minions. But of course, that is just because we really don't like her.

"Jeffrey, go to Mrs. Tetlow's office and tell her you were sleeping in class again! This is unacceptable," she paused for a minute and seemed to think something over.

You could practically feel the anger radiating off of her. "Jeffrey, hold on a second. Tell lovely Ms. Tetlow that we should send a note home to your parents about your horrid behavior." Oh, no, Jeffrey's parents are known to be very mean to him!

He looked stricken with panic for a second before he regained his composure. "Of course, M-Ms. Sharpe. And may I apologize again for my behavior." He walked out the door without so much as a glance back.

"Well then class, I can trust no one will ever try that again? Hmm?" She arched an eyebrow at us and stared us down one by one.

"Yes, Ms. Sharpe." We said as she looked at us.

"Very well. Let's continue with out lesson." Beth put away her notebook and flashed a relieved face at me. If that had been her, Ms. Sharpe wouldn't of let her go without an even more strict punishment.

As Ms. Sharpe continued with our lesson, I noticed a change in my peers demeanors. Everyone sat up straighter, focused more, and wasn't distracted by anything. Normally after someone gets punished we go back to normal, but put any suspicious things (like a notebook full of doodles) away. Something was different this time. When Ms. Sharpe glanced back at us, she gave us a rare half smile and nodded her head.

"I see you all have improved. I doubt you shall be sent to Mrs. Tetlow anymore. Well, class is over. Pack up your belongings and go to your next class." We all packed up our notebooks and textbooks and quickly shuffled out the door into the elevator. As we glided up, I could feel Ms. Sharpe's eyes digging holes into my back.


We walked into Sarroine language class (like English class). In language, the room is circular shaped with many little nooks for us to write it. And that is basically all we do, practice formal writing and how to formulate laws. It doesn't make sense, because none of us will ever be doing that, but at least it is an easy class.

Beth and I got settled in our seats and waited for Mr. Karson to look up and acknowledge the class, if that was going to happen. I don't think he cares one whit about teaching us.

Oh look! He actually sees us coming in, how wonderful. "Oh, hello class. Continue your paper on forming a new law that you think needs to be put in place. We will present in two weeks." He looked at me for a second in confusion and then turned his head away. That was strange. Anyways, we all had to come up with a law that we think would benefit Sarrione. I still don't understand how this will ever benefit us in the long run, but Beth loves it because of her princess obsession, and is already focused on editing her law proposal, which has been finished for weeks now.

My law is about a minimum pay rate for the Unlabeled and Modests, higher than what is is now. I feel that if we had a certain amount that everyone got paid, then it would help benefit them more than uneven jobs here and there that could pay close to nothing. And it's not like our country doesn't have the funds to do it.

"Hey, Beth, could you help me with something?" I needed help on my proposal.

"Sure Riss, what -" A siren blasted through the air. This had never happened before, and none of us knew what to do.

Mr. Karson jumped up and said, "Everybody, this way, quietly and quickly!" He looked more stressed than I had ever seen him, so I jumped up and ran to the door he gestured to. Beth was right behind me, but she tripped over something on the floor. Mark picked her up and brought her through the door, which turned out to be an elevator, right when masked men wearing all black burst into the classroom. They had the same uniforms that the guards here have, expect without the drop of blue fabric tied to their wrist that let everybody know they were Modests. One of them took out a gun and shot it right when the doors were closing. I heard a scream and turned my head to the sound.

Samantha had been shot in the leg. As the elevator quickly went down into pitch black darkness, Mr. Karson transformed from someone who sat a a desk all day and did nothing to someone who was alert in a time of danger. He placed his hand on the wall, and the door opened to a large room that reminded me of a medical center. Beth and Samantha were placed on beds to be examined by the doctors, while the rest of us where ushered further into the room.

Towards the back, there were rooms with bunk beds for us. We all filed in, boys to the left, girls to the right, and waited for Mr. Karson to explain. He went into the boys rooms first and we waited anxiously for him to come to us.

No one could sit still, so we ended up moving around in groups and making guesses about what just happened. I paced alone in a corner, worrying about Beth and what just happened. My only guess was rebels, but the attacks hadn't happened sine the labels where put in.

Wait, what if it was the Modests and Unlabeled! There has been more unrest than usual, and the King seemed much more distracted on the last news Report. But, if two of the labels have rebelled, that leaves The Elite and The Prestige, along with the Royalty to decide what to do. If the Modests and Unlabeled were attacking the Royalty, they would have gone to the palace, not to Fraussen to attack a Prestige boarding school. Unless they we are somehow more connected to the Royalty than we thought? But what could that mean?

"Girls, please take a seat wherever you wish and listen." Mr. Karson ran his hands through his hair, and his wrinkled suit just added to his disgruntled look. "We were just attacked by a rebel group formed by the Modests and those who are so unfortunate as to not have a label. They disagree with the King's ways, and want to take down the monarchy." But still, why attack us? "They have attacked here because of a recent decision made by his Majesty to bring back an old tradition for the Prince. The Selection." Wait, what? Bring back The Selection? This make no sense. The King has expressed his dislike for past ways many times. Mr. Karson looked shaken, but continued. I got the feeling he hasn't known about this for a while and is still getting used to the idea. "As you know, The Selection was a tradition where 35 girls, one from every province, were chosen to come to the palace and compete for the Prince's heart, and ultimately, the crown. Because the rebels disliked The Selection and were causing chaos, King Everit decided to end it and not put it in place for his son, Prince and soon to be King Lamont. That was around 50 years ago. But, recent events have made the King believe that The Selection is the perfect way to re-unify our country. Take 35 girls from any label, and make one of them Princess. But because the Rebels dislike it, they have attacked." That still doesn't explain us being attacked. "This morning the King announced to all of Sarroine that he has already collected the information of all the eligible girls, and announced the names of The Selected. We didn't let you girls know because of the chaos it would cause." Well, at least I won't be chosen, because I didn't enter.

I was stumped. Since they didn't tell us about it no one could enter, so no one can be chosen.

And then it dawned on me. Our parents entered us, because everyone is away at boarding school this time of year. So of course I am going to be entered. I hope I'm not chosen, because I don't want to be Royalty, even more rich and famous than I am now. But I want Beth to be chosen because she will have a chance at her dream coming true.

"And one of you was chosen." Oh, no. "The rebel attack was an attempt to kidnap and possibly kill Lady Clarissa Dossen."

It didn't even register in my mind for a moment. Me. Going to the palace. Competing for the Prince's heart. No, no, no! "What?" I asked quietly. Everyone turned and looked at me. Some girls were glaring while others were clapping for me. They all still looked scared.

"Obviously they failed, but now we have to take even greater security measures and make sure that Lady Clarissa is safe until her departure." Lady Clarissa. Another title, another label.

"Um... please don't call me that." I said.

"But Lady Clarissa, everyone will call you that from now on. And maybe you will be The One." I stood up to leave and find Beth, but then my legs gave away, and I saw the blur of the ceiling before everything went black.

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