Chapter Eleven

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After breakfast, a man named Gaunt came and spoke to us about the rules in the Selection. We all had to sign meaningless forms and documents, none that actually meant anything. Until now.

Gaunt was taking a deep breath, and looked nervous. "Also, ladies, if you have already made this mistake - do not worry - I am sure the royal family will not mind for that time. When the Prince asks you to do something, you do not decline." Gasps echoed around the room as Gaunt's thin body floated out of the room.

As soon as he left nervous chatter erupted. I stood up carefully, shocked. I do not want to faint again. That is not Alexander. He would never force anyone to do anything they didn't want to do.

I remember his lips, so soft and gentle, and his hands, careful as if I might break.

And then I realize, Everyone else doesn't know that.

"Umm...hi?" I said quietly. I say it again louder.

"Hello? Everyone?" Eighteen pale faces turned my way. One stays facing the gardens. Bridgette. Cece and Eleanor encourage me to go on.

"I know Gaunt just said...well, that. That we can't say no to Alexander. But I just want you to know...he would never do that. Ever. Alexander is a kind, thoughtful, and respectful person. I know that whoever told Gaunt to say that, or maybe it was himself, that they were wrong. They don't know the generous person that I do. And I hope you guys know that version of him too."

"Thanks...good to know...I knew that..." I hear many things muttered under breaths.

Then the comforting silent hum fades away and everybody stands up. I look backwards to see who is there.

He clears his throat. Sir - what do you call someone who used to be king? - Maxon, is standing in the doorway. "Hello, ladies. My grandson was requesting access in here but...I see you were in the middle of things?" He nods respectfully at me.

I cringe. Oh, he heard that. And if Prince Alexander was requesting to come in, he must be right outside the door so...he heard that?

Oh, no. I hear a different throat cleared. This one younger and belonging to a different brown eyed, blonde haired someone.

"Bonjour!" Alexander says playfully. The transformation that goes over the room is slightly amazing. It is so quick, you could miss it in a blink. Makeup is checked in reflective surfaces, hair is tossed over shoulders, cheeks are pinched, and backs are straightened. I just do my awkward curtsy.

"You're highness," I say, "What business do you have here?" I ask as I rise out of my one legged curtsey to the Prince and Sir- Whatever you call him - Maxon.

Alexander smirked at me , no one could hear us but - you know what? I will call him Sir Maxon. "Well, I did have something to announce to everyone," whatever that announcement was, it made his cheeks flush bright. "But I also had a request for you." That made my cheeks flush and his even brighter.

Sir Maxon was looking at us - as in us - with a sweet expression on his face and a twinkle in his eye. He was silently fingering his earlobe, as if out of habit. He caught me looking and explained.

"I would like to speak to you as well, my dear." Usually I would say I am not your dear, but this was Sir Maxon, not Prince Alexander. Alexander nodded his consent, as if it was his decision. His grandpa saw it too, and chuckled softly. Alexander heard and blushed deeper than his already tomato like state.

The girls must have been curious because who other than Bridgette Montgomery walks up.

Today in a bright red mini-dress that's a little tight at the top and a bit too short at the bottom, tall stiletto heels, and heavy make up, she still strived and succeeded to make me ashamed of my label.

Sir Maxon's eyes widened and he glanced at me, concerned, but she didn't notice.

Alexander's eyes took her in a little too slowly for my taste. I was about to speak when she throws herself on him an an "we have a special connection here" way.

Fake, and a little too close, too long. Alexander closes his eyes for a second and inhales, but mid breath he seems to remember who this is. He stiffens, opens his eyes, and pushes her off.

I sniffed. Vanilla.

You know what, that vanilla bath sounds good now. Very good.

His eyes were pained and Maxon's hand on his back seemed to steady him.

Why is his reaction so strong?

Alexander stepped in the room, ignoring Bridgette but giving me a glance that I couldn't read

It looked like pain, forgiveness, guilt, a storm of emotions. But at the center, I hoped he was seeing me

Now that I have seen a little more of how he acts with other girls, I feel better. Seeing his grandpa, another shot into his real life, helped too. I think I understand him a little better now.

"Ladies," he says, asking for the attention he already controls. "I heard about what Gaunt said. I know you heard from Cl-Lady Clarissa, which was very kind of her, but I feel that you might need to hear the words from my mouth too." So, he did hear. I blushed along with him. I would never force any of you to do anything, or use you in any way. I completely respect all of you, and the reason you are here is your personality." That's my Alexander.

"Goodbye ladies, have a great day." They curtsied once and then returned to their now subdued gossiping.

Alexander motioned for me to come out in the hallway, and I followed, casting Cece and Eleanor a glance that said, "Sorry!"

"Ah, there you are," says Sir Maxon from the bench in a hallway alcove. "I would like to speak to you now, Lady Clarissa. Alexander, if you would."

Alexander stepped a respectful distance away from us, and turned to walk down to another alcove as he waits.

"So, Lady Clarissa."

I nod.

"I'm not one to be fooled by acts, and I know that you and Alexander, you are real." Wow. I did not expect the past king to be this straightforward with me. "I also see that you are a lot like my wife.  Not only in appearance, but in personality."

Me? Match the former queen in personality. She is always so...stiff!

"Thank you, Your Majesty." He nodded.

"No need for titles, just call me Maxon." Really? Okay. "America, my beloved wife, has...adapted, to royalty very well. She has been brave and always acts poised and calm in front of people. But underneath all that, she has a fiery attitude to match her hair. And I see that in you."

I nodded, I have been told that I have a fiery, jumpy, and rash attitude before. Mostly by my mother. "Yeah...I've been told that a few times."

"Yes, I'm sure. And I want you to know, if I am allowed to say so, that you're path with Alexander will not be easy. You will fight, maybe even try to go home, misunderstand each other, but always find your way back. Just like America and I. You must know that while the path is long and sometimes the lights are off, the lights will turn back on. The path will grow shorter, and you will see something - someone - waiting on the other side. You will come out of the woods. Just trust each other, because trust...if you lose can make the most irrational decisions. Decisions that can ruin your life." He shook his head, apparently still trying to make sense of something. It seemed like a memory that he kept near and dear to his heart.

"Thank you, S- Maxon. I appreciate it, and...that was exactly what I needed to hear right now." I need to go, to apologize to Alexander.

"I thought so." He stood up, winked at me with a bow, and we turned our separate ways.

Alexander is deep in thought when I find him. I wonder what he is thinking about.

"So...what was it you wanted to tell me?" I ask him. He looks up, and I swear his face brightens when he sees me.

"First, what did my grandpa talk to you about?" He seems nervous, like a secret may have been told.

"Umm...stuff about paths...and lights....and stuff..."

"Oh. Okay. So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on our date earlier than we planned."

That was not what I expected. I grin. "Yeah! That would be great. So, what time?"

"Oh! Yes? Fewf. I was thinking, with the way you've been acting, that you wouldn't want to go on it at -" I silenced him with a kiss.

His lips were soft, gentle...and so mine. At first he didn't react, stunned, but the he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, and new hunger awakened. He deepened the kiss, and our lips became warm.

And then it hits me. I know it now, gosh, I feel so stupid for ever thinking otherwise. I can't leave this...Alexander, the palace, my maids' cheerful personalities, it-it's become my home. For real. Not just feeling like I belong but home. And Alexander needs to know that. I'll tell him sometime tonight.

We broke apart, and Alexander whispered on my lips, "Why don't we start right now?"
