Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Hello," he says, and begins walking forward, turning around to offer me his hand, "Shall we?"

I grin, probably looking silly as I do so. "Yes we shall, your royal highness."

He gives me a cheesy grin and a bow. "My princess, if I may escort you to your room." My princess.

I know he means it as a joke, but still...I could be his princess one day. I could be all of Ilea's princess, but I only want to be his.

"Of course!" I laugh at how casual that sounds.

I place my hand in his and he holds it, then moves his arm so mine is linked through it. For some reason, my heart doesn't race and my breath doesn't quicken.

His touch doesn't effect me, but I feel safe. As we walk down the hallway, I feel euphoric. Finally, I'm back here, I'm back in my fairy tale.

It feels like a fairy tale too, I mean, I'm competing to win the heart of a Prince and become a Princess in a castle!

And I look really good in a tiara. Don't ask how I know, it was a...phase.

I look at him and smile again. He chuckles and asks, "Why do you keep smiling?"

"I- well, I don't really fit in anymore at Fraussen." I explain, deciding to jump right in.  "My best friend, she has a boyfriend, and she sort of left me. And everyone else was teasing me." He looks at me with understanding eyes.

"My best friend when I was a kid teased me all the time for my 'stiffness' and 'royal tendencies,' but it turned out the only reason he played with me and pretended to be my friend was because his parents wanted the connection."

I sigh knowingly, "I completely get that, it's...basically my life." He nods, and I give a faint smile, "But now I'm back here, and I have my true friends."

"And?" His hands gesture in front of him as we walk, as if he is waiting for me to say something.

"Umm...and I get to see my maids again?" He shakes his head, feigning hurt.

"Your forgetting something." He says, and then fake coughs, "- someone -" and coughs again.

"Oh my gosh! I completely forgot! Your mom!" He cringes, and then shakes his head, both shaking off whatever happened and telling me I'm wrong.

"I'm hurt."

"Nope." I shake my head and cross my arms over my chest. "I got everyone."


"You what?"

"I'm here too."

"I know that." I'm teasing him, and it's enjoyable seeing the growing look of frustration on his face.

"I'm here too," he repeats, "I missed you too, I waited to see you too, I wanted to end your stay there early too. I needed you, and wanted you to be here too." His words hit home, because that's exactly what I went through.

"Me too." He looks at me, with a confused look in his eyes. "I missed you, wanted to see you, wanted to come back, wanted to hear your voice, wanted you to be with me, everything you said and more." He smiles sweetly at me.

"Thanks." As we turn the corner to my room, I grin again as if seeing him for the first time. I really am smiling a lot.

"You're welcome. Thank you...for everything." I think he knows what it means.

"Likewise. And, Clarissa," he grins as well, saying my name again, "Clarissa, I have something for you." As he sees the look of surprise on my face, he continues. "I-it's really small, and you don't have to take it, but...please just read them when I'm gone okay?" Read them?

"Sure, thank you Alexander. I actually have these for you. Same conditions, read them alone." He looks relieved.

"Bye." He says softly, and brushes the faintest kiss against my lip. Now the butterflies take flight, now my heart beats faster.

I wrap my arms around his neck and burry my face into his neck. "Bye."


I'm sorry this was so short and probably really badly written! I promise I will update more frequently and longer soon! Thank you so much for reading, and remember to comment. Again, it doesn't take long but means a lot! I also really enjoy reading comments....

