Chapter 4: Arven and the Path to Los Platos

After arriving at the Poco Path lighthouse, Kirby noticed a boy in a similar academy uniform. Almost immediately the boy noticed the two strange Pokémon.

???: Why, those little...

The boy then ran towards Kirby & Nemona, before turning to the two Pokémon and speaking to them.

???: What are you two doing out here?!

After a brief moment, the boy glanced at Kirby and Nemona over his shoulder.

???: I'm not talking to you two. You can shove off.

Nemona: Wait, I know you... Aren't you Arven? You're enrolled in the humanities track, right? And aren't you the son of those Pokémon researchers-Professors Sada and Turo?

The boy, now known to Kirby as Arven, turned to face him and Nemona. He had a rather annoyed look on his face.

Arven: Doesn't matter who my parents are! The real issue here is what in the world these Pokémon are doing out here! And what is with these forms they're in?!

Nemona: See, we heard these strange cries, and we tried to investigate, but Kirby fell off a cliff... Those Pokémon saved him, but it seems like they wore themselves out in the process. They got kinda... slumpy afterward. But you shoulda seen 'em before! They looked totally different-they were unbelievably strong!

After hearing Nemona's explanation, Arven looked back at the two Pokémon.

Arven: Well, yeah. As they should be. But they can't fight while they're like this. The forms Koraidon and Miraidon take in battle... Those are their true forms.

Nemona: Koraidon and Miraidon? Are those the Pokémon's names? How'd you know them?

Koraidon and Miraidon then looked at the lighthouse for a moment before Arven spoke to them again.

Arven: You can't go in the lab. It's locked.

Arven then turned towards Kirby.

Arven: I don't ever remember seeing you around. But given the uniform... you go to the academies too, do you?

Kirby: Yes, that's right.

Arven: Well, Koraidon and Miraidon aren't the sort of Pokémon that any old Trainer can hope to command. They're special.

Nemona: Special how? What sort of Pokémon are they?

Arven looked at Nemona for a moment, while ignoring her question. He then looked back at Kirby.

Arven: You think you're up to ordering Koraidon and Miraidon around? Then how 'bout I test your worthiness?

Kirby: Okay, sure. I'll take you on.

For a brief moment, Arven smirked in amusement.

Arven: Heh! Well, look at you-quite the little go-getter! I've been feeling all out of sorts, so I'm gonna use this battle to blast these doldrums away!

Ready for a battle, Arven sent out his Skwovet to face Kirby.

Kirby then sent out his Quaxly.

Kirby: Alright, Pompy. Let's go.

Arven still seemed a bit annoyed as he prepared.

Arven: These memories are living a bad taste in my mouth-and I want it gone!

Kirby looked at Pompy and nodded.

Kirby: Let's start with a Work Up, buddy.

Pompy nodded and readied himself to attack, boosting his physical and special attack a bit.

Arven: Use Bite, Skwovet.

Arven's Skwovet then lunged forward and bit Pompy before jumping back.

Kirby: All right, Pompy. Water Gun!

Arven: Tail Whip!

Pompy then hit Arven's Skwovet with a shot of water, then the squirrel used Tail Whip to lower Pompy's defense.

Kirby: Pound, Pompy!

Pompy leapt forth and hit Arven's Skwovet, knocking it out. Kirby celebrated his victory for a moment, while Arven looked a bit surprised.

Arven: Seems you know a thing or two about battle.

Nemona then went over to Kirby and praised him a bit for winning the battle. Arven also went up to Kirby for a moment.

Nemona: Wow, Kirby! That was awesome!

Arven: I guess I wasn't ever going to stand a chance using some Pokémon I'd only just caught... But if you really think you can take Koraidon and Miraidon off my hands for me... you'll need these. They're the Poké Balls the brutes have been kept in.

Arven then handed Kirby the respective Poké Balls for Koraidon and Miraidon. Nemona then looked at Arven, confused by why he had their Poké Balls.

Nemona: So why'd YOU have them?

Once again, Arven ignored Nemona's question and spoke to Kirby.

Arven: Anyway, those two are your problem now, not mine. Good luck.

Arven then ran off, much to Nemona's surprise.

Nemona: What? Oye! Can you not hear me or something? Fine, be that way! But you better actually show up for school!

With Arven long gone, Nemona simply sighed a little.

Nemona: What a weirdo...

Koraidon and Miraidon then went over to Kirby, who happily put them in their respective Poké Balls. Nemona then turned to Kirby.

Nemona: That Arven guy definitely knows more than he's letting on. Next time, he and I are battling! I'm gonna wring some answers outta him! But, right now-we gotta climb the lighthouse! Can't wait to show you the view of our school!

Nemona then went to climb up the lighthouse, and Kirby quickly followed close behind. Once at the top of the lighthouse, Kirby went over to Nemona.

Nemona: Look, Kirby! That's Mesagoza! And that huge building with the Poké Ball on it is our school! It's gonna be so great having you in the same class, Kirby!

Kirby: Yep. I'm looking forward to it!

Nemona: Right? I can't wait to get back. We're gonna get to learn so much... and battle so, so, SO much! Isn't it awesome what you can see from up here? Mountains! Forests! Grasslands! Beautiful nature stuff, as far as the eye can see! And you know what's waiting for you all over these natural spaces?

Kirby and Nemona looked at one another for a moment, both of them knowing the answer.

Kirby and Nemona: Tons of Pokémon!

Nemona: Consider this me officially telling you. Welcome to Paldea! But anyway, like you can see, it's kind of a hike to get to school from here.

Kirby: You can say that again.

Kirby and Nemona then looked down at the nearby town.

Nemona: Let's make it to Los Platos for starters. That's right on the way! Vamos! C'mon!

Nemona climbed down the lighthouse, with Kirby following close behind her. Along the path, Kirby managed to catch some more Pokémon, including a male Buizel he named Jet...

A male Psyduck he named Quackers...

And a male Azurill he named Spot.

Kirby continued along the path, while stopping by a nearby bridge to rearrange the Pokémon in his party.

Kirby: Hm... Maybe I ought to put another Pokémon in the lead for a little bit. Let's put Pom-Pom in front.

After making his Pawmi the leading Pokémon, Kirby was going to continue walking, until he heard a strange sound.

Kirby: What was that noise?

After looking around for a moment, Kirby found something underneath the bridge. It was a Gimmighoul, who was holding onto a few coins.

After Kirby tried to interact with the roaming Gimmighoul, it ran off, leaving behind two of the coins it had. Kirby then picked them up.

Kirby: Hmm... I'll hold on to these coins for now. Who knows? They might be important later.

After crossing the bridge, Kirby managed to catch a Wooper. Although, this one looked different compared to the ones he'd normally seen at the Pokémon Stadiums whenever he was having a Smash Bros battle.

Kirby: This Wooper looks different. Must be one of those regional forms I've heard about.

Kirby then read the Pokédex entry for the Paldean Wooper.

Kirby: Hm... So these Wooper in Paldea are Poison/Ground-Types. Apparently, they gained this form after losing a territorial struggle, and they travel in groups. Well, this guy reminds me of a ball of fudge. So, I'll call him Fudgey.

Kirby then safely put Fudgey into his Poké Ball. But just as he was about to reach Los Platos, another Pokémon caught his eye. It was a Fidough.

Kirby: Oh my goodness! It's a dog! And it's made of DOUGH!! I have GOT to catch this thing!

Kirby then sent out Pom-Pom so she could weaken the Fidough.

Kirby: Okay, Pom-Pom. Let's start with a Quick Attack!

Pom-Pom hit the Fidough with a quick attack and the little bread dog growled afterwards.

Kirby: Now, Scratch!

Pom-Pom then scratched the Fidough, landing a critical hit. With the doughy dog weakened, Kirby tossed a Poké Ball. And after a moment, the ball clicked, signaling that he caught it.

Kirby: Hooray, it worked! Now, let's see...

Kirby proceeded to read Fidough's Pokédex entry.

Kirby: So Fidough is smooth to the touch, and the yeast in its breath is good for cooking... Good to know. I'll call this little one... Puppernickel!

Puppernickel wagged her tail a little, then Kirby tucked her into her Poké Ball. And with his new partners safely put away, Kirby finally made his way to Los Platos. Shortly after he stepped into the town, Nemona spotted him and called out.

Nemona: Oye, Kirby! Over here!

Kirby went over to Nemona.

Kirby: What is it, Nemona?

Nemona: This here's a Pokémon Center! You can come here to take care of a lot of things related to your Pokémon. But I'll leave the explanations to the pros here.

Nemona and Kirby then turned to the Pokémon Center's nurse.

Nurse: Happy to be of service-and welcome to the Pokémon Center! I'm here to keep everyone's Pokémon healthy. Here on my left is the Poké Mart counter! You can buy things like Poké Balls and Potions.

The Poké Mart shopkeeper nodded and explained a few things to Kirby.

Shopkeeper: Hello! We accept payment both in cash and in LP-League Points, that is. 1 LP is worth 1 Pokémon Dollar.

The nurse then directed Kirby's attention to the machine on her right.

Nurse: And this to my right is the Technical Machine Machine-TM Machine for short! It's your ticket to making TMs, which you can use to teach moves to your Pokémon. You'll need to pay in LP and supply the machine with materials that Pokémon drop.

After the explanations were finished, Nemona and Kirby looked back at one another.

Nemona: LP comes in handy both at these machines and at stores! I've got a lot-here, have some!

The two students took out their Rotom Phones, and Nemona transferred 5,000 LP to Kirby.

Nemona: Oh yeah, and you'll need some of these too!

She then gave Kirby some different Pokémon materials for him to use. The nurse then mentioned something else.

Nurse: And at the Union Circle, you can find other Trainers to tag along with some adventuring companions! Come visit us at the Pokémon Center anytime you need any help!

Nemona and Kirby looked back at the nurse and nodded.

Nemona: We will. Thanks!

Nemona then turned to face Kirby again.

Nemona: Remember, "Had a rough adventure? Get to the Pokémon Center!" Sometimes you'll have to know this sort of stuff for quizzes at school. But mnemonics help out. Here's another one. "Are you ready? Then Let's Go!" Goofy, sure, but it helps you remember that you can send your lead Pokémon out even outside of battle. That way, you can have the Pokémon that's walking with you go pick up items laying around or go battle on its own or other stuff like that!

Kirby: Good to know. Thanks Nemona!

After learning all he needed to know about Pokémon Centers, Kirby got his Pokémon healed up, bought some supplies from the Poké Mart, then looked at Nemona and gave her a nod, letting her know that he was ready to head to Mesagoza.
