Chapter 3: Strange Looking Sandwich Lovers

After a little while, Kirby left the beach and went to follow Nemona. When he caught up to her, he saw that she was speaking with Elena.

Elena: Oh, Kirby! I hear that Nemona here will be taking you to school?

Kirby nodded happily in response. Nemona then smiled and spoke up.

Nemona: That's right, ma'am. Leave it to me!

Elena seemed happy to know that Kirby had already managed to make a friend.

Elena: So you've already managed to make a friend! And I read about all the wonderful teachers you'll have looking after you at the school. Plus so many handy facilities you can use as much as you'd like! Add in your new friend, Nemona, and it sounds like your school life is shaping up to be fantastic!

She then turned to properly face Kirby.

Elena: Now, you'll be staying in the school dorms, so I want you to promise me you'll eat proper meals. Here's some spending money to start off with. I also packed a lunch for your first day!

Elena gave Kirby a bag. Inside of it was a sandwich for him to have later.

Elena: Oh! And maybe you should take these, too.

Elena then gave Kirby five Potions, which he put in the medicine pocket of his bag.

Kirby: Thanks, Mama.

Elena: Use them on that precious little partner of yours, should it get hurt in battle. I know every day in your new life is going to be full of exciting experiences, far from home. Just try to savor them all-the good times and the hard times, too! But if you ever want to come back home, you know your bed is always ready for you.

Kirby smiled and hugged Elena tightly, which she reciprocated.

Elena: All right then! You two had better be off, I suppose. Take care on the way to school!

Elena then went on her way, and Kirby waved goodbye to her.

Kirby: Adiós, Mama!

Kirby then turned to Nemona.

Nemona: Your mother's so nice, Kirby!

Kirby: Yeah. I'm lucky I have her in my life.

Nemona nodded, then looked at the path ahead.

Nemona: Now, let's teach you how to catch a wild Pokémon! C'mon, vamos! This way!

Kirby nodded and ran after Nemona. Eventually, he caught up to her at the Poco Path.

Nemona: All right! This here is Poco Path! It's the path that leads to adventure for you and me! Out here, things are different than in town. You're gonna see wild Pokémon out and about. They'll be on the path and in the grass and such! Get too close to one, and you'll have to battle. But you've got Quaxly for that, right? And if you want to try and catch a Pokémon, you gotta use... A good ol' Poké Ball! I've got tons. Here, have a few!

Kirby: Thanks!

Nemona then gave Kirby five Poké Balls so he could catch a few Pokémon. Then, Kirby & Nemona heard a few oinks. They turned to see the source, and found a pig-like Pokémon.

Nemona: Ooh, what luck! Time for some learning by doing! Try battling this Lechonk, Kirby!

Nemona then stepped back so that Kirby had space.

Kirby: All right, here goes... First time trying to catch a Pokémon.

Kirby then sent out his Quaxly to battle the Lechonk.

Kirby: Okay, Pompy. Let's start with a Water Gun.

Pompy then shot a blast of water at the Lechonk. Afterwards, the pig used Tail Whip, which distracted Pompy and weakened his defense a little.

Kirby: Now hit him with a Pound.

Pompy then jumped forth and used Pound on the Lechonk. Afterwards, it hit Pompy with a tackle.

Kirby: Hm... Looks like the pig is weakened. This is when I throw the Poké Ball, right?

Kirby took out a Poké Ball and tossed it at the Lechonk. The ball encapsulated the pig, and shook three times before making a clicking sound, signaling that Kirby had caught it.

Kirby: Hey, it worked!

Kirby then checked his Pokédex and looked at the new entry.

Kirby: Hm... So Lechonk is a Normal-Type that has a keen sense of smell it uses for foraging, and its body emits a scent that bug Pokémon don't like. Interesting. I'll call him... Nruff.

Kirby then put away his newly caught Lechonk's Poké Ball and looked over at Nemona as she walked over to him.

Nemona: Hala! That was awesome! You caught the very first Pokémon you went for! To be honest, I'm kinda crummy when it comes to actually catching Pokémon. Maybe YOU should give ME tips! Anyways, not every catch works out, so here's a few more Poké Balls just in case.

Nemona handed Kirby ten more Poké Balls.

Nemona: Weaken the Pokémon, then throw the Poké Ball! Remember that, and you'll be fine! Now go battle those wild Pokémon and catch some of 'em!

Kirby nods, then he and Nemona looked at the lighthouse nearby.

Nemona: Let's meet back up at that lighthouse over there! You can see our school from the top!

Kirby: Alright. I'll see you there.

On the way to the lighthouse, Kirby spotted a Pokémon hanging onto a tree. It seemed to be some kind of bug.

Once again, Kirby sent out Pompy to deal with the new Pokémon.

Kirby: Use Pound, Pompy.

Pompy leapt up and hit the bug with a pound, knocking it off of the tree branch. After landing on the ground, the little bug Pokémon used String Shot, which tied Pompy up in stringy silk, weakening his speed. Luckily, Pompy's pound attack had already done a fair amount of damage, so Kirby decided to throw a Poké Ball. The catch was successful, then Kirby read the new Pokédex entry.

Kirby: So this thing is a Tarountula. It's a Bug-Type that secretes threads as strong as wire that are also very springy. I'll call you Como.

As Kirby made his way through Poco Path, he managed to befriend a few other different Pokémon, such as a female Scatterbug, which he named Bellona

A male Hoppip he named Jumpy...

And a female Pawmi, which caught his interest the most. Although Kirby skimmed through the Pokédex entries for Scatterbug and Hoppip, he chose to read Pawmi's.

Kirby: Let's see. So Pawmi is an Electric-Type that can produce electricity if it rubs the electric sacs on its cheeks with pads on its forepaws. Cool!

Kirby then looked at the Pawmi.

Kirby: I'll call you... Pom-Pom.

Satisfied with the small team he formed, Kirby continued to walk down the path. Eventually, he stopped when he heard Nemona call out to him.

Nemona: Hey, Kirby! You getting the hang of how to catch Pokémon OK?

Kirby: Yep. I feel confident in my capabilities.

Nemona was then going to ask how many Pokémon that Kirby caught so far, but her question was cut short when the two heard a mysterious cry.

Nemona: Whoa! What was that?!

The two then heard another mysterious cry from somewhere.

Nemona: I've never heard those kinds of cries before! Could be some strong Pokémon or something! Maybe we oughta try to find whatever made those cries! Let's take a look around, Kirby! But be careful-there's a kinda unsafe cave not far from here, so steer clear! And I know your Rotom Phone can help keep you safe, but watch your step by these cliffs anyway!

Kirby: Okay. I'll try to be careful.

Kirby then went ahead a bit, before hearing another cry. He went over towards the cliff and went to see if he could spot anything down below. That was when he saw them. A pair of strange lizard-like creatures, one of which looked ancient, and the other futuristic. They were being barked at by a pair of Houndour. One of the lizard creatures let out a loud roar, causing the ground to shake and Kirby to fall off the cliff. Luckily, his Rotom Phone saved him from the impact of the fall. He then looked back at the Houndour, who got scared off by the strange creature's roar.

Kirby: Woah... What are these things?

Curious, Kirby went over them in order to investigate. Upon further inspection, Kirby realized that the creatures were Pokémon. But they were too weak to move...

Kirby: These poor Pokémon look exhausted... Maybe they're hungry.

Kirby then took out the sandwich that Elena made for him.

Kirby: Well, I was hoping to save this for lunch. But if it helps these Pokémon, I think I'll be alright.

With that, Kirby split his sandwich in half, and gave one half to each of the Pokémon. Seeing Kirby's kindness, the two Pokémon each ate their respective sandwich half, then got back up on their feet. Kirby smiled, then after a moment, the two Pokémon approached the cave behind Kirby.

Kirby: Hm? What are they doing?

Once they got close, the two Pokémon stopped for a moment, then suddenly changed forms.

The two looked back at Kirby for a moment, then went into the cave, prompting Kirby to follow.

Kirby: I... Guess they want me to follow them.

And so, Kirby followed the two Pokémon into the cave, the Inlet Grotto. A little into the cave, Kirby heard Nemona call out to him.

Nemona: Oyeee! Kirby!

Kirby looked up and saw Nemona higher up. She soon spotted him and looked down.

Nemona: There you are, Kirby! You OK?! You're not hurt, right?

Kirby: Don't worry, Nemona! I'm fine!

Nemona let out a small sigh of relief.

Nemona: Thank goodness. I was really worried! If you'd gotten hurt because I said we should go looking for whatever made those cries... Never mind that! Right now we've gotta focus on getting you back up here! You've just gotta find some way to climb out of there! If you can get close enough, I'll try pulling you up with one of my Pokémon's moves!

Kirby: All right! I'll see what I can do to get up there!

Kirby then went back to following the two mysterious Pokémon.

Nemona: Hey, what're those Pokémon in front of you? They look SUPER strong!

Kirby: I found them on the beach below the cliff!

Nemona looked at the two Pokémon curiously.

Nemona: Looks like they want something. Maybe they want you to follow them?

Kirby nodded and continued to follow the two Pokémon. Eventually they reached a big boulder blocking the way. The two Pokémon then managed to break the boulder, providing a path forward.

Nemona: Wow, that was amazing! Those Pokémon might be as strong as my own. Maybe even stronger!

Kirby kept following the two Pokémon, and after a while, they got blocked by a horde of Houndour. The two Pokémon then roared, which scared the Houndour horde off.

Nemona: Just a heads up, some pretty rowdy Houndour live in this cave. I'm glad you've got your bodyguards, but watch your back. They're strong.

Kirby: Thanks for the warning.

After getting past another giant boulder, Nemona called out to Kirby again.

Nemona: Kirby, look out! Something's coming!

Kirby looked around, but didn't spot anything.

Kirby: Where is it?

Nemona: Behind you-it's behind you!

Kirby turned around to see what it was, a big Houndoom.

Kirby: Oh man... That's one angry looking Houndoom.

The Houndoom tried to attack Kirby, but the futuristic looking Pokémon pushed it back. The Houndoom then called another horde of Houndour, which quickly surrounded them. The ancient Pokémon tried to fend them off, but after seeing Kirby in trouble, it grabbed him and tried to get him out of the Inlet Grotto. Just then, Nemona called out to the two Pokémon.

Nemona: Heeey! Up here! Quick!

The ancient Pokémon held onto Kirby and jumped up to where Nemona was, while the futuristic Pokémon floated up. After Kirby was put down, he sighed in relief.

Kirby: That was close...

Nemona: Way to go! For a second, I was worried you'd be goners!

The two Pokémon then looked at the nearby lighthouse and tried to go to it. However, they didn't get quite far. After only a few steps out of the cave, they got tired and went back to the forms Kirby first found them in.

Nemona: Whoa! What's wrong?! Hm... Maybe they used up all their power? What are these Pokémon, anyway? They both kinda look like a Cyclizar, but I've never seen one quite like either of these before... And now they look so different from a minute ago. You think they're OK?

Kirby: It's hard to say, Nemona...

Nemona: You can't tell either, huh, Kirby? Well, all that aside, I'm seriously glad to have you back up here in one piece! You know... that battle down there was really something. You and these fellas looked perfectly in sync facing down that Houndoom!

Kirby: Thanks, but... I wasn't doing anything to influence them.

Nemona looked surprised, to say the least.

Nemona: What?! You mean you didn't even tell them what to do? Well, I guess it's not like you're these Pokémon's Trainer yet, huh...

The two Pokémon then got back up on their feet, which caught Kirby and Nemona's attention.

Nemona: Oh good! Looks like they perked up a little! Do you think these fellas were the ones making the mysterious cries we heard before?

Kirby: They could be.

Nemona: Oh man, oh man, oh man! The more I look at these Pokémon, the more mysterious they seem! If you do become their trainer, Kirby, you've gotta let me battle against them!

Then, Nemona got an idea. She took out her Rotom Phone.

Nemona: Here. Let's exchange numbers so we can get in touch if we somehow get separated again!

Kirby nodded, took out his Rotom Phone, and exchanged numbers with Nemona. After doing so, both Trainers put away their respective Rotom Phones.

Nemona: And here-this'll let you teach your Pokémon a move to help it battle stronger opponents!

Nemona then gave Kirby a TM for the move Swift. She then gave Kirby a warning in regards to the TM.

Nemona: Think before you use it, though! TMs can only be used once.

Kirby: Got it.

Nemona then walked towards the lighthouse a little.

Nemona: Well, you've all been through enough for a minute! I think we better take a breather. Let's just get to the lighthouse-that'll be a good spot to relax.

Kirby: Good idea...

And so Kirby, Nemona, and the two strange Pokémon made their way to the lighthouse.
