Chapter 10: Katy of Cortondo

Once Kirby arrived at the Olive-Rolling Field, he spoke to the staffer there to learn about the rules of the Olive Roll.

Staffer: Welcome to the Olive-Rolling Field! This Gym Test is all about stamina-you'll need to push with all you've got to get a large olive ball rolling and make it all the way to the end. Get the ball over various obstacles, then push it into the goal to clear the course. Now that you're all filled in, are you ready to start the Gym Test?

Kirby: Yes ma'am!

Staffer: Great! Put in a wish for a good olive harvest, and roll, roll, roll away!

Kirby nodded, then went up to the olive ball. He took a deep breath to ready himself, then he started pushing it. Eventually, he came across a split path. One way had a speed bump to push the olive ball over, and the other was blocked by a Gym Trainer with some Smoliv. Kirby then decided to speak to her.

Esmeralda: Here, I'll open up a shortcut for you... if you can manage to defeat me! Let's see if you can get past my wall of Smoliv!

Esmeralda then sent out a Kricketune to battle...

While Kirby sent out his Fletchling, Twizzy.

Esmeralda: Use Growl, Kricketune!

Esmeralda's Kricketune then let out a growl, startling Twizzy slightly.

Kirby: Ember, Twizzy!

Twizzy then launched an ember of fire at Kricketune.

Kirby: Quick Attack!

Twizzy then quickly lunged at Kricketune, dealing some more damage.

Esmeralda: Kricketune, Tackle!

Kricketune then tackled Twizzy with its arm.

Kirby: Peck 'em, Twizzy!

Esmeralda: Growl again, Kricketune.

Twizzy then dove at Kricketune and pecked him, causing Kricketune to growl.

Kirby: Keep up the offense, Twizzy! Use Ember!

Esmeralda: Tackle!

Kricketune tackled Twizzy with its arm again, then Twizzy launched another ember.

Kirby: Peck!

Esmeralda: Another Tackle, Kricketune!

Kricketune tackled Twizzy a third time, then Twizzy pecked again.

Kirby: Twizzy, Quick Attack! Finish it!

Twizzy then lunged with a quick attack, downing Esmeralda's Kricketune. The two Trainers then returned their Pokémon to their Poké Balls, and Esmeralda nodded to Kirby.

Esmeralda: Well, looks like you're headed right past my Smoliv wall!

True to her word, Esmeralda and her Smoliv cleared out of the way, allowing Kirby to use the shortcut.

Kirby: Thanks!

Kirby then started to push the olive ball again, taking the shortcut that Esmeralda had previously blocked. Eventually, Kirby made it to another split path leading to the goal. The long path had speed bumps along it, while the shortcut was blocked by another Gym Trainer. This time, Kirby chose to take the long way around.

Kirby: Can't just brute force over every obstacle. Sometimes, it pays to take it slow and go the long way.

With a little patience, Kirby managed to get the olive ball to the goal, and passed his Gym Test. Afterwards, he went to speak with the staffer once again.

Staffer: With that performance, I'm sure we can look forward to a great olive harvest next year! I'm happy to declare your Gym Test officially cleared. Congratulations! Please report your results to the lobby staff at the Gym. And good luck in your battle against Katy!

Kirby nodded, then went back to the Gym to report his results and let the staff know that he was ready to face the Gym Leader.

Kirby: Hello again, sir.

Lobby Staff: Welcome back, Kirby. I hear you were on a roll out there! A big congratulations from me for successfully clearing the Gym Test! You've now earned the right to challenge the Gym Leader. So, are you ready to challenge Gym Leader Katy, the Sugarbug?

Kirby nodded and gave a determined smile.

Kirby: I'm ready.

Lobby Staff: Very well. Allow me to show you to the battle court.

The lobby staff then directed Kirby to the battle court, which was located atop Cortondo's bakery, Patisserie Soapberry. There, Kirby saw a baker with a Vivillon.

???: Eat up, my cute little Vivillon!

After some happy chittering, the Vivillon flew off, and the baker turned her attention to Kirby.

???: Oh? What a lovely Trainer you are. Thank you very much for your skillful olive rolling. It was quite impressive.

The baker then gave a light smile.

???: Oh, I nearly forgot to introduce myself. Please forgive me.

The baker then proceeded to properly introduce herself.

Katy: My name is Katy, and I am the owner here at Patisserie Soapberry. However, I'm on duty as the leader of the Cortondo Gym right now. My main line of work is crafting sweets as a pastry chef. Little sweets that bring happiness with just one bite, and Bug-Type Pokémon hiding in foliage... Both are small and yet very powerful. So, don't let your guard down unless you'd like to find yourself knocked off your feet!

Kirby and Katy took their respective positions on the court, with Kirby sending out Twizzy, and Katy sending out a Nymble.

Katy: Don't take my Bug-Type Pokémon lightly. You'll be in for a world of pain if you do!

Kirby: We'll see. Twizzy, start it off with a Quick Attack!

Twizzy lunged at Katy's Nymble, then quickly flew back.

Katy: Nymble, Double Kick!

Nymble then leapt up and landed two swift kicks on Twizzy.

Kirby: Not bad. Twizzy, Peck!

Katy: Another Double Kick, Nymble!

Nymble landed two more kicks on Twizzy as she landed a peck with her beak.

Kirby: Quick Attack, Twizzy!

Twizzy lunged at Nymble once again and landed a critical hit, which managed to knock him out.

Kirby: Nice work, Twizzy. Now come back and get some rest.

Kirby then withdrew Twizzy and sent out Pom-Pom. Meanwhile, Katy returned her downed Nymble to its Poké Ball and sent out a Tarountula.

Kirby: Start with a Nuzzle, Pom-Pom!

Pom-Pom then nuzzled up to Katy's Tarountula, paralyzing it in the process.

Katy: Tarountula, Bug Bite!

Tarountula then leapt forth and bit at Pom-Pom.

Kirby: Thunder Shock, Pom-Pom!

Pom-Pom zapped Tarountula with electricity. Katy tried to have Tarountula retaliate, but she wasn't able to due to the paralysis.

Kirby: Pom-Pom, Charge. Build up some power.

Pom-Pom then began to charge up electrical energy. Once again, Katy's Tarountula was unable to attack from the paralysis.

Kirby: Charge up again, Pom-Pom.

Pom-Pom then charged up some more power. Finally, Katy's Tarountula was able to overcome the paralysis and attack.

Katy: Bug Bite, Tarountula!

Tarountula then leapt at Pom-Pom and bit her again.

Kirby: Okay, Pom-Pom. Let loose another Thunder Shock.

Katy: Bug Bite again, Tarountula!

Pom-Pom zapped Tarountula with another electric spark, then Tarountula bit at Pom-Pom a third time, downing her.

Kirby: Shoot. Good try, Pom-Pom.

Kirby then returned Pom-Pom to her Poké Ball and sent out Twizzy once again.

Kirby: Come on, Twizzy. Just a little more to go. Peck 'em!

Twizzy then dove down and pecked Tarountula, downing it. Katy then returned Tarountula to its ball, and Kirby did the same with Twizzy.

Kirby: Thanks, Twizzy. Just one more to go...

Katy: Oh my... You're quite good, aren't you. How should I roll things out from here?

Kirby then sent out Pompy, while Katy sent out her last Pokémon, a Teddiursa.

Kirby: All right, Pompy. Time to Terastallize!

Kirby then activated his Tera Orb, and tossed it at Pompy, causing him to become crystalline. A Water-Type Tera Jewel rested atop his head.

Katy: Now, my little Teddiursa! Time to break free from your cocoon and come into your own!

Katy then activated her own Tera Orb and tossed at her Teddiursa. When it Terastallized, a Bug-Type Tera Jewel, with insect wings and a pair of antennae, rested atop the little bear's head.

As Kirby and Katy Terastallized their Pokémon, the Trainers watching the battle began to cheer.

Kirby: Pompy! Use Aqua Jet!

Boosted by his Water-Type Tera Jewel, Pompy then leapt forth while cloaked in a veil of water, tackling Teddiursa before jumping back.

Katy: Feast your eyes on my shining bug decoration! Though this one is not so sweet! Teddiursa, Fury Cutter!

Katy's Teddiursa, empowered by her Bug-Type Tera Jewel, then slashed at Pompy with her claws.

Kirby: Pompy, Wing Attack!

Pompy then attacked Teddiursa with his wings, though the attack was not boosted by the Tera Jewel.

Katy: Again, Teddiursa! Fury Cutter!

Teddiursa then slashed at Pompy with her claws again. Once more, the attack was boosted by the little bear's Tera Jewel. That's when Kirby understood.

Kirby: So Terastallizing only boosts attacks that are the same as a Pokémon's Tera Type. In that case...

Kirby gave a confident smile and looked at Pompy.

Kirby: Pompy! Aqua Jet!

Boosted by his Tera Jewel once more, Pompy lunged at Katy's Teddiursa, downing her and causing the Bug-Type Tera Jewel to break.

The Trainers watching the battle began to cheer once again, celebrating Kirby's victory. As Pompy's Terastallized state came to an end, Katy put her hands together for a moment before going over to Kirby.

Katy: Well! All of my sweet little Pokémon dropped like flies. Your strength rose during our battle like a nice bread in the oven. I feel that I may need to work on my own strength as well! Congratulations, Kirby! You passed! As proof of your victory against me-the Gym Leader-allow me to present you with this Gym Badge.

Katy then handed Kirby his Bug Badge, to commemorate his victory against her.

Katy: I hope you'll enjoy it, alongside a heaping serving of some of my deluxe handmade treats!

Kirby then took a picture to commemorate his first ever Gym Badge.

After taking a celebratory picture, and enjoying some sweets, Kirby listened to what else Katy had to say.

Katy: With 1 Gym Badge in your possession, any Pokémon up to Level 25 will be easier to catch and will listen to your commands as well. I see you have quite the appetite as well!

Kirby: You can say that again!

Katy: How about a little TM as the frosting on this cake?

Katy then handed Kirby a copy of TM021: Pounce.

Kirby: Thank you!

Katy: Once you've found a TM during your travels, you can then use a TM Machine to make copies of that TM. But surely you knew that already, right?

Kirby: Yep.

Katy then gave Kirby a smile and a friendly wave goodbye.

Katy: I wish you luck in your future adventures. May they be as sweet and lovely as a good dessert. Well, off you go, then! Until we meet again!

Kirby then waved goodbye to Katy. Shortly after she left, Pompy came out of his Poké Ball.

Kirby: What's the matter, Pompy?

Pompy then began to glow, much to Kirby's surprise.

Kirby: Whoa! Guess you leveled up enough to evolve, buddy.

Kirby then watched as Pompy began to evolve, changing from a Quaxly into a Quaxwell.

Kirby then looked over Quaxwell's Pokédex entry.

Kirby: Hm... So Quaxwell constantly run through shallow water to train their legs, and they incorporate the movements of people & other Pokémon into their own dance routines. Neat!

Kirby then returned Pompy to his Poké Ball and went back to the Cortondo Gym. After telling the staff about his victory over Katy, he went to leave the Gym, when his Rotom Phone suddenly started to ring. He answered, and heard Nemona on the other end.

Nemona: Hey hey, Kirby! Just have to tell you-my Pokémon are learning some pretty cool new moves! You better be ready! By the way, how'd it go at the Gym?

Kirby: It was pretty easy overall. I passed!

Nemona seemed happy to hear that Kirby had earned his first Gym Badge.

Nemona: Yesss! Hah haaa! I mean, it was obvious you were gonna pass, but congrats! I'm so glad I encouraged you to take on the Gyms. I'm training hard too-day and night! Going all over the place to boot! Thank goodness we've got the map app. It helps a ton with figuring out where to go next-especially in a huge place like Paldea! After all, the path to getting stronger usually has some strange stops and detours! Speaking of going strange places, I wonder what Arven's up to... Anyway, catch you later! I hope you know I'm gonna want a battle if we run into each other!

Kirby: Don't worry. I'll be ready. Take care, Nemona!

Kirby and Nemona then hung up, but Kirby couldn't help thinking about what Nemona had said.

Kirby: Hm... Maybe I should check in with Arven. He did say to head east if I wanted to help him fight the Titans. Guess that's what I'll do next.

And so, Kirby left Cortondo and headed back to Mesagoza to help Arven in the east.
