
Official Description"While as beautiful and serene as an exotic flower upon first blush, the four-headed Snaptrapper is actually one of the most insidious and deadly dragons ever discovered. Upon opening their triple-split jaws, Snaptrappers release a sweetly intoxicating scent, stimulating hunger in nearby dragons and humans. When the unlucky victim goes foraging through the deceitful dragon's leaf-like wings and fins, the Snaptrapper unfurls and strikes. Although they are best known for producing the alluring aroma for unwitting prey, Snaptrappers can also exude a noxious odor to ward off would-be predators. One whiff of this pungent reek of putrefaction is enough to scare of even the most starving Titan Wing." — "With triple-split jaws on each of this Mystery Class Dragon's 4 heads, it looks like a man-eating Venus flytrap. Just not as friendly. Snaptrappers may smell sweet, but their acid attacks pack a potent sting... that can melt through metal! 

Unlike other dragons that fly through the skies of the School, the Snaptrapper has been known to shoot a fiery mist of methane that can influence its target from even miles away! And, its defensive abilities do not stop there. If feeling threatened, the Snaptrapper can easily camouflage with its surroundings, especially amongst the natural foliage of the unexplored lands on the outskirts of campus. 


Snaptrappers are mainly based on carnivorous plants, especially Venus flytraps. An early piece of concept art depicts the Snaptrapper with two tails, instead of a tail split in two. 

Physical Appearance 

Snaptrapper eggs resemble plants, with four leafy branches on top and several root-like protuberances on the bottom. Its surface is covered with vine-line patterns. In School of Dragons, it is missing the leafy branches but the pattern is roughly the same.

Hatchling to Adult 

The Snaptrapper is a dragon that has four heads, each with three jaws. Their tails are forked like that of the Hideous Zippleback, and they look somewhat like the latter as well. Their unique, frightening jaws open up in a way that resembles a flower blooming, and the spines on their necks, body, and tail look similar to leaves. All four heads of the Snaptrapper have three tongues; these tongues each resemble the stamen of a flower, as it is the Snaptrapper's tactic to resemble a plant of some kind to lure prey in close, or to help them hide from the dragon's few potential predators. They are one of the larger species of dragons and have very long necks and tails. They also appear to have eyelash-like ridges above their eyes, making them appear feminine. 

Titan Wing Snaptrappers have four heads and triple-split jaws with more teeth. They have developed a small tuft of pink petal-like structures at the back of their head. They have dark brown wings with some blue spots and yellow network vein-like patterns, as such, their wings resemble dead leaves. Also, their neck is clearly segmented and has spines protruding from the back of their necks, all the way down to their tail, which eventually splits into two yellow tails.


The Snaptrapper is known to breathe a flammable mist containing methane and can produce the smell of chocolate from their mouths to lure in potential prey. They also spit acid that can sting foes and even melt through metal. 

The Snaptrapper has been known to shoot a fiery mist of methane that can influence its target from even miles away.


The Snaptrapper's venom is one of the most potent of all dragons, only weaker than those of the Slitherwing and the Threadtail. 


Snaptrapper spraying its scent

Superbly stealthy hunters, they can excellently camouflage themselves amidst dense vegetation, both to hide from larger dragons and from their prey. Their wings and scale tone are adapted to look like leaves and foliage, and they have leaf-like fins atop their backs.

If feeling threatened, the Snaptrapper can easily camouflage with its surroundings, especially amongst the natural foliage.

Producing Smells

Snaptrappers are well-known for their uncanny ability to emit a tantalizing scent compared to the sweet aroma of chocolate. This smell stimulates hunger in other dragons and humans nearby to lure them right into their jaws.

However, it can also release a horrid odor that can scare off even the most starving Titan Wings for self-defense.


Snaptrappers are not the most nimble flyers, a drawback of their heavy adaption for stealth-based hunting. However, their long, thin necks and tails are very flexible, similar to those of the Hideous Zippleback.

Behavior and Personality"Not many people think of Snnaptrappers as an apex predator. Hiccup would tell you that Snaptrappers are careful ambush predators, who hunt by hiding. " —

Snaptrappers are said to love rain, frolicking in the mud whenever a storm breaks.

Described to be beautiful, peaceful and calm at first sight, these dragons are fierce and aggressive. They are, however, incredibly patient. They will wait for food for days, and can be motionless in doing so. 

As seen in the "Battle for the Edge" expansion in School of Dragons, Snaptrappers typically prefer to eat small land animals, such as spiders. Fishlegs Ingerman theorized that this diet resulted in the dragon's four heads, as this would allow the Snaptrapper to spread out and cover more ground during an ambush. 

Just like Hideous Zipplebacks, Snaptrappers' trust can be earned if all heads are treated in equal measure. They can also be tamed if approached while playing in mud. 

in my version they don't eat spiders 

class: mystery 

diet: fish, wild boar 

habitat: Plio Valley 

fire type: methane mist, acid 

Features:Four heads
Leaf-like spines
Triple split jaws
Forked tailAbilities:Baits victim with a sweet smell
Emitting obnoxious odors Attack:10 


Venom:18 Jaw Strength:28 (7 each) Stealth:60 (15 each]
