Small Shadow Wing

Official Description 

Watch the skies, Vikings! These diminutive dive-bombers retreat to their larger dragon cousin's wings when they feel overpowered! The Small Shadow might hunt in packs, but it's still a fearsome foe in 1-on-1 combat. It's agile, intelligent, and unerring in aim. The Shadow Wing eclipses its prey and keeps a special symbiotic relationship with the smaller bombardier dragons that deploy from his massive wings — He flies, they fire! The Shadow Wing represents a rare binary breed — two related dragons working together for a common goal. In this case, that goal is destruction! The small Shadow Wing first presents itself as injured to unsuspecting victims, then lures them to its much larger cousin. This "bait and switch" tactic keep the big Shadow Wing fed and the smaller drones in its good graces. On their own, these dragons are dangerous. But together — they are deadly! 

Physical Appearance 

In Dragons: Rise of Berk, the eggs are round shaped with two small spikes on the top. They have blue patches all over with red lines between them. However, in the next update, its model was changed. The shape and the spikes remained the same but it is entirely gray-blue and looks more like the surface of the moon with various craters. 

 Hatchling to Adult 

Small Shadow Wings are medium-sized dragons with iridescent greenish-blue and indigo scales and wings, as well as light undersides. They have rounded heads, triangular fin-like spines on their backs and tails, with long, black claws on their feet. Their tails have a fin on each side. 

A Titan Wing Small Shadow is extremely brightly colored, with almost all colors of a rainbow. It is mostly red, but sports orange scales and its scales recede to a yellow, green, and blue shade towards its legs, edges of its wings, and rear. Its claws are bigger. It has more triangular spikes on the tail. It now has small spikes on its back legs. 


Small Shadow Wings can shoot fireballs of molten lava that explode like fireworks. They are solid enough to bounce a few time before exploding and are corrosive enough to eat through trees in a few seconds. They are usually quite accurate in aiming their shots. They shoot these fireballs in a high arc, like a mortar, and unlike most other species of dragon. 

Speed and Agility  

Small Shadow Wings are very fast dragons, as they can catch up with a Night Fury in flight. They are also very agile flyers with exceptional maneuverability, able to fly through thick foliage at high speeds with no difficulties. 


Small Shadow Wings are highly intelligent dragons, especially when it comes to hunting. One individual pretends to be injured to attract any potential victims, while the rest wait to ambush. They also know that other dragons cannot fly very well if they latch onto the victim's wings.

Wall Crawling

Small Shadow Wings can climb any terrain such as cave walls, using their long sharp claws to grip on the surface. They can even stay on a vertical wall facing downwards without problems.


Small Shadow Wings are one of the few dragons which can dive-bomb. They do so by letting themselves fall headfirst with their wings stretched out, so that they can stop at any time if they need to.

Endurance and Stamina

Small Shadow Wings can take powerful hits from the plasma blasts of a Night Fury and recover very quickly, without showing any injuries.

They can chase down their prey, both in the air and on the ground, for long periods without being exhausted.


Small Shadow Wings are very stealthy dragons that can stalk their prey without being noticed. They are known to hide in bushes and ambush victims.

Behavior and Personality 

Small Shadow Wings are highly intelligent pack hunters. One dragon pretends to be injured to attract any potential victims while the rest wait to ambush. They have formed a symbiotic relationship with the much bigger Large Shadow Wing. The Small Shadows serve the Large Shadow, and the larger dragon protects the smaller ones in return. While chasing prey, the Small Shadows will force prey into narrow caverns and chase them down, if the victim attempts to fly away, the Large Shadow will gather the other Small Shadows and shoot the prey down. 

class: stoker 

diet: fish 

habitat: Plio Valley 

fire  type: explosive molten lava 

Features:Row of triangular spines along the back
Four spines on tail tip
Rounded head and snoutAbilities:Dive-bombing Attack:25  Speed:14  Armor:15 Firepower:18 Shot
60 Venom:

Jaw Strength:12  Stealth:4
