
I woke up and Nathan is still asleep but he is untied. How is he untied? I look down at my wrist and they are untied also.

I stand up and the tiled floor on my bare feet is freezing. I walk over to the door and quietly turn the door handle and the door slowly opens. I quietly close the door and walk over to Nathan.

"Nathan. Wake up, the door is unlocked." I whisper to Nathan.

"How did you get over here to me?" Nathan quietly questions and looks down at his hands. "Who untied us?" Nathan asks.

"I'm not sure but the door is unlocked so lets try to escape." I whisper. Nathan stands up then jumps back on the chair.

"The floor tiles are freezing!" Nathan whisper-yells.

"Yeah, I know. Now come on. We don't have much time." I tell Nathan.

We quietly walk over to the door and I quietly twist the door handle then slowly open the door. Once the door is open we walk real softly outside the door then slowly close the door trying my best not to make a noise. If we make a noise we may get caught. We have to get out of here. We quietly walk down the stairs.

The first room is the kitchen once you come down the stairs. We start walking over toward the door and suddenly the kitchen light comes on.

"What do you two think you are doing?!" Leo yelled.

"Um, uh, we seen we were untied so we decided to come get a glass of water." I tell Leo trying my best not to make it sound like a lie.

"Uh-huh, go on. Ill get you two some meat to eat also." Leo informed us. Nathan and I looked at each other then looked back at Leo walking toward the fridge.

"Oh, um, we aren't hungry, just a little thirsty." I tell Leo.

"Y'all have not ate since Y'all have been here. Sit down. Have some meat. Its really good." Leo told us.

We all sat at the table with a glass of water and a plate of meat in front of us. Nathan cleared his throat. "So, um, Leo, when will you let us leave man?" Nathan questioned.

"Y'all will never leave. When Hunter gets back in a few days he will agree also. So, stop dreaming about leaving, Y'all will die in this house before y'all could step foot out of here." Leo informed us.

Word count, 420.
