
"Punishment? Really?" I question. It causes him to stare daggers at me, so I do the same.

"I will break you of that sarcasm." He lowly states.

He took me into the bathroom and put the stopper in the sink. He then filled the sink up with water. What is he going to do? It's just water.

He pushed my head in the water, then took my head out of the water right before I was about to pass out. He gave me a few seconds then did it again and he repeated it like 5 times. Fear shook through my entire body. It felt like he was trying to kill me.

I don't understand what I have done to deserve all of this. I have always been a good person, I helped people cross the street, helped my teachers, kept my grades up, I was about to be going to college! I don't understand!

"Now that should teach you a lesson." He informed me, he had a mischievous smile on his face.

"What's your name?" He questioned me. Should I tell him my real name? If I tell him, when I escape, he could find me easily again. But if I don't tell him, he can't.

"Um, uh, Lisa. Lisa Adams." I lied to him. Well the last name isn't a lie. I just couldn't figure out a last name quick enough.

"Well, Lisa Adams, my name is Hunter, no need to give you my last name." Hunter informed me with a slight chuckle.

"It's time for bed now." He informed me. He picked me up, then threw me onto the bed. He grabbed a rope and tied my hands down.

He walked too the other side of the room and took his pants and shirt off, leaving him in his boxers, he laid down in the bed and wrapped his arms around me, pushing his body against mine, snuggling up to me. I lied there for a while wishing this would end. Somehow hours after hours my eyes began to droop, then I fell asleep.
I woke up and I was in the room alone. My hands are back down by my sides. He must have untied me. The rope cut into my wrists real bad. I get up out of the bed and walk to the door. I'm going to try my luck and see if it's unlocked. To my dismay, it is locked. I go over to the only window in the room but there are rusted metal bars over the window. So, I'm just gonna be stuck in this foresaken room all day?

I look around the room to see a dresser, a closet, and a night stand. Maybe I can find something in here that can help me out. Like a key or something.

I went in the closet that was in the room. There was guy clothes in it. It must be his. I looked in the back to see a dirty clothes hamper. Maybe he left a key in his pocket.

Dumping over the hamper, I start checking his pockets but I find nothing. I was sure all guys left stuff in their clothes pockets.

I left the closet on a mission to check the dresser, but Hunter was sitting on the edge of the bed with a bored look on his face. I never heard him come back in.

"Looking for a key?" He questions.

"N-no. I was just trying to see if I could find any clothes to wear.

"Yeah.... Hungry?" He asked.

"Kinda." I answered him.

"Good. Eat this plate of food. When you are done eating we are going down stairs with everyone else." He informed me.

There are other people? He is letting me see the rest of the house? Maybe this could be my chance!

I sat down on the bed eating the food while Hunter watched me very intently.

We went down stairs and sat on the couch. There was five other men and three other girls. Hunter sat me beside him very close and turned the t.v. on. He turned it to the news. I wonder if anyone has noticed my disappearance. I hope so. Hopefully I will be found soon.

"We are still looking for Alexandra Adams. Her mom is worried sick." The news lady informed. "It has already been 5 days since she has disappeared." The news lady said. Then they showed a picture of me.

Hunter turned the t.v off in a hurry and he pretty much drug me up the stairs to the room I stayed in last night and slammed the door shut really hard behind him.

"You lied to me!" He yelled. I just looked down at my bare feet, I had no idea what to say. He came closer to me and grabbed a hold of my arm, he pushed me down on the bed, tying my arms to the headboard again. "I guess I'll have to give you another punishment.." Hunter said, not looking pleased at all.

"No! Please no!" I sobbed and tried to get away but he was a lot stronger than I am. This rope is not helping at all either. It's cutting into my wrists more with the struggling.

"Now, I want to get one thing straight with you! There will be no more lying or fighting. You will mind because I won't be as lenient anymore." He states sternly.

He walks across the room and grabs a belt that is hanging up. He then continues to walk back to me.

"No! Please! I will listen!" I cry.

"Too late now." He chuckles and swings the belt down going across my face leaving a stinging sensation behind. He does it again and throws it across the room, anger very evident.

"Now go to sleep!" He yelled at me.

I lied there for a while sobbing into the pillow. Why is this happening to me?

No. I will not cry. Crying is weak. I will not be weak in this. I have to stay strong. I will get out of this. I just have to keep my hope up.

Word count, 1,030.
