
I wake up in a hospital bed. But I'm all alone. I find the nurse button on the remote beside me and press the button.

A nurse runs in here. "Are you ok? How are you feeling?" She asks me.

"I-I'm in a lot of pain." I tell her.

"Alright, I'm going to go get you pain
medicine to put through your IV then I will explain things to you." She tells me.

Not long after the same nurse walks in and starts putting medicine through my IV.

"Ok, you have a few stitches on the right side of your head." She tells me.

Out of instinct I reach up but before I could do anything she moves my hand away.

"Don't touch it. Anyways, you have a long cut across your right arm and it has stitches. Your right leg is broken. So, basically when the vehicle flipped all the impacts happened to the right side of your body. That's all I needed to say. If you need anything you know how to get a hold of us." She tells me. Before she could walk out I stop her.

"Wait, i-is Nathan ok?" I question worriedly. "All I can tell you is that he's in a coma." She tells me then walks out.

I sit there lost in thought then the medicine starts kicking in and I let it make me go to sleep.

Word count, 240.
