49. Give Me My Girlfriend.


"Pass me the ball!" I yell at my teammate.

"Keep going, Shepherd!" Coach commands.

"Go Kenz!" Beth cheers.

"Goal!" A teammate says.

"Great practice, ladies! We are done for the day." Coach announces blowing his whistle.

We have our championship game coming up on Saturday, so our practices have been pretty intense. They have also been longer. Instead of practicing for two hours we've been practicing for four hours. And we have just finished our last practice before the game on Saturday.

Instead of going to the sidelines or the locker room, I decide to just throw my sweaty body onto the ground. I have been pushing myself a whole lot harder to be one hundred and ten percent ready for this game. We have already won back to back, we are now trying to make it a triple. We can't succeed if I -the number one striker- don't be on my game.

"You coming?" I hear Avery ask.

"Eventually." I mumble.

"Kenzie, you said you would come over and help with my History paper. Remember?" Beth reminds me.

"Yeah." I groan.

"You can't keep pushing yourself like this." Avery scolds.

"After we win that trophy, I will stop." I say sitting up.

"The game is two days away. Coach gave us tomorrow off so we could rest. If he sees you anywhere near a soccer ball, he might bench you." Avery warns. She has gone full captain on me.

I chuckle, "I'm aware, captain."

"Good. I will see you all tomorrow." Avery says then heads to the parking lot where Harry is waiting.

Beth offers me a hand which I take and she pulls me to my feet. "Let's go." I walk past her, "Maybe a shower first." Beth says holding her nose.

I sniff myself, almost vomiting at the smell. "Right. I will shower then come to your house."

"Kk." She says.

Now that I no longer smell like a sweaty soccer player I head over to Beth's. I see that Bryce's truck isn't in the driveway, which means he isn't home. He and I haven't gotten to spend much time together recently. My mind is solely on the championship, and he completely understands.

I walk up to the front door and knock. A minute later Mr.Dalton is answering. "Kenzie. Bryce isn't home." He says.

"I know. I promised Beth I would help her with a History assignment." I say.

"Oh. Alright, come on in." He gestures.

"Daddy, you said we would play video games." Timmy yells coming into the foyer.

"We are bud. I had to answer the door." He laughs and ruffles Timmy's hair.

Timmy turns his attention to me and his green eyes light up, "Kenzie! Are you here to play with me? Sorry dad, I would rather play with Kenzie." He says pulling on my hand.

"Timmy, she isn't here to play with you. She's helping Beth with school work." Mr.Dalton explains.

Timmy furrows his eyebrows, "First Bryce, now Beth. Can she help me in school? This multiplying crap is taking it's toll on me." He pouts.

Mr.Dalton crouches down to Timmy's height, "I think instead of playing video games, we work on your multiplying skills."

"No dad! Video games first. Please." Timmy whines giving his dad the puppy dog eyes.

I can't help but chuckle.

"Video games for an hour, then homework. Deal?" Mr.Dalton offers holding out his hand for Timmy to shake.

"Deal." Timmy smiles and shakes his dad's hand.

"You're lucky that your mom is working late. Otherwise we would be in trouble." He says picking Timmy up.

Before he heads to the living room, Mr.Dalton tells me that Beth is in her room and to go on up.

"I really hate History." Beth grumbles.

"You hate every subject. College is going to be a rude awakening for you. How did you handle all the work in London?" I ask curious.

"My roommate was a smarty pants. I bribed her with chocolate." Beth says.

I roll my eyes at her. If I had to choose which Dalton twin I would rather help study, hands down I would pick Bryce. He is so much easier to tutor. Beth just gets bored quickly. She is also a little bit lazy. But then again what senior approaching graduation isn't.

"I honestly think your paper is worthy enough for at least a C." I say frustrated.

"Good enough for me." Beth says slamming her book closed.

"So, wanna do something?" She asks a few minuets later.

"No." I yawn.

"You can go home. You don't have to wait for Bryce to get home. To be completely honest, I have no idea where he is anyway." Beth says.

"I wasn't waiting for him to come home. I just haven't gotten up to leave yet. I don't where he is either." I say throwing an arm over my eyes to hide them from the light.

"Want to watch a movie?" Beth suddenly asks.

"I guess." I sigh and make myself more comfortable on her bed. Bryce's bed is way more comfy.


Beth and I are and hour into our movie when we hear a knock on her bedroom door.

"Who is it?" Beth asks loud enough for the person on the other side can hear.

"Bryce." He announces. "I saw Kenzie's car in the driveway. She isn't in my room or playing video games with Timmy. Is she in there?"

Beth and I share a look, "Nope." Beth says.

"Come on, Beth. I know she's in there." Bryce groans.

"Sorry, Twin. You can't have her." Beth laughs.

"Give me my girlfriend!" Bryce shouts.

"She was my friend first." Beth hollers back.

"I don't care!" Bryce shouts. "I haven't seen her in forever. I bet she's wearing shorts too. Please give me my girlfriend." He begs.

"Why would you care if she's wearing shorts?" Beth asks.

"She has great legs!" Bryce says in a duh tone.

"Your boyfriend is weird." Beth says to me before resuming yelling at her brother. "She is wearing shorts and a tank top."

We hear Bryce groan again. And this time I can't help but laugh.

Five minutes go by and we don't hear from him. "Why doesn't he just open the door?" I ask.

"I locked it. I knew he would try to steal you once he got home." Beth confesses.

"You put me in the middle of your prank war?" I ask shocked. The twins like to pull pranks on one another from time to time. Once Bryce put orange hair dye in Beth's shampoo. We had a dance at school that weekend and along with the hair and bad spray tan, Beth was a walking, breathing Oompa Loompa. It was hilarious.

"You are his girlfriend now, it's only fair to put you in the middle, Kenz." Beth laughs.

We hear a sound coming from the door and we just know that Bryce has gotten the key from Hilda.

"Haha!" Bryce says when he enters the room. "I got the key!"

"Damn it! I told Hilda not to give you the key." Beth curses.

"I bribed her with fifty bucks. Now give me my girlfriend." Bryce crosses his arms.

"Ugh fine. You can have her. Matt wants to Facetime anyway." Beth caves.

"You're ditching me?" I say.

"Oh please. You looked like you were gonna jump Bryce when he got in here." Beth rolls her eyes.

I can't help it, he looks insanely hot at the moment. He isn't even dressed in anything special. Just some work out shorts and a t-shirt that outfit tells me he was at the gym.

"Yes! Come on baby!" Bryce says picking me up from the bed and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Bryce!" I squeal.

"See ya Beth!" He says on his way out of the room.

"Bryce, put me down, what if your parents or Timmy sees us?" I say worried of being caught. His parents know we are dating but they don't need to see us flaunt it.

"Relax, They're in Timmy's room playing. No one will see this." He says smacking me on the ass.

Pretty soon we make it to his room where he throws me down onto the bed, causing me to giggle. Bryce then throws himself down on the bed as well.

"Hi." He greets looking at me.

"Hi." I greet back. "You smell." I say scrunching up my nose.

"Sorry, I was at the gym. You've been so busy that I had to burn off energy some other way." He smirks.

I gasp. "We haven't even done anything for you to be needing to do that."

"I know. But we haven't made out or even kissed in forever." He pouts.

"I kissed you this morning. And at lunch." I state.

"Those were pecks." He says.

"Well, if you want any type of kiss, you will go shower." I warn.

"Will you join me?" He asks.

"No. Go buddy. Then you can kiss me." I say.

"Be back in five." He says jumping up from his bed and dashing to the bathroom. I know him and he will definitely be in there longer than five minutes. Bryce is the only guy I know that takes a thirty minute shower.

Just as I suspected, Bryce was in the shower for thirty minutes when he finally emerges from the bathroom. He has on black pair of shorts and no shirt, which I ain't complaining about. He comes over the bed and decides to lie down on top of me.

"I'm clean now." He mumbles in my stomach.

I chuckle, "You smell a lot better now."

Bryce takes a deep breath then releases it. "I missed you."

Running my fingers through his damp hair, "I missed you too." I reply.

Bryce and I lay in silence for a while, really we are just enjoying each others company. I run my fingers through his hair and he's rubbing my arm.

"Are you asleep?" He asks.


"Will you sleep here tonight?" Bryce asks looking up at me.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" I raise a brow a him.

"What if I told you that I already asked my parents and they said yes." He smirks.

"Are you for reals?" I ask shocked.

"Totally. They were cool with it but said we weren't allowed to do anything." Bryce informs.

"So wanna spend the night?" He repeats.

I exhale, "Fine. Only because I haven't gotten to see you as much here lately."

"Yes!" Bryce cheers in a whisper and makes me laugh. He's cute.

"I still owe you a kiss." I say.

"You owe me more than one kiss, babe." Bryce says.

"You're correct. Come up here." I command.

Bryce smiles then moves up to connect his lips with mine. I have definitely missed kissing him. He is right, pecks just aren't as great as a full on make out session.

Bryce and I spend the next hour making out. It was pretty awesome. We have talked about taking the next step with the physical stuff but we are taking it slow. We have only been together about a month, and it's been amazing but we don't want to rush into anything yet.

By the time we finish making out it's almost midnight so we figured we better get some sleep because we do have school tomorrow.

Having a sleep over with Bryce has without a doubt become one of my favorite things ever.

I love the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms, I also love that he's there all night. And when I wake up in the morning, he is there.

Bryce is amazing.

