4. Shopping and News

It was now Thursday and the start of school was Monday, and I still hadn't gone shopping. When I woke up I texted Beth asking her if she wanted to go shopping, she immediately responded with a yes. So here we were at the local mall shopping our hearts out, well I was. Beth had already done her shopping. Four hours and trying on a ton of clothes later I officially had eight bags and spent enough money. Not that I needed to go shopping I just like to have a variety of clothes in my closet. My style varies from day to day and I can never have to many workout clothes for cheer and soccer.

I suggested to Beth that we get some lunch, she agreed so we left the mall and went to an Italian restaurant which was my favorite. After getting a table and placing orders then the waiter brought them out to us. I was enjoying my grilled Chicken Alfredo. I noticed that Beth wasn't really eating her food, something was off with her today. She had a look on her face that told me she was hiding something.

"Beth, is everything okay? You look like you're having a battle with your brain right now," I mentioned.

She set down her fork and sighed, "There's something I kind of run need to by you," she admitted. I nodded for her to continue. "You remember back in January I applied to a music program in London?" I once again nodded. "A couple of weeks ago I got an email from them saying that they really liked my playing." Back when I found out that I was in the running to get into the most elite cheer camp in the country, Beth had applied to spend the summer at a music school in London, but she never heard anything from then that is until now. I was gonna go to Orlando, Beth was gonna go to London and Avery had been accepted to a elite soccer camp for the summer. Beth was the only one who didn't get accepted.

"What else did the email say?" I asked.

She took a deep breath, "They want me to come study there."

I furrowed my eyebrows "It's a little late for them to be wanting you to come study. I mean summer is pretty much over, school starts in four days." I stated.

Running a hand through her brown hair she replied "I know. They want me to come study there this semester."

I looked at her confused, "Um what? This semester? What about school?"

"They said that I will be taking the courses that I would be taking here. The credits I get from there will roll over to my transcript. This is an amazing opportunity for me, I can put this on my college applications and can help raise my chance of getting into Julliard." she explained. Beth had been taking piano and violin lessons since she was five and was remarkably good. I knew this was an amazing opportunity for her, Julliard was her dream school.

"What did your parents, Bryce, Timmy and Avery say about this?" I questioned.

"They all say I should take this chance. Bryce said he would miss me but understands that this is a step towards my dream. Timmy said that he won't like me being gone for that long and hates that he will be stuck with Bryce, but wants me to learn to play more beautiful music," she smiled. Timmy was Bryce and Beth's seven year old brother and he loved hearing her play her instruments.

"When do you leave? How long will you be gone for?" I asked concerned.

"I'll only be gone for the first half of the school year, I come back during Christmas break. And um..I leave Saturday morning."

I choked on my drink. "Saturday morning!"

Beth nodded, "Yeah. I have a eleven am flight. Kenz, I need to know that you are okay with me leaving."

"Beth, I think you should go. I'm not going to be someone who stands in the way of your dream. You supported me when I went to Orlando and I'll support you going to London." I replied. When I found out that I had got accepted the the cheer camp, I made sure that Beth and Avery were okay with me going, they were. So how could I not do the same for Beth. "You're going to London, Ave and I will be fine, but you better be ready to play soccer when you get back. We're aiming to be back to back champs."

Beth smiled and laughed, "Oh I'll be ready. You and Avery get us to the second half of the season and then us three will dominate the field like we always do." Our soccer season was split in half we start the season at the end of August and ends at the end of October then starts back up in mid January. Sure its hard on me with cheer but I'm use to it now.

After we finished our food we decided to just head to my house so Beth could help me hang up all of my knew clothes. Also the boxes that I had to have shipped home finally came in this morning. I was happy about that especially after finding out about Beth leaving because I had brought her souvenir back from one of my many trips to Disney World. I searched through the boxes and found what I was looking for.

"Here, I got this for you when I went to Disney."

Beth gasped and her blue eyes lit up, "Wow! Thank you Kenzie! I love it!" The gift was obviously a Mickey Mouse hat that had her name on it.

"You're welcome. I got Avery one as well." I said.

Beth stayed and had dinner with Monica and I, it was rare for my dad ever be home for dinner. We talked about Beth going to London and Monica was so proud of her that she made her a strawberry cheesecake to congratulate her. After dinner we face timed Avery and we once again talked about London. Avery then showed her view of Oahu, needless to say Beth and I were very jealous. Beth then joked about how Avery and I were coming home all tan and she was going to be coming back pale AF. We all laughed. We didn't end the face time until ten and Beth decided to just sleep over at my house since according to her it was to late.


Saturday arrived pretty quick. I woke up at seven thirty to get ready so I could meet Beth and her family at the airport to send Beth off. Once I was dressed in a basic purple t-shirt and a pair of shorts and to finish the outfit I just slipped on a pair of Old Navy flip flops. Soon after that I was headed out the door to my car then to the airport.

I parked at the airport and made my way inside and to the gate that Beth said she was going to be leaving from. I saw the Dalton family at the gate just waiting. "Hey," I greeted. Beth and her parents greeted me as well, Bryce was sitting there on his phone and Timmy the youngest Dalton was sitting beside his big brother with his arms crossed and a pout on his face. Since Beth was talking to her parents I made my way over to Timmy.

Timmy looked up and saw me, giving me a smile, "Kenzie!" He leaped up from his chair to give me a hug. I missed this little one.

"Hey buddy. Why are you pouting? I thought you were happy that sissy was going to be learning new music." I asked hugging him back. We then sat a few chairs away from Bryce.

"I am but I still don't want her to go. She's leaving and I'll be stuck with bubby, he isn't fun like Bethy. Why can't she learn to play pretty music here and not the place with the big Ferris Wheel?" He asked and his pout returned. Timmy always liked Beth more than Bryce. Bryce is your typical teenage boy, he would rather hangout with friends rather than his little brother.

I ruffled Timmy's brown hair, "Well buddy if Beth goes this music school she can expand her talent. Don't you want that for her?"

He looked up at me with his green eyes and said, "I do but I'm going to miss her so much." My heart broke for him, Beth was definitely his favorite of the twins.

"I'm going to miss her too, but she will be back soon." I said trying my best to cheer the little tyke up. Timmy was an adorable seven year old with brown hair and green eyes. Yes, Beth and Bryce both had piercing  blue eyed that they got from their mother but Timmy got his dark green eyes from Mr.Dalton. Timmy was also missing a few teeth, I remember him and Beth Face timing me over the summer and telling me that the Tooth Fairy had left him a total of fifty dollars.

About twenty minutes later the intercom announced that the flight to London was now boarding. I got up to give Beth a goodbye hug, "Have an amazing time, you'll do great. I'm gonna miss you, I love you."

"I will miss you too and I love you. Have a great first semester and I will see you after Christmas." Beth replied. She then went on to hug Timmy who had tears in his eyes and then she hugged her twin brother and lastly her mom. Beth had said that Mr.Dalton was going with her to London to help her get settled in and to talk to her teachers. Mrs.Dalton couldn't go because she wanted to be able to take Timmy to school on the first day.

Minutes later Beth and her dad were walking through the terminal to board the plane. We stayed and watched the plane take off, then the four of us were walking to the exit of the airport.

"Kenzie?" I turned to look at Mrs.Dalton, "We are going to go and have a late breakfast, would you like to join us?" She asked.

"Thanks for the invite but I can't. I'm actually heading out to my grandparents house. They want to see me before I get to busy with school, and my extra curriculum's." I replied.

Mrs.Dalton nodded in understanding. "Okay. Hopefully we will get to see you soon. Have a great first day of school on Monday." She said then gave me a hug, hugging her back I thanked her. I waved to the family and made my way to my car. It's not that I didn't want to go with them, it would of just been awkward and I really was going to visit my grandparents.

I arrived to my car, unlocking it I got in put my seat belt on, then started it up. I then pulled up the navigation and typed in the address to my grandparents house in Pueblo which was two hours away. When the GPS gave me the directions, I started the route.

Anytime I would visit my grandparents on my dads side they would always give me some over the top gift. Whether it be my car, or a trip to somewhere, they were very wealthy and with dad being their only child, they thought it made sense to spoil their only grandchild AKA me. They also set up a trust fund and a college fund for me just like my parents did. But their rule was that I had to graduate college before I could touch the trust fund where as my parents said I could have mine that they set up when I turn twenty-one. So I was set for about three lifetimes.

The visit with my grandparents was nice, I stayed until six thirty and promised I would come visit them again soon when our schedules weren't so hectic. They even gave me another gift well gifts I should say. This time it was three gifts cards from my favorite stores and they each had a five hundred dollar limit along with that they gave me a gas card with the same amount. And if that wasn't enough they put twenty-five hundred dollars into my checking account. See, my family makes up for not seeing me by giving me money and extravagant gifts. It's always way to much.

When I arrived home I was exhausted so I after I ate dinner, I took a shower, climbed into my bed and watched That 70s Show on Netflix until I fell asleep.

*A/N: Boom chapter 4!

**We are about to jump into the whole Kenzie and Bryce part. Remember they don't talk to each other but the moments will be coming!! And we get to meet Avery! And don't worry Beth will return.**

*Thank you!!!*
