42. Bad Decisions.


I've never been the jealous type in my life. I've always worked for what I have wanted, although my parents did have a tendency to spoil us when we were kids. But I only got an allowance if I helped out around the house. I liked to think that I had a normal childhood even with my parents being pretty well off.

Last night at Jeff's party I completely lost it. I knew it was a bad idea going to the party, but I went anyway. I should of stayed home and watched the Harry Potter marathon that was on tv. But no, I just had to be a normal teenager and go to a party. I honesty think all I make these days are bad decisions. I've considered assigning Harry as my decision maker, you know like Rachel assigns Monica to make her decisions for her in that episode of Friends.

"There he is. He has been in here all morning. He even refused to play Mario Kart with me." I hear Timmy tell someone.

"Thanks for bringing me to him. I'll tell you what, why don't I punch your brother a few times then later I will play any game you want." That voice belongs to Harry. I hear Timmy giggle but not his response.

I hear my bedroom close which means Timmy left. "We gotta go, bro. We have a scrimmage in two hours." Harry says flopping down onto my bed.

"I'm not going." My voice is muffled by my pillow. I promise I'm not trying to smother myself..yet.

"Yes you are. You're our captain." Harry states.

"I'm sick." I fake a cough.

"Boo you whore." Harry laughs. God, now he's repeating Mean Girls.

I sigh and turn over on my back, "There's the sunshine!" Harry says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him. "Timmy said you've been in here all morning. What's wrong pudding." Harry pouts.

I still don't answer.

"This has to do with what happened last night, doesn't it?" Harry smirks.
"She hates me." I exhale.

Harry snorts, "Yeah she does." I glare at him. "Can you blame her? You beat up her date!" Harry scolds me like I'm a child.

"I thought he was going to kiss Kenzie without her consent." I defend.

"Like you did last night?" Harry argues back.

I groan, "How the hell do you know that?"

"Kenzie told Avery who told me. How could you do that? Bryce she literally hates you now." Harry yells.

"That isn't why she hates me." I mumble.

Harry narrows his eyes at me, "Bryce, what did you do?"

"I told her that we should go back to the way things were before school started. Not giving a damn about one another." I admit.

Harry shakes his head, "I can't believe you said that."

"Things just got too hard for us to handle. We were hurting ourselves, it was the only thing to do. Being friends wasn't working anymore." I shrug.

"Well now any chance you two have of being together is dead." Harry says.

Beth comes charging into my room scaring the shit out of us, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" She shouts pointing at me.

Harry and I share a confused look. From what I know Beth doesn't know what happened last night, but her tone tells me otherwise.

"You punched Will! Why Bryce why?" She says throwing her hands up in the air

"Uh..I thought he was going to take advantage of her." I lie.

"Since when do you care about who tries to kiss Kenzie?" Beth says furrowing her eyebrows.

I glance at Harry hoping for his help but he just shakes his head. "Well, we were friends when she tutored me so I-" Beth cuts me off.

"That still doesn't give you the right to do that. From what I've heard and seen you two don't even talk anymore. You are both back to acting like you were before any of this happened. Except now you two seem even more tense when you're in the same room." Beth yells breathless.

This time Harry decides to step in this time, "Beth you can yell at Bryce later, we have a scrimmage to get to."

"All I want to know is what happened between you and Kenzie while I was away?" Beth says quietly.

I get up from my bed and grab my bag, signalling Harry to get ready to make a run for it. I stop at my door turning to look Beth directly in her eyes, "I kissed your best friend." I mutter then run out of my room.

I hear Beth scream after me but Harry and I just keep running.


The baseball scrimmage sucked, I was completely off my game. I missed catches, I missed hits and I even missed a base. Like how do you miss a freaking base! Going along with my suckiness; my teammates yelled at me the entire time. Screaming things like: Get your head in the game or You're sucking major balls today, Dalton. If I'm doing this bad during a scrimmage, I can only imagine how bad I will be during an actual game.

Even though I wasn't on my game, my teammates were. So we won, but it doesn't count. Although, I'm almost positive that this team we faced will be alerting every other team in the district that the Bryce Dalton has lost his baseball mojo. I may as well go ahead and kiss a state championship goodbye. As well as any baseball scholarship. My parents and coach are going to kill me.

Cody takes a seat beside me on the bench after the game, "I know you've heard this through out the entire game but you sucked today." He smirks. "What's with you today?"

I shrug, "Not sure."

"Is this about last night?" Cody asks slowly.

"I'm not really in the mood to talk about it, Cody." I say taking a sip of my water.

"I understand that. But can I just say one thing?" He asks. I nod for him to continue. Cody takes a deep breath, "She looked happier with you." He gives me a small smile then heads to back to the field.

Was Cody right? Did Kenzie look happier when she was with me?

I'm getting ready to leave when I notice that all of the cheerleaders are walking over to the field. What are they doing here? Oh, right I forgot. They now have to cheer at all of our games for some unknown reason. The only cheerleader that stands out to me is Kenzie Shepherd who has a pair of black running shorts on and a white tank top with her hair up in a bun.

"Bryce Dalton we have to talk now!" I hear the voice of my twin sister. I look to the left to see her stomping her way over with Avery trailing behind her.

Great, she couldn't wait to rip me a new one.

"Beth I really don't think this is the place or time." I say looking over at Kenzie who has stopped what she was doing and has her attention on my twin and I.

"I don't give a shit. How could you blurt that out then leave!" Beth yells which attracts more unwanted attention.


"You wanted to know what happened, that's what happened." I point out.

"Bryce you kissed my best friend!" She yells even louder.

"You told her?" Kenzie says coming over to us.

"Uh oh." I hear Avery, Harry and Cody say in unison.

"You three knew?" Beth points to them.

"Nooo." The three in question drawl out.

"Liars." Beth mutters. "Why didn't either of you tell me?" Beth says crossing her arms over her chest.

I glance at Kenzie who is avoiding eye contact with me. "Beth, I'm sorry. It happened so fast. We kissed, yes. But nothing has come of it." I tell her honestly.

"Ooohh." The three musketeers sing.

"Kenzie, is what Bryce saying true?" Beth asks more calmly. Kenzie just nods her head. "So is that why you two have this insanely awkward tension?" Beth raises a brow.

Harry snorts, "Its more like sexual tension." My eyes go wide as well as Kenzie's.

"You slept together!?" Beth screams.

"No!" Kenzie and I say at the same time.

"They would of if stuff didn't go horribly wrong." Cody chuckles.

"Let me get this straight. You two kissed, but aren't together. You three knew about it, and didn't tell me. Is that correct." Beth pieces it together like a puzzle only she's missing a few key pieces.

"Yep, you figured it out. Congrats." I cheer.

"Kenzie, is what I said correct?" Beth asks.

Kenzie opens her mouth to say something, but closes it. She stays silent. "Beth that's all that went down. We didn't want to tell you because well this would've happened." I say

"What about the whole thing with Molly? Is Kenzie the reason why you didn't want to date her?" Beth presses. Shit I thought she would stopped.

"Oh crap." The same three mumble.

"You know, I think it is time for all of us to be on our merry way." Avery laughs nervously.

"You three are not going anywhere." Beth warns.

"Well I am. I've got a practice to run." Kenzie speaks up.

"Kenzie." I try.

"No. I can't believe you told her that we kissed. Did you tell her about all of the other times we kissed? Or how about when you told me to stop giving a damn about you?" Kenzie argues.

"How many times did you kiss?" Beth questions.

"Once." I wince at the lie.

"That's a fucking lie. We kissed three times. Once in the park, then when Bryce set up an inflatable slide for me, and last we spent most of Harry's NYE party making out in the hammock." Kenzie confesses.

"Shit." Three musketers gasp.

"Three times! What the hell!?" Beth shouts.

Please be done Kenzie.

"Oh, did he tell you the real reason he punched Will? Oh he didn't. Well he did it because he didn't want Will and I to kiss. But here's the funny part: he was the one who told me to date Will." Kenzie says.

"You're the one who told me to date Molly." I shout back.

"I never punched her." Kenzie fumes.

"Right, you just befriended her." I scoff.

"Okay you two that's enough." Cody says.

"Cody is right. We're done here." Kenzie states then walks back to the rest of the cheerleaders who were watching the fight.

Avery, Cody and Harry also leave the field leaving Beth and I there alone. "Beth, I'm so sorry.I should of told you." I apologize.

"For some reason I don't care that you two kissed. I just care about the fact that you lied and now you are both hurt. I haven't seen Kenzie that upset since she and Blake broke up. And I have never seen you this messed up by a girl." Beth admits.

"We didn't want to hurt you." I say.

"It backfired. You two got hurt." Beth sighs.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Lets go, I can literally feel Kenzie staring daggers at my back." I laugh.

"Bryce, this isn't a joke." Beth glares at me.

"I'm highly aware." I agree.

For the rest of the evening I stay in my room replaying the days events in my head. Beth and I had a long talk about everything. She is now all caught up on everything that went down between Kenzie and I. She said she's a little upset but will get over it. I think she will be bugging Kenzie about all of this as well.

Today was a prime example of why I should never be allowed to make decisions, small or big. Because the outcome is disastrous.


A/N: Phew! Man that was an intense argument. Now Beth knows everything. But Kenzie & Bryce are on worse terms now. Can it get fixed?

Stay tuned. ;)
