four // stand again

Siena Newfield

The girl was watching me with her icy eyes, hand on her hip waiting for me to say something so she could bite back. I already had an idea of who she was. "Uh so I thought you'd be like a Jehovah's Witness or telemarketer or something, so this is awkward," I babbled. I didn't exactly know how to gesture for Jayden to come save me from this encounter, because he was still watching the fucking Babadook.

"Okay, so that doesn't answer my question," she scoffed. She moved forward a bit to peek her head into the apartment, probably scanning it for Jayden. 

I ran my hand through my hair, "I'm Jayden's new roommate, guess this isn't the ideal way for you to find out." 

The girl started to laugh, but it wasn't because she thought the situation was funny. It was one of those laughs that's immediately followed up by something insanely rude coming out of someone's mouth. 

Jayden had clearly heard her laugh, and was by my side a few seconds later, "Oh thank God," I mumbled. "I'm uh, just gonna go back to watch the movie," I spoke, I knew this exchange wasn't one that I wanted to be around to hear.

Before I walked away I did hear what Jayden's ex was saying, "That's funny you think you can replace me with someone new this quickly." I rolled my eyes, I wasn't replacing anyone, well technically I guess I was replacing her in terms of living arrangements, but it was nothing further than that. 

As I had made my way back to the couch, the boys' attention had most definitely drifted to what was happening at the door. We all watched as Jayden suddenly stepped back from the door and made a bee line down the hall. The girl didn't follow, from where I was sitting I couldn't even see her.

"Of course, she had to come by," Luke muttered under his breath, "Couldn't leave the poor kid alone."

Jayden emerged from the hallway again, this time with the same pair of boots from last night. He shot his arm out towards the door, so she could grab them. "Take them and leave," Jayden had raised his voice a bit. I gnawed on my lip, if I was uncomfortable I could only imagine how he was feeling. "This is fucking ridiculous," he groaned, throwing his arms up to the ceiling. Luke was about to get up, probably to mediate what was going on. Before he had even stood up Jayden had walked away from the door leaving it wide open, and walked back over to the couch to take a seat.

The confusion was mutual between the boys and I, "She won't leave so I'm just not going to pay attention to her," Jayden scoffed, and sunk down into his seat. My eyes wandered back to the door, the girl was now in my line of sight. I couldn't make out the emotion that was on her face, but Jayden really didn't want any part of it.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "So that's how we're leaving this then?" She spoke, her voice was hard. She sounded annoyed.

"Kayla, I literally don't know what else to say to you. So please, I really don't want to see you or deal with any of this right now," Jayden sounded drained, his eyes were closed and he was rubbing his temples as if he had a headache.

Luke whipped his head to look at the petite girl, "You've done enough, it's time to go." This was the first time I'd heard Luke sound the slightest bit intimidating, whatever had happened between Jayden and this girl clearly did not sit well with his friends.

Kayla clutched the pair of boots she was holding, and gritted her teeth before she spoke, "Fuck you Jayden, and fuck your friends." With that she spun on her heel toward the door, and I was pretty sure I had felt the vibration from how hard she had slammed the door. 

"Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out!" Josh had yelled, giving a curt wave to the door. 

Ini had turned his attention to Jayden now, "You alright, mate?" I'm sure everyone else in the room was also wondering the same thing. Jayden nodded, but said nothing which most likely meant he wasn't really okay and there was a hurricane of thoughts going through his mind.

"I'm gonna go take a nap," Jayden said, suddenly standing up. I watched as Luke and Ini exchanged a worried glance.

Josh frowned, "Alright mate, we'll clean up the place a bit and head out." He was also standing now, the mess I assumed he was talking about was in the kitchen from both last night and this morning. Jayden only nodded again, beginning to walk towards his room.

Luke let out a drawn out sigh, "The second he seems to be doing better she always pops back up. It's like clockwork."

I felt out of place, I didn't know the situation like the rest of the boys did, so I was sitting on the couch uncomfortably.

"Hopefully that's the last of it," Ini spoke, his voice was low so Jayden wouldn't hear him.

Luke scoffed, "You think after all she's done, that'll be the last of it? I doubt it." 

The way that Luke was talking about this girl was peaking my curiosity, but I didn't want to seem nosy so I didn't ask. If Jayden wanted to tell me at some point he could, but for now I was in the dark.

Josh was shaking his head, clearly displeased by the outcome of the morning, "Let's just clean things up for him, he'll have one less thing to worry about."

"I'll help, I kinda live here too now," the boys turned their heads towards me, almost like they had forgotten I was still here.

While we were cleaning I could feel the tension in the room, after they left they were most definitely going to have a heated discussion about the altercation earlier. I had been on dish duty, and as I put the last dish away the boys had just finished picking up the trash.

"Looks brand new," I tried to smile, to lighten the mood a bit.

Luke gave me a grin, "Jay better call and thank us for this." The boys started walking towards the door, meaning after they left it was just Jayden and I in the apartment. Sure I had been alone with him after we had just met, but it wasn't going to be for an extended period of time. It was definitely sinking in that this was now where I was living, and I was living with a boy.

"I'll make sure he does," I gave the three of them a wave, as they walked through the door. After it shut I was still standing in the kitchen, not knowing what to do with myself exactly.

I had a feeling Jayden wasn't sleeping, from my experiences after getting into fights like that sleep was almost impossible. Before I thought too much about it I was walking down the hallway towards his door. Again, it was slightly open like it had been last night. I took in a nervous breath before knocking lightly. I received no answer, so I pushed the door open a bit more. At first glance I thought Jayden wasn't in the room, and was confused for a moment, before I looked at the floor where he was completely sprawled out.

As I had predicted he wasn't asleep, and was just staring at the ceiling. He didn't react to my presence at the door, and I wanted to turn around and close the door but instead my feet carried me over to where he was laying and suddenly I was on the ground next to him. He still hadn't moved his eyes from the ceiling, and I was contemplating what I was going to say.

I placed my arms behind my head for support before speaking, "You know you don't have to be okay."

I was also looking up at the ceiling now, but I heard Jayden take a sharp breath in, "I'm not okay."



Luv Amanda
