eight// poison

Siena Newfield

It had been almost two weeks since I had moved in with Jayden, within the short timeframe we had gotten very comfortable around each other. There really wasn't much of an option not to be comfortable since we were living in such close quarters. After I was embarrassed for all of two seconds about the underwear incident, I realized Jayden hadn't been creepy or weirded out by the whole thing so it had made me feel better.

The interview for the coffee shop was incredibly easy, and I was offered a position on the spot. Working at a small cafe instead of Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks was much less stressful, it was almost borderline enjoyable. You did get people now and then that would complain about their coffee having sugar instead of stivia, just stupid little problems that were more of an annoyance than anything. The tips were definitely my favorite part of the job, which I was planning on only using for back up money, since I was definitely on a budget.

I had even been a nice roommate and brought Jayden the occasional latte after my shift. The boy drank about five cups of coffee a day, and he always wondered why he was an anxious mess. I was just finishing up my shift, it was almost 3 o'clock. I hadn't had my free coffee for my shift so I made one for Jayden, since he was probably in need of another cup around now. My coworker Evan had just showed up while I was putting a lid on my drink, meaning I was free to leave.

I took off my apron, said a quick goodbye to my manager and was grabbing my purse so I could start my walk home. Evan had walked up behind me so he could put his things away in the back room, and I gave him a quick smile before starting to walk away.

"Uh Siena?" He stopped me, so I turned to face him, he looked nervous so I waited for him to say something, "Uh, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a drink with me sometime?"

I was actually a bit shocked that he was asking me out, I hadn't talked to him much since we hadn't had many shifts together. He wasn't bad looking by any means, I just wasn't sure he was exactly my type. I kept comparing him to someone I knew I shouldn't in my mind, which I really needed to stop before it got dangerous. He did seem nice enough, and certainly polite so going out for a drink couldn't hurt.

"Yeah, that would be nice," I smiled, "Let me see your phone, I'll put my number in. Just give me a ring to make the plans." He handed over his phone with a huge grin plastered on his face. He seemed much more at ease now that I had agreed to go out with him.

I handed his phone back to him, and he put it in his back pocket, "Alright, I'll talk to you later then?"

I nodded and began to walk backwards a bit, "Definitely. Better get to work, you know how people are about their coffee." He gave me a solemn nod, which I quietly laughed at. I gave him a final wave before I finally made my way out of the shop.

On my way back to the apartment, I was sure Jayden's coffee was cold by now and I was definitely going to have a disappointed Aussie on my hands. Once I was inside the building, I decided on taking the elevator, which still scared the absolute shit out of me. The stairs would take extra time and in my mind the extra thirty seconds it would take to walk the stairs would make Jayden's coffee that much colder.

I walked in the apartment, Jayden was on the couch watching American Horror Story again. He claimed it was a fall tradition, and it was the best show to watch during this season so he had to.

"Brought you coffee," I spoke while walking over to him to give him the drink.

He outreached his arms and made grabby hands like a child would, "What did I do to get the best roommate on the planet?"

"Rhetorical question, or did you want me to answer that one?" I basically snorted, while handing him the cup.

"Rhetorical obviously," He rolled his eyes before taking a sip from the cup. I could tell by his face that it was cold, "So were we going for iced coffee today?"

I laughed, "I got caught up after work, it was supposed to be hot." I sat down on the double seater couch that was directly across from where Jayden was sitting. I kicked off my shoes and curled my legs up underneath me.

Jayden raised an eyebrow at me, I only knew he was doing this because he had actually pushed his hair out of his face today, "Run into someone you knew?"

I shook my head and picked at the nail polish on my thumb a bit, "No, my coworker asked me to go out for drinks with him."

It was silent for a bit longer than was comfortable, but I heard Jayden shifting his weight around on the couch, "Are you gonna go?" I nodded as a response, mostly because I wanted this conversation to be over with. "Oooh, Siena's got a hot date!" He teased, he had completely changed his demeanor in the matter of seconds.

I wanted to give Jayden a smile, since I was glad to be going on a date with Evan but it felt off. There was no reason that things should be weird because nothing was going on between Jayden and I, but I couldn't help notice the slight tension and I hated it. "Yeah, he's nice."

Jayden gave me a half-hearted smile, "Hope it goes well." He got up from the couch to walk into the kitchen, "Hey, the boys are coming over tonight what should we order?"

I let out a quiet sigh of relief that Jayden couldn't hear, I was glad the topic had changed, "I'm down for pizza, we haven't had it in a while."

"Alright that was easy," Jayden laughed. I heard dishes clinking around in the sink but I was watching the episode of American Horror Story that Jayden hadn't bothered to pause, I assumed he didn't care too much since he'd seen all of the seasons at least three times each.

"Well, Jay, food is the one thing that I can always make my mind up about."

I heard his footsteps coming back into the living room, they weren't really footsteps he seemed to drag his feet a bit so it would always make a sort of scuffing sound against the floor. "At least one of us can, it usually takes me forever to pick something to eat."

I grinned, "You're lucky to have me around then." Jayden just gave me a soft smile before diverting his attention back to the television. "Hey, do we need booze? Can't have a dinner with the boys without getting drunk."

Jayden knitted his brows together in thought, "I actually don't remember, but you do make a valid point."

I got up from my seat, "I'll check." I opened the fridge only to be greeted by a very sad looking bottle of Fireball, and a half empty handle of Captain Morgan. "Bad news bears," I sighed.

"Shit, Luke's gonna chew me out," Jayden groaned. He had gotten up from the couch to see what the situation in the fridge was. 

I pursed my lips, "I'll go get the goods if you want. You barely let me pitch in for food so it's the least I can do."

"Siena," Jayden began to say, but I cut him off before he could give me the whole spiel.

I waved a finger in his face, "I changed my mind, I'm going to get booze. I'll be back soon, and there's nothing you can say or do to stop me Seeley."

Jayden ran a hand down his face, clearly displeased that I was going out on a packy run but I felt like I was mooching off of him and his friends so buying liquor really wasn't a big deal to me. Plus I wanted to call Cora and tell her about my day and date with Evan, I knew she would have quite a bit to say about it. 

Once I had reached the door to exit the apartment complex, I dialed my best friend's number and she picked up almost immediately. 

"What's up, babe?" She chirped through the phone.

I let out a bit of a dramatic sigh, "I have a story for you." The liquor store was a few blocks away, so I had some time to give Cora all of the details of today's events.

"Should I grab some snacks?" She teased. She claimed my stories were always too long and didn't get to the good parts fast enough, but I just didn't want to leave any details out. 

I told her all about Evan, she made me give her the best description I could of him because she needed to visual him to make a proper decision on him. I also told her about how it felt strange telling Jayden about the date, and how there was a bit of tension between us after I had brought it up.

"Siena, you know how I feel about the you and Jayden situation. I think you're just distracting yourself with this Evan guy, and you know it. Plus, when you described Jayden he sounded much cuter," she lectured me. 

I know she couldn't see me but I rolled my eyes anyway, "I am not distracting myself, I think it would be good for me to go on a date."

Cora scoffed, "Sure, and you're just going to ignore the obvious chemistry you have with Jayden then?"

I rubbed my temples with my free hand, "Yes, we've been over this. Jayden is my roommate and I don't think it would be a good idea." 

Cora laughed from the other end of the phone, which was never a good sign, "Listen, hunny, if you were so sure about dating this Evan guy you wouldn't have even felt the need to bring Jayden up in this conversation. You're lying to yourself, and you're going to regret not taking the chance on him."

My mouth opened and closed a few times before I got my bearings to speak, "I just don't want to ruin anything with Jay, I don't want it to get weird."

"Babes, you're living with him and you're awesome so if he doesn't fall in love with you he's crazy." 

"Thank you for the pep talk," I laughed, "But I've gotta go, I'm about to go shopping for booze."

We said our goodbyes as I walked into the liquor store, and now I was even more unnerved than I had been before.


Wattpad's doing a weird thing and not publishing the whole edited version of this chapter idk what's going on but i hope this is the whole thing this time

Anyway i'm seeing with con and knuckle puck and movements in 6 days i'm so excited to see jayden again like AHHHHH I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH IT HURTS ME!! i'm also seeing chase atlantic in 2 days so that's pretty cool as well!! i'm also seeing the story so far and waterparks and sleep on it and as it is later this month so i'm busy busy busy!!! also i'm probably gonna buy a ticket to see grayscale in december and i'm also seeing like pacific that month so ya that's me just listing all the shows i'm going to soon i'm super excited for all of them!!!
