five // we'll be okay

Siena Newfield 

That night I had talked to Jayden until the sun had started to rise. He had told me the whole story of him and his ex girlfriend. My heart genuinely ached for him. At the same time I was surprised that he had opened up to me like this, since we had only just met the day before. 

He and Kayla had met shortly after he had decided to move to America, they'd hit it off immediately. Kayla had been a waitress at a small breakfast place that Jayden and the boys frequently went to. They'd always end up having Kayla as their waitress, and everyone could tell that her and Jayden had taken a liking to each other.

When Jayden finally got the courage he asked Kayla on a date, and of course she didn't decline, who could say no to Jayden honestly. From their first date on they were inseparable, Jayden had said the boys found it a bit annoying, but let it go since Kayla seemed to be a cool enough girl. They'd welcomed her into their little group.

Jayden went as far to say he thought that Kayla was his soulmate, their relationship was so good until all of a sudden it wasn't. The boys noticed it first before Jayden caught on, or Jayden just didn't want to believe what was happening. The difference happened shortly after Kayla had moved in with Jayden. She tried to keep him secluded, away from the boys. Which Jayden never understood, since at first she seemed to like his friends. She was incredibly controlling, trying to keep Jayden from going out for drinks with the boys, telling him who and who he couldn't speak too, and things like that.

When Jayden had finally confronted her about being a bit suffocating, she flipped it on him. She tried making it seem like he didn't act like he was interested in her and that was why she was holding on to him so tight. Jayden, being so blindly in love with her, believed what she was saying to him. He started seeing his friends less, and was staying in more with Kayla. That was when it really took a turn for the worst.

After Kayla had successfully isolated Jayden, and had him all to herself, she started disappearing. She'd leave late at night, only to come back early in the morning. Jayden, throughout the month he put up with this, barely had gotten any sleep since he stayed up waiting for her to come home. He couldn't wrap his head around what she was doing, and she wouldn't talk to him about it.

When he finally couldn't take it anymore he full on confronted her about everything that had happened between them, he said he had held on so long because he hoped that something would change and it would go back to like how it was in the beginning. Again, Kayla told Jayden it was his friends that were spouting all these lies about her and making her out to be the bad guy. Jayden realized how toxic their relationship had turned out to be, and he decided that he wanted out. They had been dating for about a year, and the last four months had been hell for him.

When Kayla realized she was potentially getting broken up with, she tried reasoning with Jayden that she would change and that they could be like they were when they had first started dating. As much as he wanted to believe her, he couldn't, and he gave her a week to figure out where she was going to stay since she couldn't live with him anymore. For that week he slept at Luke's and it was the hardest week of his life. Luke watched him black out from drinking too much each night, and mope around each morning.

The boys were worried about Jayden the month following the breakup, he definitely was not himself and they wondered when he was going to be back to normal. That was when Luke had suggested he get a new roommate, and that's where I finally came in. After hearing the story, the confrontation from earlier made much more sense, and even though I didn't know Kayla in the slightest I had an incredible distaste for her.

Since Jayden had opened up to me like this I felt much more at home and comfortable with him. Granted, he didn't know much about me, I still felt like I could talk to him if I needed to. 

The next morning I was awake far before Jayden, I was going to go out job hunting today. I had quite a bit of money saved up, but when that ran out I was still going to need to pay rent. I had put on music, but made sure it was turned up too loud so I didn't wake Jayden up. We had been up late, I didn't expect him to wake up anytime soon.

I hummed along to Knuckle Puck's new song, Gone, as I made breakfast for myself. I still needed to go food shopping for myself because I definitely felt bad about eating all of Jayden's food. I had just filled up the electric kettle that was on the countertop, to make some coffee for myself, when I heard footsteps behind me.

Jayden walked into sight, his hair was sticking up practically every way that it could. He yawned before plopping himself onto a stool that was set up next to the island in the kitchen.

"Morning, I'm making coffee. You want some?" I asked.

He nodded before placing his face against the table in front of him. I let out a small giggle, and put more water into the kettle. "I didn't think you would be up this early," I confessed, leaning against the countertop, facing him.

He didn't pick his head up as he spoke, "I can never sleep in, body doesn't allow it." 

I scrunched up my nose," You live a cursed life, my friend."

Jayden picked his head up, and a sleepy smile spread across his lips, "So we're friends now?" 

I rolled my eyes, of course he would pick that phrase out, "Well we're not strangers anymore are we?"

He hummed in agreement, "I guess I'll let you be my friend."

I scoffed, "Oh excuse me your highness, I'm truly grateful for this opportunity."

Jayden laughed at my obvious sarcasm, "You're so welcome, Siena. Your life has now been blessed, you're never going to find someone cooler than me to have around."

I audibly gagged, before thinking of something to sass him with, "I think Luke's cooler than you." Jayden's mouth was wide open now, "It's true," I shrugged. "He's just got the whole broody, moody, mysterious thing down."

Jayden was sitting straight up in his seat now, clearly more awake than he had been a few minutes prior, "And I don't?" He sounded appalled.

I dismissed his comment with a patronizing wave, "Nah, not quite." I turned to the kettle, which was now ready to be poured, so Jayden couldn't see me trying to hold in my laughter.

"You know what! I take it back we're not friends, and we never will be!" Since my back was turned away from him, I could only imagine the dirty look he was giving me and that his arms had to be crossed over his chest.

I poured us both cups of coffee, I walked Jayden's over to him and laughed at the displeased look he had on his face, "Listen, Jay, I'm kidding. You and Luke are two different types of cool." I took the milk out of the fridge and poured some to my coffee before offering to Jayden, who took it and dumped some in his cup.

He took a sip from the mug before giving me an answer, "So that means I'm cooler than Luke then?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, Jayden, you're cooler than Luke." I was going to let him win this one, to stop him from faking being mad at me for calling his friend cooler than him.

I watched as a smug grin spread across his face, "I figured." 


Yoyoyoyo so I got tickets to see with con and knuckle puck and movements!!! I'm SO excited, and the venue that they're coming to in my city is so small and intimate so I'm gonna try really hard to meet with con because I'm fucking WHIPPED for them so ya!!! LMK IF ANY OF Y'ALL ARE GOING TO THIS AMERICAN TOUR???? WE CAN FREAK OUT ABOUT IT TOGETHER????

xooxooxoxo Amanda
