41 • Nervous

"Homegrown alligator, see you later,
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road,
Something changed in the atmosphere,
Architecture unfamiliar,
I could get used to this." Blared over the radio.

"Are you nervous?" Asked Mon-el, he was sitting in the drivers seat of Johns blue car, John have kindly leant it to him so he could drive him and Kara up to his mums for thanksgivings dinner.
"No, why would I be nervous? I'm just meeting your mum and cousin for the first time." Replied Kara, sitting in the passengers seat.
"Trust me she'll love you."
"We'll you've already met my parents so you have nothing to worry about."
"Speaking of your parents have you talked to your dad recently?"
"Yeah, my dads ok, but my mum still isn't happy that I stayed behind. It's nice I can talk to my dad though."
"Of course." Mon-el agreed.

"Random question, but if you could talk to your parents, what would you say?" Kara questioned.
"I'd tell them I'm happy." He looked over and smiled at her.


"Here we are, you ready?" Mon-el asked. He and Kara stood in the doorway of his mums house.
"Yes but no, somehow." Kara laughed nervously, she moved her hair so it covered half of her face, Mon-el noticed.

"Hey, come here." Mon-el reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. "You're beautiful, with or without that scar." From where she had been cut during the bank robbery, a middle sized, pale white scar had appeared between her eye and hair line. Kara half smiled.
"Thank you." She whispered.

Mon-el reached out and rung the doorbell. They heard footsteps from inside, the locks turn and the door open.
"Mon-el! It's so nice to see you!" Said Eliza. She gave him a hug. Mon-el smiled.
"Mum, I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend Kara. Kara this is my adoptive mother, Eliza." Said Mon-el.
"It's lovely to meet you Eliza." Smiled Kara, stretching out her hand.
"No, no, none of that, you get a hug." Eliza gave Kara a hug. Eliza pulled away. "Come in! Come in, dinner should be ready soon."

They went in and walked into the living room, Alex and Sam where already there sitting on the sofa, hands linked together. Sitting next to them was a teenage girl.
"Hey guys, this is Ruby, my daughter." Said Sam. Ruby look up and smiled at them.

"So, Kara tell me about yourself, where are you from?" Eliza asked sitting down in one of the armchairs. Mon-el with his arm round Kara sat on the sofa opposite Alex and Sam.
"Um, I'm actually from Daxam, a neighbouring planet to Krypton." Explained Kara,
"You're an alien?! That's so cool!" Said Ruby.
"Ruby!" Said Sam.
"What? Mum that's so cool! I know we have aliens in the city, but I've never met any of them."
'If only she knew who I really was' thought Mon-el.

"It's nice that Mon-el has found someone." Eliza said changing the subject.
"Mon-el is one of the kindest people I've ever met and I can see why." Kara said looking at Eliza.
"Oh, it has nothing to do with me, Mon-el has always been kind."
"Mum, she was giving you a compliment, you should take it." Laughed Alex.

The doorbell rang and Kara watched Eliza get up and leave the room. She came back in a few moments later, followed by Cia, who Kara recognised from photos at Mon-el's apartment, and a sweet looking, brown haired man.

"Hey guys, you remember my husband Lance." Said Cia. Mon-el got up and hugged her.
"It's great to see you here." He smiled. "This is the girl I've been telling you about, my girlfriend Kara." Kara stood up and smiled at Cia and Lance.
"It's so good to finally met you Kara! I can't believe Mon-el has been hiding you all these months." Cia said with a little laugh.


Everyone was sitting round a big table in the dining room of Elizas home. Alex spoke up. "As you guys may or may not know, it is a Danvers family tradition to say what we are grateful for before we eat. I'd like to say that I'm grateful for having a loving and supportive family."

They went round the table and everyone spoke until it was Kara's turn. "Well, um I'd like to say that I'm grateful for you Mon-el, for giving me a second chance at life and giving me a wonderful new family."
"Aww." Mon-el smiled. Kara leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.


Later in the evening Kara and Mon-el were siting out on the balcony of the house, sharing a blanket, the sun was slowly setting over the trees in the distance.

"It must have been nice to grow up here." Said Kara. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I had a really nice time today."
"I'm glad, it was your first thanksgiving here so I wanted to expose you to everything." Mon-el laughed.
"It's actually a nice idea, celebrating things you are thankful for. Out of everyone that could of found me in that pod, I'm thankful it was you."
"I'm thankful for you. I'm so happy you're in my life." Smiled Mon-el for a moment but it then faded away.

"After everything that happened at STAR Labs and seeing the woman that looked like you die in front of me, I just... it put somethings in perspective." Mon-el stood up and then kelt in front of Kara. "I have a gift for you." Mon-el pull out a box from his pocket.
"Mon, I don't know-"
"Just open it." Mon-el laughed. Kara opened the box.
"What?" Questioned Kara, took a key from the box and held it in her hand.
"Will you move in with me?" Mon-el asked.
"Mon, of course! I kinda already am." Joked Kara.
"Ok, will you officially move in with me?" He asked.

She lent forward and kissed him. "Is that a good answer?" She replied. He placed a hand on the side of her face, she could feel the warmth from his hand on the side of her face. She smiled, she looked into his eyes, she felt so loved from the look in his eyes. They passionately kissed.
