24 • Boyfriend

"This is so boring." Said Mon-el. James and Winn had come over to keep him company. They had decided to play monopoly.

"I can be there and back in like two minutes!" He said pointing at the TV, there was a car chase downtown.
"No! John said no super-suit! You need to stay here!" Winn said.
"I knew we shouldn't of let you watch the news." Said James.

"Oh come oh guys-" Mon-el was interrupted by Kara opening the door.
"I'm back! And I brought pizza!" She put the pizza down on the table.

"I'm so happy you're here Kara, not just cause you have super strength so you can stand in the way of Mon-el." Said James.

"Nice to know I'm more than a pretty face to you." Said Kara, laughing. "What are you guys playing?"

"Monopoly, you wanna play?" Asked Winn.
"Sure, let me get a drink first. What is monopoly though?" Kara asked, as she over to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

"Well it's-" Winn was interrupted by a loud crash. Kara had dropped her beer.
"Sorry guys I didn't mean to."
"It's fine don't worry." Mon-el got up to help her clean it up.

Kara raised her hand to her head. "Kara you alright?" Asked Mon-el.
"Mm, yeah, my head it just-" Kara suddenly stood upright.
"Kara?" Mon-el asked, worried.

Kara's eyes flashed a bright blue and she ran at Mon-el, grabbing him and went out the window. Mon-el flew up and threw Kara on the roof of a nearby car park.

He landed near her. "Kara, what are you doing?" She said nothing and threw a punch at him instead. He ducked. "Kara please!" She just tried to punch him again. This time he grabbed her arm and spon her around and held her in a headlock. "Kara, it's me Mon-el, your boyfriend, what ever this is you need to snap out of it!"

"It's like something is controlling her!" Said James, him and Winn were still up at the apartment, watching out the window. A beeping noise came from Winn, he fished around in his pocket and pulled out the circular device.

"I reconfigured this to go off when ever there was another device nearby, it must be a bounty hunter controlling her."

Kara broke free of Mon-el's hold and went for him again, this time she tried to kick him. He dived down onto the floor. Kara grabbed him by the shirt and threw him across the car park, he fell against the side of a car.

Guardian landed on the roof, he shot his grappling hook, trying to wrap Kara in the rope in an effort to contain her. However, she grabbed it and swung the rope around, throwing Guardian onto the roof of a car.

Kara walked towards Mon-el, who was still on the ground. She stood over him, fist clenched. "Kara please! You can fight this!" Mon-el said breathing heavily.

She swung her fist forward and went for his head but he moved, she went again and again but Mon-el kept moving, dodging her attacks.

"Let her go or the sidewalk gets a new paint job!" Said Winn. He had found the bounty hunter and was standing behind him with a stapler held up like a gun.

The Hunter sighed and surrendered.

Kara shook her head and groaned. Before she could say anything Mon-el had stood up and punched her, causing her to fall onto the ground.

"Hey! Stop! It's me! It's me!" She said.
"Kara! Oh Rao, I'm so sorry!" He rushed over to her to help her up.

"You alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, sorry I attacked you."
"You know what you did?" Mon-el asked with a confused look on his face.
"Yeah, I was aware of everything going on but I just couldn't control my body, I tried to stop but nothing responded."
"It's not your fault. Don't worry."

Kara looked up and Mon-el. "Did you call yourself my boyfriend?"
"Yeah I did, is that alright?"

Kara smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." They kissed.


I will be honest and say I completely forgot about revealing Guardian is James. I'm just gonna gloss over that fact 😂😂
