25 • Romeo and Juliet

Winn, Alex, Kara and Mon-el all stood outside the cell of the alien who had taken control of Kara.

"So, creepy dude here decided to take control of Kara's brain, thinking that he could use her to kill Superman." Said Winn.
"Rude." Said Kara.

"Who put the bounty on me? I know you know." Asked Mon-el.

The man smirked. "You really think I'm gonna tell you? I'm the most powerful telepath in my quadrant. I know more than you think."

"Ah expect the difference between a gun and a stapler." Winn said, smiling.

"I'm not gonna tell you anything." Said the alien.
"We'll see about that." Alex smiled.

"Alex! As entertaining as that would be, I have a better idea." John said as he walk in and over to the cell.

John stared at the man, he's eyes glowed red. The man in the cell smirked but it was quickly replaced with a look of pain. He screamed out and clutched his head.

"It's was the Daxamites! It's was Queen Rhea!" Shouted the man, John released him. A disappointed look appeared on Kara's face.


"I should of known it was my mother. You're not safe Mon." Said Kara.
"It will be fine, we will figure this out." Mon-el said.

"I know my mother, she thinks that if they get rid of you, I'll go back with them to Daxam." Said Kara.

"What if we retaliate? We could get them to leave and pull the bounty." Said Alex.
"I love revenge as much as the next geek. But may I remind you that they have an impenetrable war ship?!" Said Winn.
"Well Winn you can find a way in." Mon-el said.

"No, he can't." John said forcefully.
"I mean I could!" Said Winn.
"No, because it could start a interglacial war and we aren't exactly prepared for that. Right now our priority is to keep Superman safe." John replied.


Back at Mon-el's apartment, he and Kara were cleaning up the broken window. "I've been thinking about a solution to our problem." Said Kara.
"Me too. You go first."
"We run away."
"What?" Mon-el said, shocked.

"There is this small planet that I learnt about as a kid. It's got food, water and a yellow sun, everything we need to survive. My parents won't find us there. We'd be together, you'd be safe. I thought of this because I'm reading this play right now, um... Romeo and Juliet. And there is this bit at the end were they are planning to run away together and live happy."

Mon-el smiled. "You know they both die at the end right?"
"What? Spoiler! Wow, didn't see that coming."

"And no, we are not going to your secret plant, as nice as it sounds, I'm Superman, I don't run from anything!"

Kara sat down at the table and rested her head on her hands. "I know, it's one of the more annoying things about you."
"Why thank you." Mon-el said laughing.
"You're welcome."

Kara lifted her head. "Mon I know my parents, I know my mother, she won't stop till you're dead. They want me to go with them back to Daxam. And my mother won't stop till she gets what she wants."
"That's why we should talk to her!"
"What? No! John said we can't engage with them."
"He said we couldn't attack them, so we could still technically talk to her. Then you can make her realise that earth is the best place for you."

Kara sighed. "I mean you can try, but she wants me, she wants to be able to be in control of me, like she was on Daxam." 

Mon-el walked over and knelt down next to her. "You wanna stay don't you?"

Tears started to form in the corner of Kara's eyes. "I do." She whispered.
"Hey, it's alright." Mon-el reached out and held her hand.
"I feel guilty, I mean that's my family, I don't want to lose them again. But when I think about the next couple of years, I see myself here, with you." Kara smiled.

"It's alright." He reached out and wiped a tear from her check. "You're an adult, you can make your own choices about your life." Mon-el lent up and kissed Kara.
"Thank you." She smiled.

"I'm sure if we explain to your mother she will understand. She can change." Said Mon-el
"Some people don't really change."
"Sure they do! Look at you, you've changed! You've become this incredible and wonderful person. We should as least give her a chance."

"You really think I'm incredible?" Asked Kara with a smile on her face.

"I just said that to get you to listen to me." Mon-el smiled as he spoke. Kara laughed.

"Ok, I'll contact the ship, we can at least try." She leant forward and kissed him.
