Chapter Twenty-One

Calem's POV:

"Son, this is a private rematch between me and your uncle Tristan," My dad told me.

"He's not my uncle, he's your friend!" I corrected him.

"My best friend. I would like you to watch this match and when you turn sixteen, you can continue on my legacy and battle his son, Ash, and become the best trainer in the world!" He told me.

"Okay Dad, I promise!" I told him.

I looked up to my dad with such awe, he's my biggest hero, but he isn't always this nice to me. Anyway, I'm sure he'll destroy Ash's dad! I walked up to the empty stadium seats. We had gotten the whole place to ourselves due to my fathers fame and money.

I sat next to Ash, who was sitting next to his Mum. My mother sat next to me and we watched on with interest.

It was the last Pokémon my father had, he's down 5 Pokémon to Tristan's 2. I'm sure Venusaur can pull through! Venusaur was already battered from the battle and was breathing heavily, while Tristan's Dragonite was completely healthy. Ash was looking on with pure astonishment of his dad's battling.

"I'm afraid this battle is over Daniel!" Tristan shouted.

"What makes you think that?" Daniel asked him furiously.

"Because of this! Dragonite, use Hyper Beam!" Tristan shouted.

Dragonite leant its head back, ready to release a powerful, gargantuan white beam with purple streaks inside the beam.

"Venusaur, use Solar Beam!" My Dad shouted.

Venusaur's back glowed yellow, ready to release a humongous beam of yellow energy.

Dragonite flung its head forwards, releasing Hyper Beam to Venusaur. Venusaur was able to use Solar Beam in time but they clashed and its stream of power was slowly being taken over. Dragonite's Hyper Beam eventually overpowered the weak Venusaur's Solar Beam and blasted Venusaur into the stadium walls, knocking him unconscious.

The blasts from the two Pokémon made a massive carpet of smoke across the whole battlefield.

"NOOOOOO!" My father yelled from inside.

"I MUST WIN!" He carried on.

"Honey please calm down!" My mother shouted at him.

The smoke slowly cleared and my Dad ran straight towards Tristan. He kicked and punched him repeatedly.


"Calm down Daniel!" Tristan shouted.

My mum ran onto the battlefield to try and stop him, and so did I. Ash grabbed onto my arm.

"Calem don't. You could get hurt!" Ash told me sternly.

"I have to!" I shouted at him, ripping his grip off my arm.

I ran to my father and then saw something I wish I hadn't.

His eyes had a misty effect, but they were dark purple.

"EVERYTHING ENDS NOW!" My Dad shouted.

Suddenly, me, my father, my mother, and Tristan were enveloped in a misty, dark purple aura, just like my fathers eyes. Before I could even process what was happening I saw my mother struggling to move, like her power was being drained.

We were all then teleported to a random forest.

"Please, stop thi-" My mother was cut off because she started to dissolve.

Her body was disappearing into thin air and all that was left were slight dust particles. They started swirling around them all, with my Father being the next victim.

"NO STOP! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE OUT TRIST-" He too was absorbed by the aura.

As the aura tried to take out Tristan it just disappeared into thin air. With no sign that it was ever there. Tristan was passed out and then, the aura blasted from the sky, spotlighting me.

I could feel pressure through my whole body as I could feel my whole perception of reality change.

"Finish what your Father was supposed to end!" I heard his voice in my mind.

I was pushed onto my knees but the force of this aura, with every passing second I could feel everything changing. I didn't feel myself at all, and then, it all stopped. And I was born a new man, a better, eviler man.

"AHAHAHAHA," I laughed maniacally. "I'LL GET YOU ONE DAY ASH KETCHUM!"

I woke up happily, remembering what had happened 6 years ago.

"Don't worry father, I'll avenge you, even if it means my life!" I said, looking up at the bunker roof.

"Talking to the ceiling again?" My prisoner asked sarcastically.

"Shut up!" I shouted at him.

"How's the plan with Cynthia getting along?" He asked me.

"Amazing, I'm sending her back tomorrow," I replied.

"That's too early, wait until the weekend!" He told me.

"How would you know?" I asked him.

"Because while your plans are good, you fail to see the fact you can't stay committed to them!" He told me, which flew right past my head.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" I shouted back at him.

"Do you ever listen? Just wait until the weekend, what more harm can that be to you?" He asked me.

"I guess you have a point, but I still think my idea would've been better!" I told him.

"So when am I gonna be let out of this thing?" He asked me.

"Not until my mission is finished!" I told him sternly.

"You've been doing this for 6 years, how hard can this 'mission' be?" He asked me mockingly.

"You wouldn't understand! Now be quiet!" I replied.

I've tried many times to complete it, but it never worked. So I've taken my time and I'm so close, and he has zero clue.

Ash's POV:

I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear. I tapped my finger on the cold screen and swiped it off. I stared at the roof wondering why I'm up so early as it's not that bright outside. That's when I remembered my plans with Serena. I slowly shifted out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I remembered to be quiet as Dawn was still asleep.

As I was brushing my teeth a thought ran through my mind and shivers were sent crawling down my spine. I should probably text Gary! Pikachu could notice the troubled look on my face.

"Pika?" He said, asking me what's wrong.

"Don't worry about it buddy, I'm sure what I'm thinking is nothing!" I reassured Pikachu.

Ash: "Gary, are you up?"

Gary: "Yo Ash wassup?"

Ash: "We need to talk about who is doing all this!"

Gary: "Yeah, do you think it's him?"

Ash: "It has to be Calem, he's tried so many times in the past."

Gary: " Yeah you're right, but why's he doing this to all your friends and to people like Cynthia?"

Ash: "I honestly don't know. I know he probably wants me dead but messing with my friends is weird. Though, I've already been through multiple different stages of feelings while being here."

Gary: "We need to be careful, try not to get too close to someone new, even if that means Serena bro!"

Ash: "She must've already been under his control once. The only thing I can think of to wipe her memory and start all over again is to mess with me?"

Gary: "Seems most logical, but lucky for us, he doesn't know we know this!"

Ash: "But what does that mean for me? Do I just not become good friends with everyone and be rude to Serena?"

Gary: "Honestly Ashy boy, I don't know. Keep training your hardest at these Pokémon battles and keep practising and I'm sure if he ever shows up we can defeat him. As for Serena, get as close as you want, but make sure you remember Calem might have something up his sleeve! That's what I'd do anyway."

Ash: "Brilliant idea Gary, I just hope this plan of his lasts until my Pokémon team gets strong enough!"

Gary: "Me too! Meanwhile, I'd suggest trying not to get affected by anything negative, like earlier weeks in this school. And also try to remember its Calem doing it to us!"

Ash: "Thanks Gary! You've always been my best friend!"

Gary: "Same goes to you Ash!"

I got off the phone and finished getting ready, heading towards the restaurant with Pikachu on my shoulder.

When I arrived it was eerily silent. I had never seen the school so dead, except from when I first joined. I entered through the doors and Serena was there, waiting for me.

"Hi Ash!" She shouted from her table.

"Hey Serena!" I shouted back, walking towards her.

She sat in a two seater so I took the seat opposite her.

"How did you sleep?" She asked me.

"Pretty well, these beds are incredible!" I told her.

"Tell me about it, and I thought the hotels I stayed at had good mattresses," She giggled.

"You like them too? Must've slept well then!" I suggested.

"Yeah I did to be fair, wish I didn't have to wake up so early though," She vented.

"It isn't that early," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Hey it is!" She told me playfully.

"Surely some performances you've had to get up earlier for?" I asked her inquisitively.

"True, but that's not the point!" She replied, rolling her eyes back to me.

"Yeah sureeeee. Anyway, let's go get some breakfast!" I suggested as she agreed.

The restaurant has been all you can eat the whole time but I've never seen everything so fresh and perfect before! The breakfast was the best one of breakfast, lunch and dinner! Chocolate spread packets, Croissants, cereal, and so much more breakfast foods to stuff your face with, it was heaven!

I ran over to the cereal dispenser and today they had chocolate pillows inside, one of my favourites! I dispensed the cereal with a lever and added milk afterwards. Meanwhile, Serena was at the cooks, getting a full English breakfast.

When we both sat down I had to ask.

"Why do you choose a full English breakfast if you're not English?" I asked.

"I had some while in the Galar region, and it was incredible! I always choose it when it's available!" She replied enthusiastically.

"Maybe I'll try it sometime," I suggested.

"You should, it's amazing!" She said excitedly, taking another mouthful of food.

I went for a few other foods and then I saw Gary and Brock at the entrance and got ready.

"GARYYYYYYYY!" I shouted as he entered.

"ASHHHHHHHH!" He shouted back, walking towards me.

"ASHHHHHHHH!" Brock shouted as well.

"BROCKKKKKKK!" I shouted back.

We all chuckled and I gave them both bro handshakes while Serena was giggling. I didn't really know why. They sat somewhere else and Serena and I got ready to leave.

As we walked out the door the rest of the gang walked into the restaurant.

"Finished already Ash?" Chloe asked me.

"Yeah! I was so hungry," I told her.

We walked around the Academy grounds talking until Serena mentioned something.

"Who are you going to fight on Friday?" She asked me.

"I actually don't know, I want it to be someone strong though!" I said enthusiastically.

"I bet you're gonna be training hard today and tomorrow," She told me.

"Me and Pikachu will destroy whoever challenges us!" I said, fired up for the battle.

Before Serena could reply the bell went and we went our separate ways for tutor. I arrived at tutor and was told by Miss that I was going to be moved to the top row of the class and to the left, next to Gary.

"Hey Ashy boy, guess they moved you away from Lillie," He said

"Yeah, surprised it took two days to be honest!" I told him.

We talked and the rest of the lesson was quickly over. We made our way to gym class together and everyone had calmed down much more than the previous two days. While everyone was still treating her like an actual Queen, most people tended to just do the lesson. We finished quickly and break was here.

"Ash, can we do some training for battling on Friday?" Gary asked me.

"I don't wanna leave Serena on her own though," I replied.

"It's okay, I'll come and watch!" Serena said excitedly.

Gary and I rushed to the battlefield but were beaten out by two kids battling each other. One was black with spiky hair looking like flames. And the other was Paul, the one that was trying to kiss Serena.

Paul was using a Chimchar and the guy he was facing was using a Litleo. I've seen him in my Pokémon training class but i don't speak to him as he hangs out with Paul.

Chimchar seemed to be being beaten but I didn't stay long enough to find out.

"Sorry Gary, we can do it tonight if you want," I told him.

"Yeah sure!" He said happily.

The bell soon went and we were in Pokémon training. Nothing interesting happened the rest of the day and before I knew it I was training with Gary.

"Gary, maybe try Tackle into Rapid spin instead of the other way, that way you won't be dizzy on hitting the target!" I suggested.

"Thanks Ash, I'll try that now! Squirtle, use Tackle into Rapid spin!" He commanded.

Squirtle glowed white and rushed towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu, use Charge Beam to counter it!" I commanded.

Pikachu was now running to Squirtle in a forcefield of electricity. They clashed with a bang but they stayed still, clashing heads. Squirtle then quickly disappeared into his shell and spun around rapidly, overpowering Pikachu's move, forcing him backwards to where I stood.

"That's much better Squirtle!" Gary shouted.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu agreed.

All of a sudden we heard Paul shouting from outside the battlefield. We ran out and eavesdropped on him.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO BAD AT BATTLING?!" He shouted in rage at Chimchar.

"He can't say that to his Pokémon!" I said aggressively.

"We're gonna train here until you are so good you'll be able to crush that Ash Ketchum!" He continued to shout.

"What's his problem with you?" Gary asked me.

"The creep was trying to kiss Serena so I stopped him," I replied.

"That must mean his friend's trouble as well! I wonder if Calem's got anything to do with them?" He suggested.

"I doubt it, if Calem's trying to destroy me mentally he knows a couple of people not liking me isn't gonna help," I explained.

"You're probably right, but be weary just in case!" Gary said.

"Will do Gary thanks, anyway we've gotta get going its almost 7!" I told him.

We sprinted to our dorms and just made it back to them in time. I learned from my mistake yesterday and knocked on the door before entering.

"Come in!" Dawn said.

"Hey Dawn!" I said.

"Hey Ash, how was training?" She asked me.

"It was actually pretty good, I feel like we're ready for anyone!" I told her.

"Must be nice, I don't know how me and Piplup are gonna beat anyone!" She vented.

"What makes you think that?" I asked curiously.

"We've trained and were much better performing than battling. Kind of like Serena and her Pokémon!" She told me.

"You can still battle though Dawn! And it's not about winning, it's about the fun and bond you share with your Pokémon during it!" I told her.

"I guess you're right. But, speaking of Serena, how are things?" She asked me.

"They're okay, we didn't really talk much today, apart from when we met up this morning. I'm texting her right now though," I replied.

"Are you guys doing anything on the weekend?" She asked me.

"Not planned anything yet, good idea though, thanks Dawn!" I thanked.

"No problem Ash!" She replied.

I decided to revise a tiny bit for my mid term exams but I didn't do too much. I texted goodnight to Serena and went to bed, ready for the next morning.

I had to get a chapter out for world book day! I don't know how to feel about it, I feel its rushed but not at the same time. I didn't focus on the AmourShipping side of this story today because I feel like I want to develop the other relationships Ash has with characters. That's why Gary is heavily involved. I hope I did well with this but please don't worry, Serena will be more involved most of the time! This will be a long book so I want to develop these characters. I hope you understand, have a great rest of your day, bye!

End of Chapter Twenty-One
