Chapter Seventeen

Serena's POV:

I woke up excited for a new chapter in my life at Kalos academy. I can leave the stresses of being Kalos Queen for a year and just enjoy school. Though I'm not excited about having everyone obsess over me. I like to say I don't mind people doing it but sometimes it is a bit much. It's like I can't have a normal life, but hopefully that'll change.

"Serena breakfast is ready!" My mum shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

I ran downstairs, hand on the railing so I didn't fall down. I jumped onto the ground floor and I felt dust in my hands. 'These rails need cleaning' I told myself quietly as I wandered into the kitchen.

"Oo this looks yummy, thanks mum," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"No problem, you deserve it, I'm so proud of my little girl," She said, giving me kisses on the cheek.

"Mum stop, that's enough!" I told her, pulling away from her grasp.

"Sorry, now eat up, we have to be there very soon!" She told me, which I responded to hastily.

I ate my pancakes quickly and ran straight back to my room to get my bags to put them in the car. As we were leaving I looked into the house and realised something. I was so caught up in being Kalos queen I had completely forgotten that I was leaving my house, my home, everything I knew for a whole year.

I huffed and said, "I'm gonna miss this place."

"And it's going to miss you, now get in, otherwise we'll be late," My mum said.

I didn't exactly want to at that moment but I knew I had to. I said goodbye and left for Kalos academy. After a short drive we arrived at reception.

"Well I guess this is it honey, you'll have the best time ever, by the second lesson you won't even remember me," She told me.

"That's not true Mum," I told her, giving her a ginormous hug.

"We'll see, now go enjoy yourself, I'll be ready to welcome you back when it's over with open arms," She said, letting a tear leak from her eye. She returned the hug and walked to the car.

"I love you Mum!" I shouted as she got in.

"I love you too Serena!" She shouted back, leaving me with the receptionist.

I arrived really early so I could get to my dorm without a crowd of people following me. Sometimes I wished for an easier life, but then again I really enjoy what I do. I just hope within the first few days everything calms down and I can be treated normally, like everyone else. Some people named Tracey and Bianca helped me get my things to my room. Apparently I had to be in my own dorm for safety issues, another great perk of being famous. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

I had about 30 minutes to myself before I was escorted to lesson. I had to arrive a tiny bit late to tutor so no one would see me around school before it starts. I really hate being famous sometimes. I know I'm making it my personality but it does get to me a lot. Like, I haven't seen my old school friends in two years, not because I left school, because I'm too famous so it's unsafe for me to be around them.

Anyway, this was it. I was outside the door that would enter me to my first class of the year. My hand shook as I grabbed the handle, it almost froze my hand on the spot. The door handle sent shivers down my spine as I pulled it down and pushed forwards, opening the door.

"Ah Queen Serena, you're here, you can sit there," The teacher told me.

I was unfortunate enough to sit next to someone who clearly didn't get taught social cues as a kid. He was non stop speaking, fascinated in the science of Pokémon performing. My face glowed with confusion and he still carried on. I then had people from other desks tapping my shoulder to get my attention. Seems like the person I'm sitting next to, and everyone else in this class, didn't learn respect either.

I was poked, prodded and spoken to like I'm an actual Queen the whole lesson. I just kept getting bombarded with questions while having no time to think. That's three things they don't know, social cues, respect and personal space. There were a few people that I shouldn't include in that to be fair. There were a few people in the back that seemed alright, but then as soon as I would glance over I would be met with pure joy and excitement. Which is amazing, if you don't receive it 24/7. Maybe I'm just boring. Ugh, the first day and I'm already stressing myself out. I tried to focus on the lesson as much as possible so I would go quicker.

It seemed to work a bit and soon enough it was time for gym class. I was pretty much pushed there by the amount of people trying to walk and talk with me. I, of course, didn't act the same as I did in my head. I spoke to them like a celebrity and thanked them for their support, even signed some autographs. Which I didn't really understand since I was spending a whole school year with them. If they would just speak to me normally I would become friends with them but it's always the same. "Omg you're the Kalos Queen, I'm so honoured to meet you." "I can't believe it's really you! Can I get your autograph?" It's so unoriginal.

Nobody actually got to do the gym lesson because most of them were all focused on me. I even got challenged to a battle by some ginger girl. When I rejected her it seems her (from what it looked like) boyfriend wasn't happy about it. It seems the only other person in that room to see the embarrassment in it all was a particularly handsome raven-haired boy. He facepalmed looking onto it all. He was just sitting on a bench, completely ignoring me. This is the first time I've thought about a boy, not just in an interested way, just in general. Over the past 2 years I've had no time for boys or friends, that's really why I'm here, to have a normal life for once. Well, I say normal but it is the most prestigious school in the world. Once again, I had to come here because of safety reasons, and apparently I am just really smart as well. My Mum used the word 'gifted' but I wouldn't say that.

I tried to keep to my thoughts while speaking to loads of people at once. It's a very weird skill but very useful, it's like you can use your conscious and unconscious dreamy brain at the same time. It kept me busy until break, which I could sum up very easily by saying it was like walking around with a shield of people hugging you. It was uncomfortable if I'm being honest, it's crazy how quickly a person's morals and self respect go out the window when there's somebody famous with them. I know I'm complaining too much but seriously, I can't even breathe fresh air because they're all around me. I went to class early to get away from the crowds but they just followed me. Luckily the professor was there to stop anyone. He called me over to him and told the rest to stay at the door.

"I know how you must be with everyone crowding around you so I've seated you at the back, away from everyone. And next to a boy named Ash, he shouldn't be much trouble," He whispered in my ear.

"Thank you very much professor!" I whispered back to him.

I sat down bottom right, taking a breather as I've not been able to do that all day. Everyone was now in class 5 minutes early all because of me. The only person not early was this Ash character professor Oak was speaking about. I pondered in the few minutes he wasn't there. Who was he? What did he look like? I didn't have to ponder much longer because the door swung open. My jaw dropped as I saw who it was. It was that raven-haired boy from gym class, how lucky can I be? My heart suddenly started pounding heavily. Woah, I haven't felt like this in a long time.

He thanked the professor and walked to our table, giving me a smile as he walked towards me. I gave one back but felt the heat on my face so I swiftly looked away. I heard him take the seat next to me and my smile didn't fade, if anything, it grew bigger.

"Okay class, take 5 minutes to get all your talks out before lesson starts!" The professor told us all.

Oh no, I looked up to see everyone but Ash staring at me with excitement. I laughed uncomfortably. It's like they were waiting for me to say something.

"With the person at your table!" The professor reminded everyone.

I sighed with relief as I heard him say that. Everyone groaned and turned to the person next to them. Even Ash turned to me, which I noticed, making me smile even more.

"Hey, Serena right?" Ash asked me.

He's speaking to me? Oh no what do I do? I never have a normal conversation with anyone other than my Mum. Especially not with anyone this handsome, I mean, look at those caramel eyes. As soon as I said that I realised I was staring straight into them. I panicked and didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, you don't have to act like you haven't watched me on tv, it's sweet but I really don't mind fans just speaking to me as, well, fans," I explained to him.

What? What did I just say? I'm so stupid, I'm going to look so arrogant. Ugh those eyes are making me speechless.

"What are you talking about? I only know your name because professor Oak told me," he explained to me.

He doesn't know me? He really is amazing. What do I say now? I panicked again. My heart is racing and I can feel my face already starting to go red.

"Really? That's a first, you sure you aren't lying? You can just ask for an autograph you know," I told him.

What is wrong with me? I've just met him and I'm accusing him of lying now? This is so embarrassing, I can't think straight in front of those eyes.

"I'm not lying, I know you're some famous person in Kalos, Kalos queen right? But I don't know anything else, nor do I care to be honest," he told me.

What have I done? I've ruined it with the only person who seems generally interested in just being friends. I beg to be treated normally yet when I do I treat it like it's stupid. My thoughts are so confuzzled from his eyes, I can't stop looking into them.

"Oh, sorry, it's just what normally happens when people see me," I apologised.

Finally, I was able to say something good, a little late for that though, stupid Serena, stupid!

"No it's fine I get it, no need to apologise. If anyone should be apologising it should be me for being so rude," He told me.

My heart warmed with shock and amazement. Wow he is special, he's so different from everyone else, I can't even describe what I'm feeling right now. I may be able to fix this, just please say the right things.

"No need, I can understand why, I can seem a bit full of myself sometimes," I told him.

Yes! I'm actually having a normal-ish conversation. Now this is an achievement, I'm surprised I'm not stuttering on my every word.

"I don't think so, I'd be the exact same if I was as famous as you," He told me.

My heart warmed even more. He gets it? No this must be a dream, fantasy, an unconscious phenomenon. He's too, well, perfect.

"Really? It's nice to know someone understands me," I replied.

I could feel my face getting redder and redder every time he spoke. And I could also feel myself getting more embarrassed about it every time I spoke.

"Must be pretty hard being that famous," He suggested as I nodded my head in agreement.

He really does get it? This can't be possible. Somebody's playing tricks on me and it's not funny.

"Very, you can never get 5 minutes of peace and privacy. Then there's the always in danger bit, oo then there's the fake friends that are only friends with you because you're famous," I told him.

Oh no, what have I done? That was way too much of an overshare. He nodded, almost like he could understand and agree with me. He waited for me to speak again, but he actually wanted me to.

"Sorry that was a bit of an overshare, I never really get to just speak to people as a normal person so when I do, it feels amazing," I told him.

Again? Really? Way to go Serena. He must hate me so much, I'm so cringe and embarrassing.

"Haha, don't apologise. Like I said before, I'd be the exact same. But you can always speak to me as just a normal, average person," He told me.

He laughed about it? And he said I can just speak to him normally? Okay seriously this prank is not funny, and whoever's doing it is criminal.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much I need that right now," I thanked.

That time I was speaking and actually knowing what I was saying. I'm so comfortable and heart warmed already. I'm not even hating what I'm saying. How is he doing this to me?

"Don't mention it, I'm sure most people would say the same," He replied.

Hahahah, I wish. His heart is so kind, it's like he can see through me and can understand everything I'm feeling.

"I wish, you're the first person that's said that to me other than my own mother. It means much more than you could know to be honest," I told him.

Not lying again, it's true. I can't believe I've found someone so real. I'm not letting him get away.

"Well I'm glad to have helped," He told me.

My heart warmed even more. He even smiled, and a big one at that. There's no way somebody is just this nice unless they want something, right? I smiled back even bigger.

I pulled out my phone and said "Here."

He was very quick to add it. It's like he knew I was about to do that. I do have to say this for security reasons though.

"Please don't give that out to anyone," I told him.

We were both now smiling consistently.

"I wouldn't dream of it," He said as we both giggled.

My heart melted as he said that. I've never felt so at home, so comfortable, so safe with someone this quickly.

"Okay class, time for lesson!" Professor Oak shouted to get everyone's attention.

I tried paying attention but my eyes were always drifting towards Ash. It wasn't long before we were taken outside. Everyone was showing the professor the new moves they had learnt the previous week.

"Serena, you wouldn't have done this so that is your task this week. You can pick anyone to help you do it," The professor told me.

"There's one problem with that professor," I replied.

"What's that?" He asked.

"All my performing Pokémon aren't allowed on campus," I replied.

I still don't understand why, my Mum said it's because they're for performing only but I've battled with them before.

"Not a problem, I forgot to mention this. Here, have this pokeball, this will be your Pokémon for your midterm and end of year tests!" He told me, handing the pokeball to me.

"Thank you very much," I thanked as I took the pokeball from his hand.

This school amazes me so much. I haven't thought about that because I've been so busy but it is amazing that I'm able to be here. Free Pokémon, free food, so much more free stuff, the staff are also extremely nice, It's incredible.

"No problem. Now who are you choosing for a partner to help you with this? Be warned though, whoever you choose will be your partner for the whole year!" He warned me.

I don't see how that can be a bad thing, assuming that Ash doesn't have a partner.

"I don't see that as a bad thing, I choose Ash," I told Oak while going slightly red.

"Really?" He asked in excitement, though he looked like he was trying to hide how excited he was.

Why is he so excited about that? Does he actually want to be friends?

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I asked him.

"That's a good point," He said, chuckling.

So he does want to be partners, and friends? This day couldn't get any better.

"Well then it's settled, Serena your partner for the rest of the year will be Ash," Professor Oak announced.

My body was overjoyed and my face was bright red. This whole situation seems extremely suspicious. I can't just find somebody this perfect, that isn't possible. Everyone except Ash and professor Oak seemed very unhappy about it all.

The lesson continued and everyone was showing off their new Pokémon moves. Ash finished showing his, which I was quite fascinated by.

"How did you get Pikachu to learn Charge Beam without a TM?" I asked him.

He wasn't allowed to use them so he must've cheated on the task, but Ash doesn't seem like the type of person to do that.

"We just practised and practised until we got it," He replied.

You can just practise until you learn a move not learnable without a TM? Didn't think Ash was the type to lie about this stuff.

"That's not even possible Ash," I told him.

"It is, even ask professor Oak," He replied.

I called professor Oak over and asked him about it.

"I can see why you think he's lying, I thought the same at first, but it turns out, he's 100% telling the truth. No TM's were used on Pikachu, you would be able to tell," He told me which instantly made me feel bad.

Ash is gonna hate me now.

"See, told you," He said, sticking his tongue out at me.

He didn't care? This is too perfect to be real.

"Are you gonna see what your Pokémon is?" He asked me.

"I'm allowed to do that?" I asked in return.

Wow, what a stupid thing to say. I must look like an idiot to him.

"Of course you are," He replied with a small giggle.

"I guess I should then. Here goes nothing," I said, grabbing the pokeball from my pocket.

I tapped it to enlarge it to the size of my hand. I took a deep breath and threw it up into the air. The pokeball opened and released the Pokémon from itself. I looked down to see a shiny Salandit. It was so beautiful, my jaw dropped that I was given a shiny.

"Woah Serena that's so cool!" Ash exclaimed, making me smile even more.

I was so shocked, I couldn't believe I now had a shiny Pokémon. My excitement continued until the lesson was over.

"It's lunch now right?" I asked Ash.

"Yeah, we can walk around the campus for a while or we can go to the restaurant for food, or if you want you can go with someone else, it doesn't have to be with me," He replied.

Just him answering my question was enough to start making me blush. Did he think I wasn't going to want to go with him?

"Of course I want it to be with you, do you wanna go for a walk or restaurant, I don't mind," I told him.

I'm not even being subtle about my flirting. If this is even flirting? I haven't done it before so I don't actually know if I'm doing well or not.

"Can we go to the restaurant then please? I'm starving," He told me.

As he said that his stomach rumbled. We both giggled and made our way to the restaurant. We couldn't get a second in peace, constantly being interrupted and surrounded by my fans. I kept walking until I saw Ash get dragged backwards by someone, falling on the floor in the process.

"Ouch, that hurt!" He shouted at the teacher who dragged him back.

I stopped to make sure he was alright.

"Leave Serena alone, she just wants to be treated like everyone else!" The teacher shouted back.

Before Ash could reply I backed him up.

"Excuse me, he is treating me like everyone else, he's done nothing wrong. Leave him alone!" I said, slightly raising my voice.

"I'm very sorry Serena, please forgive me," The teacher apologised.

"It's fine, just don't do it again please. And Ash are you alright?" I asked Ash, while holding my hand out for him to grab.

"Haha I'm fine," He said, grabbing my hand.

I guess I didn't realise how strong he was because he pulled me down towards him. I landed straight on top of his chest, making me go red hot. I could feel his abs, making me even redder. I couldn't even think straight because of it.

"I'm s-sorry, I didn't realise you were that strong," I apologised, jumping off his chest.

That was so embarrassing. I had no idea he was that strong, I mean I could see he worked out but I underestimated how strong he truly was.

"No need to apologise, I should've warned you to be fair," He said while scratching the back of his head and laughing.

I laughed too and we continued to the restaurant. We were at peace for a few seconds before we entered the restaurant. Everyone surrounded us once again, the teacher had to get involved and make everyone move. One guy wasn't moved and was feeling a bit cocky. I was pretty used to this though.

"Hey Serena, I know you're really popular so it makes sense that you would join my table, we're the most popular kids here!" He told me, very excited for what I would reply with.

Why do they think in the one place I get rid of everybody around me 24/7, I want to be on the popular table?

"Thank you for the offer but no," I said, which seemed to surprise the guy.

Did he generally think I was going to say yes when I have Ash next to me?

"Oh alright, maybe another time?" He asked.

"We'll see," I said with a smile.

I lied of course, I'm not going to sit anywhere unless it's with Ash.

We decided to sit across from each other. Quite romantic when you've just met but I thought it was just right, I don't know what it was but Ash makes me feel something, but then again we have just met.

"Do you not remember me, Serena?" He asked me.

My eyes squinted and my head tilted to the side in confusion, what was he talking about? I think I'd remember seeing those beautiful caramel eyes anywhere.

"How do you mean?" I asked in return with complete confusion.

"Do you not remember being in class two weeks ago?" He asked me, which confused me even more.

What was he talking about? My first day of school was today and that's not even over yet.

"Ash, what are you talking about? I've never been here before!" I told him.

He seemed just as confused as me, if not more. I could read it in his eyes, it's like he knew something I didn't.

"What were you doing the past two weeks then?" He asked me.

Wow he really didn't know much about me being Kalos Queen.

"I was busy doing shows until about Saturday," I replied to him.

He looked serious about this, there was a part of me that believed what he said. I don't know why but his eyes seemed so seriously sincere.

"No you weren't, otherwise it would've been on the news," He replied back.

What does he spend his free time doing? Because whatever it is it isn't keeping up with the news.

"It is? Look," I said, showing him newsletters and videos of me performing from a few days ago.

His eyes and mood changed as I showed him. It's like his sincerity was replaced with terror like I've never seen before.

"What? How is this possible?" He asked me.

He truly believed that I was here two weeks ago, and I'm starting to believe it and I know I wasn't. It worried me how concerned he looked. His smile didn't show it but his eyes did.

"Ash, are you okay? You're worrying me," I told him.

"Yeah I'm okay, I think I just ate something weird," He told me.

I obviously didn't believe that but what am I supposed to say? I just left it.

"Fair enough," I replied.

We talked until it was the final lesson of the day, where he sat next to me. I realised since I saw him I don't think I've stopped blushing once.

"Ash, what are you doing tomorrow night?" I asked him.

I'm gonna say it's because of the project but in reality I just wanna spend time with him.

"Absolutely nothing, why?" He asked me in return.

"Well, I need help with that project," I replied.

I really didn't, I've been training Pokémon for years.

"Oh yeah of course I will, am I coming to yours?" He asked me.

My face went redder at the thought of him staying in my room.

"Yeah sure, straight after school?" I asked him.

I can't believe he was so enthusiastic about it. I had to hide the increasing smile on my face.

"Yeah, that sounds good," He replied.

That was a lot easier than I thought. I'm not supposed to let anyone know which room I'm in but then again I trust Ash not to tell anyone. We finished talking and the rest of the lesson flew by and before I knew it I was at dinner.

My original plan was to sit with Ash but he was late, which wasn't his fault as he was stopped by guards outside the restaurant. Apparently him spending this much time with me is suspicious so they did a whole background check and searched him. They obviously found nothing but when he got there all the seats were taken up.

The guy talking about science in my first class was now next to me and it was even more uncomfortable. I had no space, I couldn't even eat because there were too many people. I saw Ash walk over to realise he couldn't sit with me. He looked just as disappointed as me. I mouthed 'sorry, I tried' and he mouthed back 'it's okay, I'll speak to you tomorrow' and ended it with a wink. I was once again as red as a Magikarp.

Dinner was so stressful with everyone there as soon as I got back to my room I jumped on my bed. Finally, some peace and quiet. I had a long think about the day I had. All I could think of was Ash, he's the only part of today that I remember. How can I be so interested in someone I've only met today. It feels like I've known him for ages. This feeling was so weird. I've never felt this many things before, is this what a crush is?

I was so conflicted I paced in my room for at least 15 minutes until I thought of something to try and help. I decided to call my mum, if anybody knows about this stuff, it'll be her.

I opened my laptop and video called her.

"Hey Serena, how was your first day at Kalos academy?" She asked me.

"Brilliant thanks, I need to ask you something though," I told her.

"Oh no, what did you do this time?" She asked sarcastically while giggling.

"Nothing bad, just wanted to know if what I'm feeling is normal," I confessed.

"Okay this is a bit different from usual, what's on your mind?" She asked me.

"Well, I can't really explain what I'm feeling but I know what caused it. There's this boy in almost all my classes and he didn't really know who I was, or cared. And we were speaking all day, spending the whole day together and I have this weird feeling that I've never felt before. He's the only boy to ever treat me normally, like an actual person and not a celebrity. I don't really understand it but there's also something majestic about his eyes. I can tell what he's feeling when I look into them. All of these things, and not to mention how handsome he is. I think I like him but surely that's too early right? And my feelings don't know how to react to this," I explained everything to her.

"Serena, I wouldn't worry about it. These feelings are totally normal, I can tell how strong they are as well. Everything you said is okay and no, it's never too early, if you truly like someone then it's never too early. You're not supposed to know how to react, I was the same with your father. You've just gotta see where it leads you, that's what I did," She replied to me.

We kept on talking and the night slipped away fast. I was soon in bed ready for what the next day would bring.

Wow, and with that comes the end of another chapter. Sorry I didn't finish where we were last chapter but I just couldn't fit it in this chapter otherwise it would be way too long. This chapter is just under 5000 words, that's the most I've ever written. May not be impressive to you but it is to me. I hope everyone liked it and it didn't feel like it dragged on for too long, and, with that, have a gracious day, bye!

End of Chapter Seventeen
