Chapter Six

Serena's Pov:

I didn't even wake up the next day, I just got up. I had no sleep the entire night. My throat was sore, my nose was blocking up and my ears were making all sorts of ringing noises. This of course effected my appearance, my eyes were as dreary as ever. I'm not even sure why but my lips were extremely dry. I splashed them with water but nothing changed, I decided to not put make up on it as it would probably make it worse. All I did was have a shower and comb my hair.  I had breakfast in my room and then left for class. Before I even entered the class I was beginning to sweat. I tried to think back to when this all started, back when I was completely fine. 


"I did it, I passed!" I told him. 

"That's great Serena, your Kalos Queen and going to Kalos Academy, is there anything you cant do?" He asked me.

"Well I cant fly" I said.

"Well obviously" He replied.

I bet your wondering who 'he' is? Well 'he' was my amazing boyfriend Calem, he was anything I've ever wanted in a person.

"Have you told your friends?" Calem asked me.

"Yeah, they're all really happy for me" I replied.

"Good, so am I!" He said.

End of Flashback

'Everything went horrible after that' I thought to myself as I sat down. I fell asleep in class and was only woken up by the horrible screeching of chairs on the ground. The next lesson was gym and I wasn't in the mood to participate. The teacher asked why but I kept ignoring him until he said I had to speak with Cynthia at lunch time. 'Great, another time where I'll just totally freeze up' I thought to myself. Gym soon finished and break came, I instantly went into my room. 

After break was the lesson I was dreading and looking forward to. I was looking forward to it as it would give me another chance to learn more about Ash but everything else about the lesson was terrifying. Professor Oak wanted every person in the class to participate, which of course is a great thing for a teacher to do, not so great for someone like me though. I entered the room and saw that Ash had already sat down. I saw everyone's eyes following me towards my seat. The shaking started again and I could feel my body heat rise. I sat down and looked towards Ash, his eyes were looking around the room. My worries seemed to disappear as I looked into his brown eyes. 'I wonder what he's thinking?' I asked myself. I continued to look at him while my eyes seemed to be covered by my hat. His eyes turned to me and I looked away just before he could see. I heard the professor say something to him a few seconds later. He stuttered before perfectly saying what the professor had said. 'How did he do that?' I asked myself.

I then heard the professor talking about partners in a project and my worries and fears seemed to flourish in my mind once again. I started shaking of the thought of even having a partner. I heard someone ask Ash if he wanted to be his partner and to my surprise he said no. I then heard him say he's going to work with me on this. 'Why is he so kind to me?' I asked myself.

"So, I guess me and you are partners now" I heard him tell me.

I wanted to reply but my body seemed to freeze again.

"So for the project, we don't have to see each other if you don't want, we could train them separately and then say we helped each other if you want" I heard him suggest.

He was really to make an effort to be nice and I kept shutting him down, I felt bad and scared. I didn't want another Calem situation again.

"Okay well whatever works best for you is fine with me, here's my number for if you come up with something" He said, placing a piece of paper with his number on it in front of me.

I felt myself unfreeze a little as the paper was placed on the desk. 'Maybe he wants to be friends?' I asked myself. 'No, no way, no one wants to be friends with me' I said overthinking everything as I started to cry again. I lifted my hat down further and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Spend the rest of the lesson planning with your partner" I heard professor Oak say.

I thought Ash was going to speak to me again but he spoke to himself instead. 'Why is he speaking like he's talking to me?' I asked myself. I was questioning so many things in that classroom, it was like using confusion on myself.

The lesson ended and I realised it was lunch, which meant speaking to Cynthia. 'Yay, I'm so excited to get shouted at by Cynthia' I said to myself as I knocked on her door.

"Come in!" I heard her say.

Even her voice was enough to make my hands shake. I slowly opened the door and sat down on the chair in front of her desk.

"Serena, I think you know why your here and I understand why they would send you here" She said in a calm tone as she looked out the window from her office.

I stayed silent as the heat in my body seemed to multiply.

"But I also can understand why you keep ignoring everyone, that is if you tell me what's wrong" She said.

She had a very calming voice, she didn't want to raise it. This did help my fear a little but I was still shaking and sweating.

"Serena if you talk I can help you" She said as she turned towards me.

Even in a calming voice she was still intimidating. My body entered full shutdown mode as she looked in my eyes.

"There's no need to be scared Serena, I'm not here to hurt you, nobody is" She tried to reassure me.

I wanted to speak up but didn't at the same time, the two voices in my head kept crashing and only one was winning. I used to have one until Calem ruined everything. 

"Still not speaking I see?" She asked me with interest.

My eyes started to squint. I tried as hard as possible to not let a tear escape from my eye but it was to late.

"There's no need to cry Serena, I'm here to help you" She said as she turned and looked back at the window.

What she said only made things worse, I wasn't just scared now, I was embarrassed as well. More tears rolled down my face as it turned more into a river than a few rain droplets.

"I cant seem to understand it Serena, your Kalos Queen, if anyone knows how to speak to people its you, so why cant you?" She asked still looking out at the window .

I wanted to say why but I was restricted by the same voice in my head. The only thing I could do was cry, which I was very good at.

"Maybe there's something else that is stopping you" She said, finally thinking the right thing.

'Hopefully she realises and does something' I said in my now hopeful head.

"Maybe you need a friend to help you" She said, thinking the completely wrong thing.

This turned my hopeful head into a terrified one. 'What am I going to do with a friend that I cant speak to?' I questioned her statement in my mind.

"I'm going to give you a roommate, that might be exactly what you need!" She said in a more uplifting tone.

Unfortunately that uplifting tone sounded more like a nightmare to me. 'I'd rather die then have a stupid roommate' I thought to myself.

"I think I know just the person, I'll get everything sorted and they should move in on Saturday or Sunday" She said as she turned to face me.

I was drenched in tears and I found myself shaking my head excessively making me go dizzy.

"Unfortunately I'm not going to give you a choice in this Serena, I'm doing what I thinks best for the school and students" She said looking me in the eyes.

I stopped moving my head and stopped the tears flowing as much as I could but they were still coming.

"Here" She said wiping my face with a tissue.

I was still scared but it reassured me a little. Also subsiding the fear was a new emotion, anger. I didn't want a roommate, I specifically requested to be left alone. I couldn't act on this anger as I was still shaking and sweating from the fear.

"You are aloud to leave now Serena" She told me.

I swiftly got up and left. My face was red from fear, embarrassment and anger. My face was also covered in tears. My ears were still hurting from the morning and everything that happened made it so much worse. I couldn't handle the noise of a restaurant or a school so I sat outside behind some trees and waited for lesson to begin.

The lesson began and I still wasn't calmed down, I walked in swiftly and sat in my seat and huffed. I couldn't wait for the lesson to be over so I could go to my dorm and release all my anger. The lesson felt like it went on for years until the bell rang. As I was ready to leave the lesson I saw something which seemed to anger me even more. Ash was giving his number to some purple haired girl. I noticed two different feelings arise from the depths of my horrible state of mind. One was an anger now burning brighter than ever and the other was jealousy. 'Why am I feeling jealous?' I asked myself in all the chaos that was going off in my mind. I decided to run to my dorm and let it all out. 

I got to my dorm and slammed the door. I threw my handbag on the floor and then I started to throw my pillows across the room like a toddler would. I didn't stop there as I kicked the other bed in my dorm and punched the desk sitting below the window. After all this I swung at the wall and before hitting it I broke down and started crying. 'What am I doing with myself?' I asked myself. I continued to cry and overthink everything for the next hour.

I finally stopped crying and lifted my head from the covers I was hiding under. A random wave of my old self hit me and I picked up my handbag. 'I need to text Ash and get this project sorted' I said, grabbing the piece of paper with his number on it and taking it out my handbag. I added his number and was about to text him when I changed back to my current self once again. I started shaking and my heart was beating fast. I didn't change my mind about Ash and asked him if he would like to meetup on Saturday for Pokémon training. I got a message back almost instantly. I realised I had spelt everything wrong because my hand were so shaky and I was texting to fast for them to press the right button. I texted again but taking a longer time and that seemed to work. I wasn't exactly scared to text anyone, I was more nervous. He replied back within seconds and said that he would love to. I told him I would tell him more details later and closed my phone. 

'Few, now I don't have to shake anymore' I said. Its almost like my body heard me and stopped shaking. My heart also stopped beating fast and I sat there with my back against the wall for a moment. 'Ash seems to be the only person being kind to me, why?' I asked myself. The word why kept repeating in my mind as I put the pillows back on my bed and laid there. I got up to have dinner, by got up I mean not laying on the bed because I didn't want to choke. I finished my food and once again scrolled through Instagram until I fell asleep.

I'm sorry this chapter isn't as long as the previous ones, I've been outside a lot today but I wanted to get a chapter out so here it is. I'm going swimming tomorrow so I don't know if I'll be able to upload a new chapter tomorrow. I'll try my best and see what happens, anyways, have a great rest of your day, bye.

End of Chapter Six
