Imagine Book Sequel

Hello, readers!
This imagine book has finally come to an end. But don't worry, because I'll be making more of these by publishing a sequel for it!


"Just My Totally Normal Life" (n.)
(jast mai toutali nohr-māhl làyf)

-A sequel of this imagine book where the love story of Ethan (you) and Elizabeth continues...where a newest member of the family joins, and you get to play both as Lizzie's kid and husband.


Link of the book:

A/N: Thank you so much for being part of my journey as a part-time writer at Wattpad! Happy reading everyone, always remember to never give up on your dreams and doing what you like. Adios! Sayonara! Good bye, and see you on my future books!

-scarletkazukiwrites かずき 💜
July 15, 2022
