Starfire's Great idea

The sun was raising and the T - Tower looks like it was glowing. The sunrise had entered a Titans room making it glow as well. The alien girl was awaking at the site. Instead of her daily routine she took a shower, got dressed and skipped her work out with Robin, Star decided to enjoy the view outside, she can see the waves wrestling. North, south, west, and east they went. Suddenly a light bulb was over head, Glowing bright.

Knock knock

"Uh. . .Star are you alright? you didn't come to train today, I wanted to see if you were okay?" Robin asked her also, feeling worried

Starfire flew over to the door and opened it to reveal a worried Robin he was sweaty and was wearing sweat pants , a white shirt, and most importantly his mask.

"Robin, I'm the alright, I just had this glorious idea!" Starfire told him

"Well, that's great Star" Robin said feeling reliefed.

"No, Robin is the more then the Great!" Starfire said as she flew out of the room and grabbing Robin along with her.

Meanwhile at 9:30 am

Both Cyborg and Raven were in the common room. Cyborg was busy with cooking breakfast which was eggs, bacon, sauges, and hasbrowns. As for Raven she was drinking her tea and reading a book as usual.


The door opens to reveal a excited Starfire jumping up and down repeatly from excitement. Than there was Robin he was curious of what Starfire had in mind.

"The good morning friends, I have a wonderful idea!" Starfire begin.

"Dose it involve being heros? Then I'll pass after traveling throw space, fighting plasmas, getting Beastboy out of Mumbos hat which took two days, fighting Dr.Light, and Looking for Beastboy. I'm beat." Cyborg said as he stirred the eggs.

"No it involves the fun we always do and speak of."

"Whatever." Raven said in her monotone voice. Starfire ignored Ravens negative attitude and continued to what she was saying.

"I think we should intend the day off fun and go to the beach and have the fun activities!" Starfire told them

"I don't care." Raven replied

"Sure that sounds. . .nice actually." Cyborg said.

Starfire looked at Robin he looked unsure at the idea. 'Something bad could happen and plus were heros what if we have to deal with fans?' Robin thought to himself but, then he seen Starfire and her puppy eyes and just couldn't say no.

"Why not." Said Robin but, he had a million reason not to go but he couldn't upset Starfire.

"Oh, glorious dear freinds!" Starfire said as she hugged Robin tightly still floating in the air and him in her arms still.

"Wait were going to the beach?" Beastboy asked. He can hear the conversation from his room thanks to his animal abilities.

"Yes, freind it will be the fun!" Star told him and throwing her arms in the air and forgetting the fact that Robin was in her arms.

BAM(I don't what kind of sound it will make when someone falls so, yup)

"Robin I'm the really sorry about that!" Starfire told him as she went to go comfort him as Robin rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's alright Star it's not your fault. Sorta" Robin told her. Starfire had lifted him up and put him on the couch and went to get him some water. As for the others both Cyborg and Beastboy were laughing and Raven just smirked.

"Hahaha, very funny." Robin said sarcastically.

"Sorry dude, It was a classic." said the green one who was now high fiving Cyborg. Starfire then flew passed looking at them and they stopped their laughing.

"Thanks Star." Said Robin and it wasn't just for the glass of water. Starfire gave him the glass, after he took a sip he said, "How about we all go get ready to go to the beach?"

"I'll grab the towers and get the T-Car ready cause, I don't need to get ready." said Cyborg.

"And I'll put on the swim wear." said Starfire as she flew out the room

"Alright than." Said  Beastboy as he ran out the room and then stopped and looked at Raven "Are you coming RaeRae?" He asked Raven as she stood up closed her book and walked over near Beastboy and said the words 'Azarath Metron Zinthos!' And two handfull of tofu flew out the refrigerator and hit Beastboy.

"I take it that you are still mad at me from taking your cloak Rae?" Beastboy asked

"How could you tell." Raven said in her sarcastic tone "Also it's Raven, you idiot" Raven said as she pushed Beastboy out the way.

"Whatever, Rave-Rae." Beastboy said as he ran passed Raven and also pulling down her hood and he left the room and Raven went after him.

Robin watched the two amazed at how complex their relationship was he just shooked his head.

"Remember its just for the day Robin. Nothing bad should happen. Well, except for Beastboy." Robin said to him self with a smirk and then left to get ready.
