Finding the Titans

"Beastboy hurry up"Raven yelled

"Im almost finshed " Beastboy yelled back

"Almost isnt one " Raven replied

"Its is now!"Beastboy shouted as he stepped back to admire his work as Raven walked next to him.

"Wow " Raven said as she looked looked at counter, ßß and Řåə were here, writtin liked that were wrote in big letters in blue, black, green, and purple icing.

"Told you I had mad art skills " Beastboy told her

"Your the best " Raven told him sarcastically

"I know Babe" Beastboy told her with a smirk

"Call me that again and I'll throw out the window"Raven told him as one of the lightbulbs broke.

"Got it Rae...even " Beastboy replied. Raven rolled her eyes as she turned to leave the room.

"I cant call you anything " Beastboy muttered to himself, luckily Raven didnt hear him.


"Where are they?"Cyborg said to himself

"ROBIN!...STAR!...BB!....RAVEN!" Cyborg yelled hoping that he'll get a response.

"Did you find them yet?" Asked a voice comming from Cyborgs arm

"No. Where could they be?"Cyborg asked

"I don't know, Im just the professor who dosnt have enough time cause Slade can come any minute!"He shiuted through the commentator.

"I can still put you and prision after this " Cyborg told him

"Jail is still better than prison"

"I call if I find any of them Chung " Cyborg told him thab hung up and countined his search. After walking for ten minutes he found a room.

"Ooh, A kitchin!"Cyborg said in excitement to him self as he walked in and opened the fridgearator and pulled out two hotdogs and ketchup.He put the hotdogs in the microwave and got bread.

"Why are you eating?"Yelled Professior Chung

"Cause I was uh " Cyborg looked aroubd and found something odd on the counter and grinned."I found clues"He told him

"Ooh, What is it?"He asked

"The counter says 'BbxRae were here' all in icing" Cyborg told him

"Great! That means their close" Chung shouted


"Uh..What was that?"Chung asked

"I did a diagnosis scan of only Ravens finger prints " Cyborg told him

"Why Ravens?"Chung asked

"Knowing Beastboy he problay touched this amd went missing with stuff in this whole place " Cyborg told him as he bugun searching for the two.


"Oh what about this " Beastboy said outloud to himself as he touched all the paintings and books in the room.

"For the last time Beastboy, the eyes will not follow you wherever you go and their is now secret passage way" Raven told him as she picked him up by the collar and dragged him out the room.

"We need to search for Cyborg" Raven told him

"Why Cyborg and not the others?"Beastboy asked as ge foldled his arms.

"Because Robin and Starfire are together searching for him as well and us on the....-"

"They can handle them selves " Beastboy interupted.

"Aanyway, like I was saying. Cyborg just...vanished, he wasn't in the room Slade had sent him and were afriad that something horrible had happened to him" Raven explained to him

"Oh...I guess " Beastboy told her as he stood up whipping off some off dust and dirt off of him and for Raven she was smirking.

"What!?"Beastboy asked

"Nothing...Just that you were jealous" Raven told him as Beastboy blushed.

"No, I wasn't!" Beastboy agurred

"Right you wernt. Thats why you wernt blushing at all as well"She told him sarcastically and he just blushed even more.

"Well you were jealous of Terra! "Beastboy shouted. Raven shot him a death glare and turned around. 'Wasnt that a convince, to make her angry' Beastboy thought to himself.

"Raven...Look im sorry " Beastboy told her

"......" Raven didnt reply

"Please or ill hold my breath " Beastboy told her as he breathed in as much as his body would let him and hold his breath.

"Beastboy stop "Raven told him plainly. Beastboy stopped and catched his breath than said,

"Ha! You forgive me?"Beastboy asked

"Maybe or maybe I didnt" Raven told him with a smirk.

"You at least care about me right?" Beastboy asked.

"Maybe or maybe not."Raven told him a again with a small smile as she slowly turned and walked away and Beastboy followed.

"Raven stop teasing me, please."Beastboy replied

"....." Raven didnt respond, on purpose.

"Please I need to know!" Beastboy shouted but, Raven didnt answer just kept waking. 

"Uh...Raven?...Raven!...RAVEN!" He shouted as he followed her as she made a left.


"Im getting closer." Cyborg said to himself.

"Are you certain?"Chung asked

"Im postive, the print and scan shows that they were here at least five minutes ago."Cyborg told him as he lefted a room filled with creepy paintings and books.

"I wonder if the eyes will follow me?"Cyborg thought to himself, outloud.

"That's rediclious!"Chung yelled.

"Okay, okay " Cyborg replied as he left the room and countined walking down the hall and making a left.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" a screm was heard coming down the hall.

"Probably Beastboy " Cyborg told him self with a chuckle as he ran down the hall.

"What was that?"Chung asked

"I don't know but im going to find out " Cyborg told him

"Was it Raven?"Chung asked

"Or Beastboy " Cyborg added

"Whatever. Lets just find them and we can get this over with. " Chung announced

"I couldn't agree more"Cybrog told him as he entered the room.


Five minutes earlier

"Boyfriend Robin what do you think happened to freind Cyborg? " Starfire asked

"I don't know Star but we will find him. I promise." Ronin said comforting her.Robin was going to kiss her but they heard footsteps and shouting.

"Star over here"Robin whispered to her and lead her to a glass window and inside there was a replica of Bloody Mary and thr two had hid behind it.

"Whatever " Raven told Beastboy

"If I were Slade I would have not take the people I kidnapped to the most obvious place on earth a villain can take them."

"But your a hero " Raven replied

"Still, if I were a villain I wouldnt take my arch nimmes to a old broken down hunted house." Beastboy explained to her.

"I agree Slade could have picked a diffrent location but maybe Slade wanted us to find him." Raven said

"Maybe, but im glad he choosed this place. "Beastboy told her

"And why is that?"Raven asked

"Cause I get to spend more time with you."Beastboy told her as he grabbed her hand a spinned her around until she stopped right in front of his face . Raven didnt say antthing she was looking at something behind him.

"Uh..Raven are you okay?"Beastboy asked.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh " Raven screamed and jumped into Beastboys arms . Beastboy spun around and seen a girl with a white dress and what looked like blood all over the dress and she had long hair that covered her face but thats when he notcied the green light behind it and the black spiky hair.

"Wait a minute."Beastboy said as he stepped closer to the bloody mary replica still with Raven in his arms. "Starfire?  Robin? "Beastboy asked, he notcied the spiked hair and green energy beems even more clear since he was closer.Than Starfire had put down the replica and smiled at the sight of her freinds.

"Sorry we thought you were someone else." Robin told him as Beastboy put Raven down.

"You should have seen the look on Ravens face " Beastboy told them.Raven just galred at him she was about to speak but Cyborg came running in.

"Beastboy was that you who screamed or Star?"Cyborg asked as he slowed down.

"No that was our freind Raven " Starfire told her than explain to him what happend.Then all the boys started laughing and Starfire tried not to laugh.

"Enough! "Raven yelled

"In sorry."Cyborg told her as he clamed down. "Alright I have a plan well we have have a plan."

"Who's we?"Robin asked

"Me and professor Chung"Cybotg told him

"The bad man who kidnapped me and freind Raven?"Starfire asked.

"Yup thats him."Cyborg told her

"Why?" Raven asked in a monotone.

"Cause it involves getting rid of Slade and food." Cyborg told the Titans.


Sorry 4 the long wait my School made me write a essa about this book and it was do the next day and I had alot of hw uhggh school.

So heres this chapter!

Were getting near the end of the book! :(

But I hope u liked this chapter and ill try 2 update soon.
